I again invite you to test the coming new version at our Beta channel.
Inactivity tracker with Stand-up alert:
►Tracks your steps → not just a timer
►Fully adjustable → step count limit / reminder frequency
►No frustration: does not alert again until after you did get up
►Virtually no impact on battery life → all Bubble Cloud apps are extremely battery efficient
►Only alerts during configurable “office hours”
►Has a complete settings interface both on the watch and the phone
►Includes Visual activity chart
See demo video below…
►It is a plugin: for Bubble Cloud Launcher
►It is paid: because of the way the Play Store works I already have to ask you to buy, but during the test I set its price to the absolute minimum the Store allows (50 eu¢ / 99¢)
►I give full refunds to testers if they don’t want to keep the plugin after testing
Other big changes in the new 4.5x version:
►Much cleaner settings, finally I got to properly separate the Homescreen Widget settings from the Wear Smartwatch settings
►Navigation drawer: now fully complies with Material design
►Quicker loading time: no more black screen when opening settings
►Better integrated Wear Cloud Editor
►Easier to read hints and tips (Snackbars instead of Toasts)
Here is where you can join the beta program: http://goo.gl/MI786H
(no commitments)