v6.70 Release candidate → Play

Please share:

v6.70 Release candidate → Play
► visual feedback if full screen clock is set (in watch face mode) → red-x over favorite icons (see screenshot)
► changed name of new smart auto layout=”Clock dial layout”
► updated its icon (more different from circular layout)
► added new tutorial video for the new smart-auto-layout
► updated “clock dial” auto layout bubble positions
► charger rotation shown if it’s not set to default
► hollow / no-bubble modes were not restored from backup
► both archive and favorite bubbles will be switched to non-hollow after icon pack is applied (icon packs are only applied to full bubbles)
► 1-click theme related settings were not backed up
► message shown if you try to change the ambient uniform color, if full-screen ambient clock is set (in watch face settings card)

Thank you to both responders! And also to everybody else who tested the new version and might not contacted me because of a lack of bugs 🙂

Thank you! (Email me if you would test, but don’t want to spend on Theme Pack #1, I can give you promo codes!)

Author: greg

the dev