The internal test is complete, app is now submitted to Google for approval. As soon as they approve, Beta testers will have access to the new “Arc” Theme Pack and all the arc settings in the main app. I keep you posted!
Big thank you to the internal testers for all the valuable feedback and polish they brought to this release!
You can see a color variant of the new “K2D12” theme featuring the all new Bubble Cloud battery watch face complications (which will be available for use in other watch faces as well!)
You are still in control
- the color of the theme (lime being the default, but it can be changed with 2 clicks)
- the number of arcs 1-4, their position and content (short and long text and range types all supported)
- the thickness (width) of the arcs, the watch dial can be reduced to make room for (almost) any width
- the favorite bubbles are moved to the first page of the app drawer by default, but we are free to add some of them to the watch face. We can also add text fields
- we can control the low power / ambient mode colors independently from the active colors
Big special thank you goes to Joseph Rubin for all his contributions, especially regarding the new Stint12 theme. Here is his take on this classically inspired 1-click theme (the stock version included in the theme pack can be seen here)
New battery complications
The new, internal battery complications use the watch and phone icons (with their burn in safe wireframe variants!!!), single tap for instant refresh, or double tap to open Essential Mode settings (on the Ticwatch) and the “Find my phone” feature.
Last minute changes
- lower arcs have text facing out for readability
- a more condensed version of the Stint Ultra font included in the theme
- increased the maximum number of bubbles in the “half+half split” layout to 13 (probably a bit too many)
The new smart auto layout variant combined with the arc complications provides a great area for notification icons. I can now set the maximum number or icons to very high, as they will just get smaller when I have a lot of unread notifications on my phone. All other info can be shown using arced and regular text field complications!