9 years of development!
Over 4000 improvements over the years in over 1000 app-updates (700 beta + 370 production releases) since 2014…
+ new feature [1536]
* bug fix [1971]
~ change [547]
– removed function [55]
= also affects widget-only app
Click version number 📑 to see detailed post on changes
~Wear OS 4 tiles out of beta, for new installs it’s now the default on Wear OS 2.4 and higher
+Implemented Wear OS 4 Settings Tile
+optimized Tile show / hide routine
📑beta 1:
+added scrollbars to scrollable content
📑beta 2:
+rotary input, black background on folder complication page
+removed dummy peek card (in first week after release) “text cut off”
*fixed the OS crash with swipe-to-dismiss (updated to AppActivityCompat)
~updated libraries (compileSdk 33→34, androidx.wear 1.2.0→1.3.0, androidx.appcompat 1.4.0→1.6.1, androidx.core 1.6.0→1.12.0, kotlin 1.6.10→1.8.22)
📑beta 3:
~improved rotary vibration
📑public release 4:
*black background behind Dialogs and PrefSelectors
*corrected screen fit for other languages
*changed Pack 14 “Coming soon” → “Play Store”
*added rotary input to Alert Dialogs
📑beta 1:
*added rotary input to Permission and Premium upgrade screens
*fixed inactive watchface unresponsive issue in overlay mode
+ready for Premium Key update
*=fixed issue with updated Premium Key
📑beta 2:
*=selecting individual icons from adaptive icon packs [Tonya Maddox]
📑beta 3:
*=improved communication with Premium Key (v605 on phone and watch)
*some on-screen buttons were not readable on Wear OS 4
*Adjusted intro text to fit on screen
+new parts of the app are now in Kotlin
*watch face overlay mode issue on Wear OS 4 fixed
+new Expert / Behavior option “Wear OS 4 tiles (beta)”
+new tiles using the official tile api (does not work on old watches)
~tiles are now available even in watch face mode
📑beta 1:
*added scroll-wheel to intro screens
~fit text to intro screens
+prompt for Wear OS 4 tiles on intro screens
📑release 2:
~increased text size in intro (hoping to pass new Wear OS 4 policy approval)
📑beta 3:
*folder tile labels fixed
~Wear OS 4 tiles are enabled by default on Wear OS 4 watches
📑beta 4:
*fixed bubble appearance in new Wear OS 4 tiles
~black background for menus and intro screens (new Wear OS 3 requirement)
+icon splash screen (new Wear OS 3 requirement)
~font size increase and layout adjustments
📑beta 1:
~changed to circular, gray icon
*hopefully fixed splash icon for Play Store adherence
~phone app target API 33, gradle upgrade
*hopefully fixed tiles for Galaxy Watch 6 [Piotr Korszla, Darryl O’Donovan and others]
📑beta 2:
*Play Services 18 for MessageListenerService to work on API 33 (https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/240108940)
*Clock bubble edit screen incorrectly had some live info options on the watch
*updated German translations [Angelika]
+new “Recents bubble” on Wear OS 3 watches, which take you to the list of recently opened apps
*it now works on Wear OS 3 as well: if folder is opened via hardware button, you can use crown to select and secondary button to open bubbles
+app will take you to the new Mobvoi Health app if a TicWatch Pro 5 has connection issues
+new house ads in the Free version of the app for TicWatch charging puc
📑beta 1:
📑beta 2:
*spelling fix (ticpuck ad)
📑beta 3:
*folder via button/crown on Wear OS only worked with app bubbles, now button will also activate everything else (Tasker, smarthome etc) [ArtaY]
*instructional toast message will now be removed after first successful use of the crown/button in a folder
+customize “Recents” button on Wear OS 3 (TicWatch Pro 5)
📑beta 1:
*Assigning hardware button shortcuts in the Bubble Edit screen did not enable remapping (we had to visit the Shortcuts screen)
*flash light bubble could not be opened from folder bubble via HW button press [Carlos Simões]
📑beta 1:
*time based arc complications not updating in active + full-color inactive modes [Carlos Simões]
+scheduled toggles will now work even if Bubble Cloud is not active (not used as watch face or overlay app drawer) – similar to battery full alert, app now shows a persistent notification so the OS will no longer kill or “optimize out” the alarm [Pawel Kaczmarczyk]
*internal arc widget improvements
📑beta 1:
*improve how time is handled in scheduled toggles (even if hours>23 or min>59)
*show persistent notification for battery watcher and scheduled toggles if not in watch face mode, regardless of overlay mode
📑beta 2:
+persistent notification will show the scheduled time “until ~hh:mm” (notice the ~ because in Wear OS 3 alarms are no longer exact)
📑beta 3:
*arc tap/long-press detection with option “full clock only” / “ambient clock only” [Marko Lazic]
📑release 4:
*disappearing custom themes button in settings on the watch (if no undo)
+=prepared clock widget to handle new Theme Pack #14
~link to the detailed theme pack 14 page (https://bubble.dynalogix.eu/arc-theme-pack-beta-test-start/)
*update ambient mode date bubble as well
+youtube icon in Arc Complication section links to new video https://youtu.be/u5Lk1ZaBGFU
~what’s new page shows new video (phone + watch)
