Translating watch-strings to Russian (ru)

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Key English Russian (ru)
app_name Bubble Cloud
open_error Unavailable
disclaimer2 I need to hear about problems to be able to fix them.
disclaimer3 Use the \"User feedback\" menu item in the main app. Thank you!
pref_cloud_favorites Favorites
pref_cloud_archive Archive
r_favorited Favorites
r_unfavorited Archive
left Left
right Right
edge Swipe-in/2×tap LEFT
edge_right Swipe-in/2×tap RIGHT
vibrate Vibration
bulk_archive_all Move smallest bubbles to archive side? (no undo!)
bulk_exchange Favorites↔Archive (redo to undo) Swap sides?
bulk_reset_size Change all archive bubbles to same weight? (no undo!)
bulk_wait_archive_all Archive dwarfs
bulk_wait_exchange Swap sides
bulk_wait_reset_size Reset bubbles
title_activity_nag Upgrade reminder
nag Please upgrade:
premium Bubble Clouds Premium
not_connected Please open Bubble Cloud Settings on your phone.
battery_full Full
live_info_toast Show LiveInfo
live_info_toast2 uses a bit more battery
no_name Select action
long_press_to_delete Long press to confirm to delete
send_this Send?
add_contacts_on_phone Tap here to open Bubble Cloud Widgets app on your handheld device.

Press \"Select contacts\" there.
sticky Long tap blue lock to unlock
default_cleared Default action cleared for contact
default_set Default action set for contact
Long press to clear
watchface_ambient Hollow
watchface_title Clock bubble:
wf_ambient_on Bubble outlines are shown → Saves battery on OLEDs
wf_ambient_off Full bubbles are shown → More battery use on OLEDs
intro_clock_bubble Tap Clock Bubble
BLACK: regular watchface functions
WHITE: Bubbles active
watchface_animation Bubble animation
watchface_sensitivity Reduced sensitivity
watchface_ambient_title Ambient mode
freeze_sizes Lock bubble positions
global_frozen Global freeze set in Widget preferences on phone
flash_tap_to_continue Tap screen
to continue
flash_long_press_to_exit Long press screen
to turn off
non_compatible_watchface Launch animation is not optimal. Recommended to turn off animation in expert settings. See for info
touch_to_close (Showing for 3min)
Touch to restart
sticky_auto Auto-sticky:
Long tap blue lock to unlock
keep2 Keep
force_screen_off_hint Tap red lock to keep screen on
exit_cloud_editor Please exit Cloud Editor on your phone
exit_cloud_editor2 Please exit Cloud Editor or reopen Bubble Cloud app again on the phone, or wait %d more minutes.
long_press_disabled Long press disabled
restored All are reset
again_to_restore ► Note CLEAR ALL settings + reset default clouds?
locked_toast_more Change lock behaviour in Cloud Editor (in phone app)
app_tray_title App drawer:
watchface_auto_brightness <![CDATA[AutoBright off<16%]]>
right_not_recommended Drawer on RIGHT is NOT recommended (may interfere with system)
k1 ► Note %1$.1fK
k0 %1$.0fK
active_display_brightness Set ACTIVE brightness
ambient_display_brightness Set AMBIENT brightness
augmented_transparency ► Note Set AUGMENTED watch-face transparency
ambient_brightness Also dimming ambient watchface → see setting on handheld
stop_animation Animation only shows while app is loading. Tap screen to hide animation.
enable_full_screen_clock Full screen clock is disabled in settings on Phone → App Launcher card
ring_phone Tap again to ring your phone
stand_up Stand up
stand_text Fewer than %1$d steps detected in the past %2$d minutes
dismissed Next reminder in %1$dmin
Keep card to pause reminders
no_handle No handle: show app drawer by opening Bubble Cloud app, assign to hardware button or use watch face complication
veil_on Dimming \"veil\" mode ON
veil_off Veil mode OFF
marshmallow_settings Let screen dim before using app drawer again
hidden Hidden
show_hidden Show hidden bubbles
show_hidden_hint Hidden bubbles are shown (dimmed) for a few minutes
pref_complication_bubble Add complication
complication_20 ► Note Please update Bubble Clouds to WearOS/Android Wear 2.x version in the Wear Play Store
complication_wf Wear 2.0 complications are only available for watch faces. Please use Bubble Clouds as watch face.
labels Labels
spacing_size Spacing/label size:
permissions_needed Bubble Cloud Launcher needs the following permission:
permissions_overlay <b>Draw over other apps:</b>
for the swipe behaviour to work
permissions_settings <b>Modify system settings:</b>
to be able to adjust screen brightness
permissions_phones <b>Make\u00A0and\u00A0manage phone\u00A0calls:</b>
to be able to hide app drawer when call comes in and to make calls using contact bubbles
permissions_phone_manual <i>Since you denied this earlier, need to set manually:</i>
1. tap check mark below
2. open \"Permissions\"
3. enable \"Phone\"
complication_permission 1. open \"Permissions\"
2. enable \"Receive complication data\"
enable_phone_permission 1. open \"Permissions\"
2. enable \"Phone\"
phone_app_available Please install companion phone app for added functionality.
phone_app Get Phone app
go_pro Go Premium
not_pro You already have a complication bubble. Please upgrade to Premium to remove limit
theme Theme:
dial Dial:
hour_hand Hour:
minute_hand Minute:
seconds_hand Second:
center Extra:
bubble Bubbles:
apply_all Apply All
wf_clockonly_on Long press bubbles → checkmark to show in ambient
ambient Ambient:
preview Instant preview<small>
(tap screen to return)</small>
circle Circle:
seconds Sec
ampm AM/PM
font_size Font size:
tick ► Note Ticking
detheme Clear theme
google_play Google Play Store
archive_bubbles This theme works best with %1$d bubbles or less. Move %2$d:
1. Hold bubbles to edit
2. Archive (or hide)
hint_long Long tap: edit bubbles
sticky_open 2×tap: sticky open
burn_in Prevent OLED burn in
sticky_hint Reopens app when watch wakes
burn_hint Rearranges / rotates bubbles in some layouts
day_night_brightness Day/night brightness
live_info_more More options in the Wear Cloud Editor in the phone app.
benefits Benefits:
1. Support a devoted developer
2. No more upgrade reminders
3. Unlimited complication bubbles
4. Archive layout variations
5. Paginated archive
6. 2nd longpress of the button
7. Unlimited custom themes

