v9.29beta → Play

v9.29beta → Play
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v9.29beta → Play
New toggle bubbles on watch: [Rute Geno]
► Phone Bluetooth
► Watch Bluetooth
► Watch Wifi
► Watch sound mute/unmute

The initial rollout of this version has a bug. Please keep checking for updates in the Play Store. I posted the fix now, it should show up within an hour or so (Peek card crashes when new notifications come in)

► Long press volume icon (in quick panel) to mute watch
► Added vibration to volume/brightness icon touches
► Updated wifi, ringmode, flashlight, timer bubble images
► Changed default wifi bubble color to purple, new bluetooth bubbles are blue

► Theme pack bubbles are now removed from widgets on uninstall
► Theme pack bubbles are now added to autopopulated widgets on install

► Peek card text filter case sensitivity bug fixed and leading/trailing spaces disregarded

Some of the new bubbles are hidden by default. You can enable them from the Wear Cloud Editor or showing hidden bubbles on the watch

Author: greg

the dev