v4.60 is now available in the Play Store
►Navigation drawer
►Wear Stand-up Alert bubble
►Usability improvements
►Bug fixes
Another leap forward in cleaning up the user interface
►Finally separated Widget and Watch settings
►Wear Cloud Editor can also be accessed from the drawer
►Permanent navigation drawer if screen width permits
►Look and feel complies with standard Material Design
My new Android Wear mini-app integrates very well with Bubble Cloud Launcher:
►The two apps share step-count monitoring → battery saving
►The step count Bubble will turn blue when you need to stand up
►Access the stand-up alert settings from your phone’s Bubble Cloud app!
See short video demo: https://youtu.be/OKYsn_DIW24
►Tracks your steps → not just a timer
►Fully adjustable → step count limit / reminder frequency
►No frustration: does not alert again until after you do get up
►Virtually no impact on battery → all Bubble Cloud apps are extremely battery efficient
►Only alerts during configurable “active hours”
►Has a complete settings interface on the watch and optionally on the phone
►Visual activity chart
Introductory lowest Play Store price:
►Snackbars instead of Toasts: variable speed hints for settings
►One-touch shortcuts on the setting cards:
→ 1-touch redraw all widgets
→ 1-touch break-out launcher tweaks
→ 1-touch clock-bubble configuration
→ 1-touch wear contact settings
►Removed (right side dot-dot-dot) menu → navigation drawer
►Much quicker app start-up
►Improved landscape and tablet view
►Updated the widget “How to” card to mention pencil and (+) icons
►Added pointer to support icon (“?” in upper right) in the welcome dialog (only appears once)
►Message displayed and Wear Cloud Editor link hidden until wear watch is detected
►New video showing how launcher compatibility works
►Contact / bookmark widgets not displayed until at least one app widget is placed
►Show help when widgets are tapped in the “Widgets How-to” card
►Added reminder (and link) to alternative Upgrade method (Premium key app)
►Display note about Huawei phones (on Huawei phones)
From app crashes to the smaller annoyances, over 20 bugs were corrected. Some:
►Wear Cloud Editor loading problems – thank you Christian Byrnes for the help!
►Much reduced memory footprint
►Wear Tasker default icon was not saved
►Cloud editor default color → prompted for multiple bubbles even if no multi selection was done
►Some Google+ links were unnecessarily shortened (since forever)
►Icon pack list drop down looked ugly in bubble edit dialog
►Screen “froze” after deleting a bubble (had to press HOME or BACK)
►stopped wear launcher from starting if it is OFF 🙂
►bug fixed for some devices where making the click sound was causing crashes
►battery level and step-count display problems
Please reward my efforts and leave a 5-star review in the Play Store if you like these.
Thank you 🙂