Tip: Rich Image hosting

Please share:

imgbb offers free image hosting which doesn’t modify image metadata, ideal for Bubble Cloud Rich-images!

Upload your files here:


Share your files on Reddit, Disqus and other forums.


Copy the image address from the “HTML full linked” embed code, and paste it into your comment:

Important: The “HTML thumbnail linked” is not usable! It’s a modified version.


Paste it directly into a reddit comment, or use the format:

[Bubble Cloud Theme](https://i.ibb.co/RP2ZkBy/Bubble-Cloud-Theme.png)


Bubble Cloud is not associated with imgbb.com in any way. I simply searched for image hosting that doesn’t alter uploaded images.  Let me know in the comments if you know of other such image hosting services.

Services which alter images

None of these are usable to share Rich-images, since they all recompress/modify the uploaded images:

  • Google Photos
  • Reddit direct image posting
  • Imgur
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Author: greg

the dev