One time purchase use on all current and future devices.
intro_next Next ►
intro_exit ✖ Exit
intro1_modes Select usage:
intro1_watchface <b>Watch face</b><small>
Favorite cloud is your watchface → Swipe for archive bubbles</small>
intro1_appdrawer <b>App drawer</b><small>
Use with any watch face</small>
intro2_clouds Organize bubbles
into clouds:
intro3_watchface Watch face mode
intro3_aaatap_clock Tap clock bubble to switch:
intro3_aaainactive <b>Inactive (ambient) face</b><small>
Standard watch-face
gestures and functions</small>
intro3_active <b>Active face</b><small>
Use/edit bubbles
Swipe for archive</small>
intro4_settings = Settings
intro0_welcome Welcome
intro6_enjoy Enjoy
timer_long Long press to adjust
vibration (60→30→15s)
website Help website
tip Tip:
not_uniform Not uniform
dim_background Dim ⊕ background:
dim_hint Effective from next complication background update
complication_info (%1$s updated %2$d× in %3$dh)
complication_info_float (%1$s updated %2$.1f / hour)
complication_no_info (Background provider not set)
missing Missing:
complication Complication provider
retain_last Do not clear on stop
retain_last_hint ► Note Retains last image when provider clears background (e.g. Now Playing stopped)
pref_6 Do not rotate
pref_12 Up side down
pref_with_circle with circle
pref_without_circle without circle
pref_amb_full Filled bubbles (may harm OLED)
pref_amb_hollow Hollow bubbles
pref_amb_selective Selective hollow
show_hidden_summary for a few minutes
pref_haptic Haptic feedback
pref_brightness Brightness control
pref_brightness_summary tap ☀ for more
pref_day_night_brightness switch at sunset/sunrise
pref_more More options…
pref_cloud_favorites_settings Favorite cloud…
pref_cloud_favorites_summary watchface style, layout
pref_cloud_archive_settings Archive cloud(s)…
pref_settings Settings…
sortABC Sort ABC
assigned_to_1 1⨯ long press button
assigned_to_2 2⨯ long press button
not_pro_2nd Please upgrade to Premium to configure a second button press
vol_0 Warning: media volume=0
install_missing Install missing app:
drawer_drag Swipe in from edge
drawer_2x Double tap edge
drawer_drag_2x Swipe or double tap
drawer_method Open drawer:
whats_new_title New in v%1$s
whats_new_subtitle Changelog, video, help…
whats_new_forum See details on phone
whats_new_work I constantly work on to improve the app
whats_new_forum_summary Bubble Cloud on the web
whats_new_youtube Watch newest videos:
whats_new_rate 5★ rating means a lot
whats_new_rate_summary Tap here to help, please
whats_new_rate2 Please rate 5★
whats_new_rate_summary2 Let\'s be louder than haters
whats_new_thanks Thank you for using
Bubble Clouds!
whats_new_email Problems? Email me!
whats_new_email_summary I respond quickly. Try me!
empty_folder Empty folder

