v9.42beta2 → Play
► New analog↔digital clock toggle bubble see below
► App drawer opening complication did not always work on Android Oreo
Quickly switch between analog and digital clock bubble. Keep it on your watch face or move it to a folder or in your app drawer. Tapping this new bubble will switch between the 3 types of clock bubble:
► Analog
► Multi-line digital
► Single-line digital
It will preserve your layout, unless you have full screen clock layout selected (then it will cycle thru Clock→Off-Center→Split layouts). Works the same way as the 3-way toggle in the Clock settings on the watch.
► You can assign live info to this bubble, so your unread count or any other LiveInfo bubble can be your quick toggle!
► If used often, you can also assign this bubble’s action to the long press of the HW button!
► More customization planned – soon we will be able to assign actions (including this one) to the long press / double tap of the clock bubble!