version 7.51 → Play Store
► EXPERT: hide theme pack launcher icons on phone (to greatly reduce the clutter in your app drawer!) → details
► Direct links to Play Store / App Info on watch → details
► expert option on watch: enable/disable tap/long-tap clock for timer
► expert option on watch: rotate watch face when on charger
► Updated wearable libraries to newest version (2.0.1)
► Updated all 7 theme packs to support hiding
► light color world clock bubbles now use black text for readability
► new option “hide theme pack icons” was not included in backup
► prepare app to work on 18.9:9 aspect ratio phones (LG G6, Samsung S8 and even “wider” screen phones)
► Improved What’s New dialog now shows Youtube preview
Detailed change log: http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/paid-software/app-bubble-cloud-widgets-applewatch-t2898592/post56270161#post56270161
As you can see, the app is being updated regularly. If you find any bugs or crashes, please contact me so I can fix as soon as possible.
If you like the app and the progress please support the project with a 5-star rating. It helps tremendously.
Thank you!
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