What’s new
- Home screen widget compatibility fixes for updated Samsung OneUI 5 phones (details here)
- RichImage theme export label problem when backgrounds total width was less than dials+hands width [discovered by Joseph Rubin]
Was OK (hands+dials width<background width):
Had problem (hands+dials width>background width) – now fixed!
(you can actually import the themes above as explained here) - Updated weather hollow bubble colors to include two shades depending on cloud / rain intensity (lighter colors mean lower intensity) [Joseph Rubin]
- yellow = clear, blue = cloudy, green = rainy, white = snowy, gray = foggy, red = stormy
- Tasker battery calls now added all battery level values from 5% to 100% in 5% increments (5%,10%,15%…95%,100%)
- Show WearBattery task status as soon as you check the option “Tasker on charger”
- Removed duplications in text field content history [Joseph Rubin]
Please test and report any issues
I give this version now into the hands of beta testers. You are the first to enjoy these new features, but in return for the early access I ask you to report any problems you find:
- crashes, hangs, regression issues (especially if they are reproducible)
- operation problems (unexpected behavior, mistakes)
- grammatical errors in text
- layout color / visibility / alignment problems (it helps if you include a screenshot)
- illogical or missing functionality
- further improvement suggestions
Thank you for your help!
See: become a beta tester