v6.14beta (Watch update) → Play

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v6.14beta (Watch update) → Play
+►option to remove favorites cloud (merge into archive)
*►crash fix when importing wear backup
*►animation related crash fix on watch
*►wear cloud editor crash fix
*►app-drawer start glitch if drawer is on the right
~►slightly increased icon label font size
+►free version → choice of two smart auto layouts (new default: vari columnar)

https://goo.gl/rHd2A3 → 29% is a big minority
►it really was a day’s work (16 hours)
►the favorite bubbles are not hidden, instead they are added to the archive cloud (as the largest in the archive)
►the two are managed separately even if merged
►this allows for reversibility (if option turned off, favorites are restored)
►if you don’t want favorites, move all to archive
►reminder: red X over favorite icons everywhere in app
►you can hide the favorites but still keep the brightness bar

Please test thoroughly, because this change affected a very big portion of the source code (backup your settings before testing!)

Author: greg

the dev