v4.65beta submitted to the Play Store
►Significant feature for OLED watch users: you can now dim the ambient screen (adjust its brightness) – see below
►Fixed (?) the circle color problem reported by +Bobek Jelzin
►Few cosmetic tweaks
►Russian translation of the Android Wear component too
I have recently switched from Moto 360 to a Huawei Watch. I found:
►Always on (ambient) screen is too bright in some situations
►There is no auto-brightness (no light sensor)
The brightness control now will act differently on OLED screen watches:
►Pressing the Star symbol will switch to the ambient dim control (instead of auto-brightness)
►As you can see in the dimmed screenshot, the ambient screen can be made very very dim (ideal for movies). The notification card and the system icons will still be bright. This also saves a lot of power (and pixel life) on OLED screens.
Very few watch-faces are capable of such level of control 🙂 And this control is right on your watch-face, half a swipe away!
Version 4.73 added option to
► “Also dim ambient face at low brightness setting”
► Automatic daytime and night brightness
See post Screen brightness settings for day and night (added in v4.73)
Dim ambient screen using quick veil mode for app drawer mode:
Update – new in v6.70:
Auto dimming watch face at same time each night. See Auto ambient-dimming (introduced in v6.70)