v6.00 (release candidate) → Play

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v6.00 (release candidate) → Play
*►language update (translated new strings to all 10 languages using Google Translate, hoping for native translations eventually at http://trans-bcw.dataglobe.eu)
+►contact folder button is grayed out in free version (to make it clear what’s available in the free version)
+►ask later (in feedback request screen) will always double the time between queries (3 days → 6 days → 12 days etc)
~►rephrased the first paragraph of the “Widgets how-to” card: “Please watch demo videos” → “Help videos show you how” (people kept thinking this was just a demo)
~►fab is automatically opened and text labels are shown if fewer than 2 clouds are listed in the “Widgets + folders” screen

Author: greg

the dev