Version 8.23 → Play Store
Slow roll-out: if you want it right away, join the beta test: http://bit.ly/bubbeta
► Expert option on watch to add “Show/Hide app-drawer/clock” launcher icon (which can be assigned to secondary hardware buttons – e.g. ZenWatch 3, HuaweiWatch 2)
► Peek bubbles are now off by default
► “Override swipe-to-change-face” option also in the settings on phone
► Optimized sync between phone/watch
► Improved grouping, wording of expert options on watch
The screenshots below show the new menu item grouping with (mostly) the default settings in watch-face mode
► Few settings were not backed up
► Rare crash while asking for permissions on watch
► Rare crash while adding a complication to watch face
► Fixed a rare crash when opening app bubbles on the watch (with animation)
► Center analog clock bubble piece (“top”) was not cleared when theme was applied using the phone app – Thank you Rose Languste for reporting the bug
Detailed change log: http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/paid-software/app-bubble-cloud-widgets-applewatch-t2898592/post56270161#post56270161
As you can see, the app is being developed actively. If you find any bugs or crashes, please contact me so I can fix as soon as possible.
If you like the app and the progress please support the project with a 5-star rating. It helps tremendously.
Thank you!
#aw20 #standalone #androidwear #moto360 #hwatch #zenwatch2 #lggwatch #sonysmartwatch3 #sonysw3 #lgwatchurbane #watchfaces #watchface #HuaweiWatch #LGUrbane #Smartwatch3 #zenwatch3 #androidwear2 #complications #remap #button