Version 9.38 → Play Store (both Widget + Wear apps)
Slow roll-out. To get it now, join beta test: http://bit.ly/bubbeta
► Much improved watch face performance
► New option: Wrist gestures/Crown to show/hide peek card
► Rotary crown scrolls app-drawer horizontally (LG Watch Sport/Style)
► Long press palette icons to reuse last set color (this lets you set multiple items to the exact same color on the watch!)
► Hidden trick: long press image background icon to change background color
► Create bookmark bubbles in any widget/folder (select destination cloud in the “Add bookmark” screen)
► Contact clouds now attempt to automatically relink missing/moved contacts (when opened in petal mode in phone widget/folder)
…for details see multiple previous posts, or in collection: https://plus.google.com/b/111815032990260235809/collection/oryXV
► While working in Wear Cloud Editor watch will now show the folder when editing a bubble which is in that folder (earlier the folder was only shown when editing the folder bubble itself)
► Improved reliability for complications (background, peek card disappeared after app update until one switched to a different watch face and back)
► Illustrated Toast messages Oreo devices
► No more notification indicator (white circle at the bottom of watch face)
► New toggle bubbles should not be animated even if animation is enabled
► Do not tint Google Voice Search bubble
► Sub-version number displayed in Settings on watch
► Copy settings to the clipboard before sending email to dev and show instructions to email manually and how to paste the settings (in case email app fails to open)
► Warning for Mini Desktop Launcher users – it does not allow widgets
► Hide expert setting “Override swipe to change face” on the watch when “Priority for Active cloud” is disabled
► Phone color picker will not store same color twice in color history
► Give more specific message when trying to move unallowed bubbles/LiveInfo into folders
► Show notification if data transfer to watch takes longer than a few seconds (i.e. icon pack applied) – API 26 requirement
► Optionally increased the size of the force-exit tab also (the larger sticky tab setting affects this too)
► Stop overscroll to quick swipe panel [Bas Ammerlaan]
► Changed the wording “remove card” instead of just “delete”
► New dummy peek card for new users: makes it easier to set up peek card
► In Wear Contacts “resync with watch” now also relinks moved contacts
► Click contact picture to get back to contact cloud
► Complication permission request moved to just before complication picker
► Complication access permission removal is now handled more gracefully (tap bubble/card to re-request permission)
► Complications show up quicker after they are added
► Corrected alert layout problems on smaller screen phones (some dialog buttons were not visible)
► Hidden apps did not show on Wear 1.x (now dimmed)
► Crash when using volume control while do-not-disturb mode is turned on → give warning instead of crash
► Workaround for WearOS bug where watch face is not notified to hide on wrist gesture notification access: enable the new expert option “Wrist gestures”
► Watch screen was not kept on while working in Wear Cloud Editor
► Clock hands did not appear or seconds hand got stuck on watch after entering / returning to Wear Cloud Editor
► Could not edit bubbles in folders if the app drawer was disabled
► Bug that caused ambient circles to appear/disappear after opening folders
► Fixed the icon in the header of the folder edit dialog
► Fix a reported data corruption (wP.clock)
► Flashlight and contact screens did not stay on long enough
► When swiping away card in Wear Cloud Editor the card did not exit smoothly
► When swiping away card in preview watchface the card did not exit smoothly
► Wear Cloud Editor youtube/live info icon was sometimes white in list
► Wear Cloud Editor app icon spacing fixed in header (adaptive icon side effect)
► Eliminated some of the “double folders” (when you exit a folder to get into the same folder)
► Reduced flickering when moving between setting screens
► Phone color picker will no longer store color if it already exists in color history
► Fixed a reported crash in Wear Cloud Editor
► Active mode priority option (in settings on the phone) was not updated from the watch correctly
► Disconnection icon in phone app not shown if watch was never connected
► “Disconnected” toast is not shown in emulator
► Improved transition between bubble cloud screens (avoid occasional watch face flicker)
► Charging sound inhibition issues fixed
► Fixed appdrawer immediately closing issue
► Animated bubble sometimes disappeared from the app drawer
► External background image provider trigger (worldcupflags) interference with gesturedetector
► Quick swipe panel icon renamed to “.png”
► Close database before waiting in startBubble (widget/folder)
► Remove peek card option in Settings/Complications did not work
► Fixed a reported crash when an app is assigned to the single long press of the HW button (not 2nd function) and the user long presses twice
It might not be obvious from the change log, but this release also carries major internal changes: API 26 update → Android Oreo brings a lot of new restrictions for apps. These needed modification:
► detection of app installs and uninstalls for launcher
► charger detection
► stand up alert notification channels
► background operation
► new overlay type interferes with standard Toast messages
I worked hard to prevent loss of functionality because of these restrictions, but if you find any bug or unexpected behaviour, please let me know!
Detailed change log: http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/paid-software/app-bubble-cloud-widgets-applewatch-t2898592/post56270161#post56270161
As you can see, ton of new things added, the app is being developed actively. If you find any bugs or crashes, please contact me so I can fix as soon as possible.
My app is getting an increased number bad ratings lately. If you like the app and the progress please support the project with a 5★ rating. It helps tremendously: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dyna.logix.bookmarkbubbles
Thank you!
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