What’s new
Android 11 compliance i.e. targeting API30 (package visibility update)
- Fixed crash when exiting homescreen widget clock bubble edit screen
- Fixed crash when exiting wear os fragment in main app
- Workaround for disappearing apps issue (they will show up as hidden in the Wear Cloud Editor) [reported by Brian Bourke]
- Fixed multiple peek card complication settings hanging around (all are now removed when you remove the peek card)
- Fixed background weather update issues related to Android 11 changes [reported by Darrell McTague, C Briggs, Mattias Molin – thank you!!]
Dark November
Each year Google removes functionality from Android. Before it affected our ability to send text or initiate calls from the watch, 2 years ago they took away a popular option to toggle Wifi hotspot programmatically (from the watch), last year we lost the ability to toggle wifi both on the watch and on the phone. Every year November 1 is a bad day, because that’s when we are forced to update our apps to the more and more restricted API levels, and take the heat from our users for losing functionality. This year however Google took away something essential: we can no longer query installed apps, unless we get special permission from Google, which they almost never give, not to small developers like I am. Without permission, both my home screen widget app and the Wear OS launcher would have been dead. Good news, after weeks of dread I found a workaround which I have now implemented in the app, so Bubble Cloud is not dead after all. At least not this year. With Google unfortunately we never know.
Version 9.97 is the first that complies with the new Android restrictions, it is currently rolling out to beta testers. We already caught issues with the background updates to the weather live info. I plan to keep this release in beta longer to make sure everything is working well in the production release.
Please test and report any issues
I give this version now into the hands of beta testers. You are the first to enjoy these new features, but in return for the early access I ask you to report any problems you find:
- crashes, hangs, regression issues (especially if they are reproducible)
- operation problems (unexpected behavior, mistakes)
- grammatical errors in text
- layout color / visibility / alignment problems (it helps if you include a screenshot)
- illogical or missing functionality
- further improvement suggestions
Thank you for your help!
See: become a beta tester