Long press screen
to edit folder

Long press bubbles
to move here

Tap to exit
folders_how ► Note No folders found.

Long press bubbles in Bubble Cloud launcher to add them to folders.

You will be able to open the folder using this complication.
intro5_3years I worked 5 years on this app,
please don\'t judge it too quickly.
<big><b>Let\'s talk</b></big>
I respond to every email asap.
complication_summary folder, peek card, bubble…
peek_card Long text → Peek card
peek_cards Peek card
setup_or_remove Setup or remove: tap here
remove_card Remove card
hint_peek_complication Recommended: →General →Notification preview
hint_peek_remove You can add peek card later: →Settings →Add complication
background_provider Background provider
card_size Peek card size
auto_color Color match card to icon
card20 20%
card25 25%
card30 30%
card35 35%
card40 40%
card_filter No card, if text contains:
detach_background_provider Detach back image provider
remove_others How to remove others
how_to_remove_msg Long press items to edit → Scroll down for [Delete] button (remove bubbles before you can delete a folder)
no_notifications No notifications
long_press_to_set_ambient_dimming Long press → ambient dimming
card_filter_semi Use ; to list more
remove_live_info Long press bubbles to remove/assign Live-Info
intro7_oreo Please watch
1 minute video on your phone:
<big><b>how to remove
\"Displaying over other apps\"</b></big>
system notification
recolor Adjust colors
double_tap_to_reset 2×tap seek-bars to reset
use_font Theme font for title (if supported)
hold_screen or press and hold screen within 3s
world_cup Get image providers
peek_card_exists Peek card already added
hide_on_read Hide card on read
hide_on_read_tip Tip: enable wrist gestures in WearOS to flick out for notifications
long_press_mute Long press to mute/unmute ALL sounds
adjust_variance Set size variance to fine tune this layout
color_reuse_tip Tip: Long press palette to re-use last set color
color_reused Color re-used
no_volume_dnd Fail: is DO-NOT-DISTURB enabled?
change_theme %s → %s: Change/%s
shortcut_summary Buttons, Quick swipe panel, clock…
label_button2 Bubble Cloud Button 2
label_button3 Bubble Cloud Button 3
prevent_accidental_touches Fewer unwanted taps
button_select_how_to Press button to select

