v8.98beta → Play

v8.98beta → Play
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v8.98beta → Play
► Added free weekly sampler theme “pack” #0 (each week get a different paid theme for free – to be published soon!)
► New option: use theme font in peek card (only supported in #8 or newer theme packs)
► Use peek card text as title if text is short and notification has no title
► Peek card text centered if no icon [known issue: not centered in ambient mode]
► Bug fixed: background color was not previewed/applied if it was picked after adjusting theme background image color [introduced in v8.97beta]

The screenshot shows the theme font applied to the peek card title:
► “Engagement” theme from pack #10 [not yet released]
► background image luminance maxed out, saturation=0
► peek card adaptive background color enabled
► peek card transparency=15%

Author: greg

the dev