Version 8.03 → Play Store
Slow roll-out: if you want it right away, join the beta test: http://bit.ly/bubbeta
► Remap the watch button to various shortcuts [Wear 2.0]
► Press button a 2nd time for even more functions
► Short video below explains it all
► Updated libraries (Play Services etc)
► Rotating launcher enabled by default on tablets
► Fix in-app-billing related lags in watch settings
► Crash fix in Settings on phone
► Crash fix while rendering watch face
► Crash fix in flashlight on watch
► Default (Google Assistant)
► Dimmed “Theater” mode: disable touches and dims (but doesn’t turn off) screen. HW button(s), gestures keep working
► Lock/unlock screen touch: disable touches but does not dim. Works even if you don’t have Touch Lock Bubble in the favorite cloud.
► Sunlight mode: Temporarily sets the highest brightness (until screen dims)
► Open app drawer: Long press button to access app drawer in app drawer mode (you can disable the handle)
► Timer: open the ambient clock with seconds hand and periodic vibration (useful for medical professionals)
You can assign a secondary function to the hardware button. It can be accessed by long pressing, releasing, then quickly pressing the hardware button again:
► Long – Release – Long
► You can have for example the long press open the App drawer, and a Long+Long initiate Theater mode
► or the Long press enable Sunlight mode, and the Long+Long open Timer
► There are many practical combinations
Detailed change log: http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/paid-software/app-bubble-cloud-widgets-applewatch-t2898592/post56270161#post56270161
As you can see, the app is being developed actively. If you find any bugs or crashes, please contact me so I can fix as soon as possible.
If you like the app and the progress please support the project with a 5-star rating. It helps tremendously.
Thank you!
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