Fellow beta tester, Lorence Marsdin please email me if you have a problem, or leave a comment in the beta tester community.

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Fellow beta tester, Lorence Marsdin please email me if you have a problem, or leave a comment in the beta tester community.

Having trouble uninstalling? That’s an Android Wear issue 🙁

On Android Wear 1.x the operating system is responsible for installing/uninstalling the watch component. It fails if there is a connectivity problem. Make sure watch is connected, install app again on phone, then uninstall again. It should be removed automatically.

Contact me, I’d be happy to help!

One more 1-star rating and the app is down from 4.2 to 4.1. It was a beautiful 2 years being at 4.2 average… 🙁 🙁 🙁

Author: greg

the dev