v8.56beta → Play

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v8.56beta → Play
► new option in Wear Cloud Editor / Apply Icon pack: apply the “iconupon” overlay (from the icon pack) to live info bubbles (default: on)
► small adjustments in the premium upgrade page layout
► added checkered transparency visualizer to background color picker in widget configuration screen (help first time users set background color)
► if original bubble color in widget/folder was transparent adding a label distorted the icon
► new optimized refresh type only redraws the tasker bubbles if their size did not change (updateAppDataNoMove)
► made the tasker plugin edit screen scrollable (there was trouble in landscape and when keyboard open)
► updated wording: “Text in bubble” instead of the ambiguous “Label” in the Tasker Plugin. The label for Tasker bubbles is always the name of the task.
► trim task name in Tasker Plugin edit window to avoid accidental trailing spaces to prevent bubble updates
► updated the wording for “bubble size” on the watch. Now I refer to it as “Bubble weight”, since in many layouts this value controls order or priority
► sped up cloud refresh on the watch when we change settings on the phone

Author: greg

the dev