+new option “Online help…” at the bottom of the Arc Complication section links to webpage
~updated analog themes in Arc Pack (improved low-power ambient mode)
~shared arc settings (width, margin etc) are not hidden for disabled arcs in the Arc Settings screen on the watch
📑beta 1:
*range type arc complications will show the text centered in the arc as long as the last word in the text doesn’t fit into the progress bar [No Mo]
*range type arc complications will not show words split in half (it will only show the last word until the whole text would not fit)
📑beta 2:
+translations for new strings
~arc complications out of beta (remove “coming soon”)
📑public release 3:
*fixed AOD sometimes getting stuck in full-color mode
~=updated widget clock pack #14 teaser
+=widget release 10.19.3 (ready for pack #14)
📑release 4:
*fix 10.19.3 AOD fix causing rare crash in watch face
*fix crash “s” on location received on phone
*fix crash on gestureDetectActivity resume
*fix rare crash while drawing arcs
+rim/inner arc complications (via Theme Pack #14) [thank you: Alan Zeng]
+new “half+half split” smart auto layout variant if clock is shifted
+indicate exit/BACK functionality on top of settings screens on the watch
~Text fields and arc complications are now visible in ambient mode even if “full-clock only” is enabled
+long press detection on elements near the edges of the watch face in inactive mode
+in the favorite cloud settings screen you can long press text field circles to toggle text fields and arc/edge complications on/off without visiting their settings screen
+arc complication settings on the phone
*correct indicator arrow positions on rotated screens
~more bubbles fit in non-round split layouts
+extended theme pack parameters (ready for Theme Pack #14)
*custom theme restore archive layout unnecessarily prompted for pro for some layouts
*custom theme restored worded clock even when unselected
*merge_favs caused the wrong margin and text-field shift values to be used (since layout becomes AMORPHOUS)
*pointer wasn’t reset to default if a theme did not have a gauge pointer (it did reset the gauge itself)
*favorite settings on the watch should not hide text-field controls when full-clock-only is enabled
📑internal test 1: (version bump)
📑internal test 2:
*watch face sometimes did not go into low power ambient mode: optimized unnecessary watch face redraws
*arc complication width preview on the phone did not show correctly
*arc complication colors show when plugin is not installed
*better prompt to install wearable component of a missing theme pack on the watch
📑internal test 3:
*non-overlay mode clock bubble disappearing issue after exiting settings screens where we used preview (cause: delayed hidedrawer using updateview)
📑internal test 4:
+flip text in range type lower arcs as well
+internal phone battery widget (phone symbol): tap for instant refresh, double tap for “Find my phone” functionality
+internal watch battery widget (watch symbol): tap for instant refresh
📑beta 5:
+double tap internal watch battery complication to open Essential Mode settings on TicWatch (single tap to refresh)
📑beta 6:
+”clear theme” on watch will now turn off arcs and text fields as well, also reset date / clock bubble colors
*improved non-overlay mode watch face (disappearing clock / black watch face issues)
*improved date bubble layout
~if a 1-click theme contains a second hand it will be enalbed when applying the them
*updated Greek translation [big thank you to Nicolaos Alexandropoulos/ΝιϘολαοσ Αλεξανδροπουλοσ]
📑beta 1:
~don’t advertise overlay mode for Wear OS 3 users (OS warning no longer can be hidden, overlay might glitch on GW5Pro)
~increase phone battery sampling freq when phone is connected to charger [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
+night vision watch face mode
*updated translation of some Hungarian strings
📑beta 1:
~=re-enabled AutoFit widget option on OneUI 4 [Rudolf Szita]
📑beta 2:
*=improved widget layouts with dimension “1” (1×1,N×1,1×N) [Rudolf Szita]
📑beta 3:
*=improved Polish translations [Adam Sitkiewicz]
+=new expert home screen widget option: “Random rotation after clicks” → rearranges the cloud after bubble clicks, even if all bubbles have same weight [Patrick Lam]
📑beta 4:
*watch silencer bubble did not work in app-drawer mode [Mark Davis]
📑beta 5:
+detect Galaxy Watch 5, Fossil Gen 6 plugins correctly [Mauro]
+we can now delete non-empty folders in Wear Cloud Editor (on the phone). Bubbles will be moved to the parent cloud (or app drawer) [2realist4u]
+prepare for targeting Android 12:
+BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission for bt toggle and wear bt toggle bubbles (notification, WearAppListActivity, BubbleEditActivity)
+Weather permission request notification (PendingIntent.Service→Activity)
*improve Battery Full Alert
~grouped settings under “More options” on the watch into 4 unfoldable categories: Usage, Behavior, Appearance, Power & control
+emphasized group heddings in Expert settings on the watch
📑internal test 1:
*=reallow launcher calibration under OneUI5 (reversed some of the changes for OneUI4)