v9.37release2 → Play
► Attempt to fix “RemoteServiceException” in Android code (not in my app): said to be an issue in Nougat/Oreo Broadcast system
→ app drawer close direct call to hide overlay (instead of relying on Android Broadcasts)
→ removed unnecessary bluetooth / wifi change listeners (also handled via BroadcastListeners)
→ unregister battery listener on exit
► Give more specific message when trying to move unallowed bubbles/LiveInfo into folders
► Fixed appdrawer immediately closing issue
► Animated bubble sometimes disappeared from the app drawer
► External background image provider trigger (worldcupflags) interference with gesturedetector
► Icon “x” was too large in some toasts (full_cancel vs. pref_off)
► Show notification if data transfer to watch takes longer than a few seconds (i.e. icon pack applied) – API 26 requirement