v8.76beta → Play

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v8.76beta → Play
smaller improvements and many more bugs removed!
► the different types of bubbles (regular apps/folders/http/phone apps/complications/tasker) are now grouped together in Wear Cloud Editor when sorted alphabetically
► bug: wear folder bubble edit controls in Bubble Editor instead of widget folder controls
► bug: folder bubble weight was reset to 1 every time you edited its bubble
► watch will vibrate when entering wear cloud editor / folder to remind you the preview is shown there
► wear cloud editor triggered the preview on the watch only for the first edited folder (still not perfect but better, needs more work)
► increased Wear Cloud Edit idle time from 3 to 10 minutes (auto exit cloud edit mode after 10 minutes)
► exit Cloud Edit mode as soon as the Bubble Cloud app is opened on phone
► updated message on watch to suggest ways to exit Cloud Edit modes (worse case if Android Wear connectivity problem locks user out)
► much improved “Apply icon pack” in Wear Cloud Editor to circumvent faulty “iconupon” bug in certain icon packs
► when applying wear icon pack, the lightest back will show up as default (it used to be random). The lightest is usually the best for theming.
► improved appearance of themed weather live info bubbles
► improved text visibility on icon pack themed live bubbles

Author: greg

the dev