Version 9.02 → Play Store
Emergency update because of Google’s button-remap picker 🙁
► Added alternative unlock method for dimmed theater mode in case button long press does not work: short tap then hold screen within 3 seconds
► New expert option to disable long press screen to unlock theater mode (useful if you are willing to disable or downgrade the Google Assistant)
► Much improved watch↔phone connection!!
► Big, under-the-hood update: runtime permissions
► Sampler Theme Pack #0 is in slot-1 when not yet installed, and always in at least slot-2 (slot-1 after use) if installed in the list of themes on the watch
► Fixed crash when opening homescreen cloud config screen
► Fixed crash in layout designer (missing icon)
► Peek card appeared as complication while “Show hidden apps”
► I had to disable wifi tethering toggle for Android O and later. Google no longer allows 🙁
Good news: I am confident the connection between phone and watch is much much more reliable now! No more need to reboot watch to connect before entering Wear Cloud Editor. I am very excited for this improvement!
Personally I’m not a fan of apps constantly asking for permissions, but Google has been pushing us, developers into the runtime permission model. I finally gave in. In my opinion it’s a hassle for the users and was a bunch of work for me. But as they say at the TSA: “security is inconvenient…”
There is no way back now, Google prevents apps to go back once we embrace the runtime model. I hope I did it as unobtrusively as possible — only requesting permissions which are necessary. Here are some of the highlights:
► Ask for coarse location access (~city) for day/night brightness on the very first connection to the watch
► Request permissions after creating a contact home screen widget
► Request permissions when you enter Wear Contact management
► Request permission when you set bubble action to phone call
► Request permission when filter by recent calls
► Request location permission for weather / sunset / sunrise
► Show notification if location is disabled or permission denied
► Request necessary permissions after restoring a backup
► Show toast if action is blocked by denied permission
All permissions are automatically granted if you update from previous version. The permissions are constantly monitored and re-requested when needed.
Detailed change log: http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/paid-software/app-bubble-cloud-widgets-applewatch-t2898592/post56270161#post56270161
As you can see, ton of new things added, the app is being developed actively. If you find any bugs or crashes, please contact me so I can fix as soon as possible.
My app is getting an increased number bad ratings lately. If you like the app and the progress please support the project with a 5★ rating. It helps tremendously: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dyna.logix.bookmarkbubbles
Thank you!
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#widgets #theming #personalization #novalauncher #launcher