v9.05beta → Play

v9.05beta → Play
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v9.05beta → Play
► New initial option: grant every permission all at once
► Ringmode bubble shown/hidden automatically when permission is given or denied
► Background image provider does not count toward free complication limit
► Keep background image provider id
► Show icon placeholder instead of crashing (crash reported by Jörg Irran – thank you!)

This is my solution for constant bugging. If you already trust my app (maybe you are installing it on a new device) you now have the option to give all the permissions in the beginning, so you are not going to be bothered by permission requests later in the Wear app. If you check this checkbox, the app will prompt you for contact related and do-not-disturb-mode permissions too.

Please let me know if the following translations make sense:
► Richiedi tutte le autorizzazioni ora in anticipo
► Demander toutes les autorisations maintenant en avance
► Solicite todas as permissões agora antecipadamente
► Solicite todos los permisos ahora por adelantado
► Fordern jetzt alle Berechtigungen im Voraus an
► Vraag nu alle rechten vooraf
► Zażądaj wszystkich uprawnień teraz z góry
► Запросить все разрешения сейчас заранее
► 預先請求所有權限

Author: greg

the dev