Hold to open selected
font_only Restore default font
custom_image ► Note Cannot set color for themed components. Clear theme first.
intro3_tile_lock Auto open drawer
Tip: move tile to 1st position
intro3_appdrawer Open the drawer:
intro3_tile using new WearOS Tile
intro3_drag swipe in from top-left
intro3_button hardware button press
intro3_complication watch face complication
intro3_tile_hint <b>Remember:</b> add the Bubble Cloud Tile to your tiles
intro3_complication_hint <b>Remember:</b> add Bubble Cloud complication to your watch face
intro3_button_hint <b>Remember:</b> assign \"App drawer\" to button press under Settings/Shortcuts
wearos_ver Update to standalone
wearos_ver_hint for tile + complications
restore_apps_hint Swipe to exit to see next missing app

(Long press to clear list)
v961_intro3_edit_bubbles <b>Long press bubbles
to edit them:</b>
move between clouds,
change size/position,
v961_intro4_googleplus <b>Visit website:</b>
Hundreds of posts:
Feature highlights
Freebies (icons, themes)
and more!
v962_toggle_on_off If it\'s already ON, please try toggling it OFF and ON again <i>(Wear OS bug)</i>
alarm_active Alarm active (%ds)
bubble_uniform Uni-bubbles:
v966_no_voice_recognition Missing voice recognizer on this watch
v967_turn_off_liveinfo Move bubble without LiveInfo?
media_controls ► Note Media controls (via BC)
v972_crown_select_how_to Select using crown
Press other button to open
v977_recolor_icons ► Note Recolor icons in WF complications
v978_loading Loading bubbles…
v980_tap2plugin Open notification via plugin
v983_reset_undo_hint Long press label: reset / undo
v985_missing_compontents Missing components
See below!
v985_auto_wifi_off Wear OS auto enables Wifi unless it is turned off manually
v985_auto_wifi_10 Google no longer allows Wifi control in Android 10
v985_no_wf_tile No bubble tiles in watch face mode
v990_fit_st Fit Strength Bubble
v990_fit_missing Google Fit: wrong version
v993_try_again Interference. Please try again!
v994_step_permission Need
permission to show step count. Proceed?
v994_remap_button_hint → Advanced features
→ Customize keys
→ Double press
→ Bubble Cloud button 2
v994_help_overlay_hide Do you need help hiding the overlay notification?
v994_GW4_media_control_warning Blank if no media is playing
v994_Permissions_Physical_activity_Allow Permissions → Physical activity → Allow
v994_GW4_overlay → App notifications (bottom)
→ Show All
→ System Apps (bottom)
→ Android System
→ Bubble Cloud (bottom)
v994_GW4_gestures3 wrist 2×up opens plugin
v995_wrist_gestures Wrist gestures
v997_notification_card Notification card
v997_both_cards Both cards
v998_inactive_watchface ► Note Inactive watch face:
v998_primary_active Bubble Cloud (tap clock for Wear OS)
v998_primary_inactive Standard Wear OS (tap clock for Bubble Cloud)
v1005_no_upcoming No upcoming events
v1008_auto_open Auto open new notifications
v1008_ao_20 20 sec
v1008_ao_40 40 sec
v1008_ao_60 1 min
v1008_ao_90 90 sec
v1008_ao_120 2 min
v1008_ao_300 5 min
v1008_ao_600 10 min
v1009_hands_dials Default hands/dials
v1015_group_usage ► Note Usage
v1015_group_behavior Behavior
v1015_group_appearance Appearance
v1015_group_power Power &amp; control
v1016_night_vision ► Note Night vision mode
v1016_night_vision_summary Red inactive
v1016_night_vision_hint Single color channel AOD not burn in safe!
v1018_get_pack14 Get Plugin / Theme Pack on Google Play

Plugin add new <b>arc / edge complication</b> option for all Bubble Cloud watch face themes

Pack includes:
3 analog and
3 digital
watch face themes
6 multi-language fonts
v1018_phone_battery Battery (phone)
v1018_watch_battery Battery (watch)
v1020_scheduled_toggle_active_until Scheduled toggle active
301 strings (48 not yet translated)
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This translation tool is powered by PASTT: PHP Android String Translation Tool under Apache License 2.0

<!-- 2024-10-18 -->