Version 9.43 → Play Store
► Ready for new Notification bubbles (paid plugin – introductory price!)
See next post for details: Notification Icons on watch face
Here is another short video about the Notification Bubbles:
► When applying themes, use seconds color as optional icon/overflow text color in notification bubbles (when overridden)
► Further improved phone / watch connection
► Much improved app drawer refresh speed (less layout inflation)
► Wear Cloud Editor now indicates ongoing communication with the watch (sync icon shrinks and stays in the action bar for the duration of the data transfer)
► Date day also gets seconds color if defined in theme
► Analog theme packs can set “nonclockmargin” for their digital variants
► Improved layout for Bubble Edit screen on watch
► Teaser icons for the new Status Bubbles theme (watch + phone)
► Number of recommended bubbles for analog themes increased 4 to 6
► Sometimes refreshed before sync completed
► Eliminated the flashing when bubbles are clicked on the inactive watch face with the gesture detection enabled
► Fixed long press inactive watch face to switch watch faces
► Sometimes failed to bring up watch face picker when turning off Bubble Cloud
► Sometimes the inactive watch face would be blank
► Ambient bubbles were drawn even after switching from watch-face mode to app-drawer mode (caused notification bubbles to fail)
► Ongoing notification is removed when app is killed and restarted in the background [Meir Miyara]
Detailed change log: http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/paid-software/app-bubble-cloud-widgets-applewatch-t2898592/post56270161#post56270161
As you can see, ton of new things added, the app is being developed actively. If you find any bugs or crashes, please contact me so I can fix as soon as possible.
My app is getting an increased number bad ratings lately. If you like the app and the progress please support the project with a 5★ rating. It helps tremendously: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dyna.logix.bookmarkbubbles
Thank you!
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#widgets #theming #personalization #novalauncher #launcher #notification