v6.54beta → Play

Please share:

v6.54beta → Play
► AW 2.0 / watchface: complication bubbles
► Hidden apps shown dimmed for a few minutes after hiding an app on watch (for easy reversal)
► improved brightness bar usability: vertical swiping activated ambient mode even when using the archive cloud / brightness bar
► Spanish: color picker (on phone) did not show button “Acceptar” at extremely large fonts sizes (button “PREDETERMINADO” [=”default”] took too much space)

► Create complication bubbles on the watch
► Edit / remove
► Import into Wear Cloud Editor on phone
WORK IN PROGRESS: Bubbles are still empty!

This will be great, but still a lot of work! I would love to have Android Wear 2.0 testers. Do you run the 2.0 Preview on your watch?

Author: greg

the dev