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Thank you for all the feedback! I couldn’t do without you!
Change log:
►App launch animation!!! (can be turned off in on-watch settings)
►Archive cloud fix, in case of large number of archived bubbles
►Digital clock bubble hours fixed. Fixed? Paul Mortimer 
►Short instructions when Watch Face Launcher is activated: “Tap clock bubble”
►Contact bubble more visible in hollow mode
►Clock / battery was often off by a few minutes in ambient mode
►More optimization to reduce unneeded redraws → battery↓
►freeze clock when launcher is in background (other apps are running) → battery↓

More on the animation
When you tap on app bubbles, they now start to grow and when the app completes loading (in the background) the screen quickly fades over to the app. The length of the animation depends on the loading time of the app. You can turn off the animation in settings (as shown below) but it actually doesn’t increase app loading times too much.

Animation is only available in the Watch-face Launcher mode, because only through the watch face are we able to detect when the app actually finished loading in the background.

Author: greg

the dev