v8.16beta → Play

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v8.16beta → Play
► new LiveInfo: watch notification count (total, unread, unread/total)
► optimized complication updates when using theme fonts
► improved detection of non-android-wear watches
► fixed a rare phone battery related crash affecting a few watches

You can now have the notification count as live info:
► assign LiveInfo to any app
► tap bubble to open app (save space on your watch face)
► tap (+i) in Wear Cloud Editor on watch to assign
► or long press any bubble on watch to assign to it
► of course you can still add unread count watchface complication
Note: this LiveInfo is not available in app-drawer mode
Choose to show:
► total number of notifications
► number of unread notifications (same as complication)
► combined unread / total

Author: greg

the dev