Version 9.20 → Play Store
Slow roll-out. To get it right away, join beta test: http://bit.ly/bubbeta
► New “Petal options” around bubbles:
→ SmartHome bubbles on phone and watch
→ Contact bubbles on the phone → video 2:25
► New folder options Rounded corners etc → https://youtu.be/SNCm6zavi4o
► New animated widget measurement help screen (with option never to show) → video 3:00
► Search and replace text in all SmartHome HTTP commands (quickly update tokens/keys!) → https://youtu.be/SNCm6zavi4o?t=153
► Theater mode and sunlight mode bubbles (can be assigned to Quick Swipe Panels, hidden by default, alternative theater mode exit enabled if bubble is used) [requested by Jörg Irran]
► Peek card on watch: option to hide peek card when notification gets read
► Updated the default Smart Home bubble image
► Updated voice search icon on watch to new Google Assistant icon
► Added a few more default icon mappings to wear cloud editor’s apply icon pack command
► More accurate battery update in watch face mode
► Flashlight and contact bubbles are now hidden from from standard app list on watch [requested by Edgar Lopez]
► Edit Bubble screen on the watch shows themed toggle bubbles correctly
► Improved multi-line digital time and date bubble layouts
► Home screen folders: option not to close folder when bubbles are tapped
► Slightly more optimized widget bubbles
► Reordered expert widget settings in a slightly more logical order
► New setting: adjust margin for widgets and folders
► Clarified “data corruption” message in Wear Cloud Editor (Steve Bliss gave 1★ because of this scary message ?)
► Fixed some crashes in folders on phone missing bubble images
► Theme bubble image was not sent to watch after watch reset (only when restoring a backup)
► Theme pack launcher icon hiding bug fixed
► Wrong cloud dimensions were used for animation in portrait orientation when launcher rotation was enabled
► Some expert cloud parameters were not cleared by the “Restore Defaults” button in the Cloud Configuration screen
PETAL OPTIONS → see video
► Option to show actions around contact bubbles: call/text/email → select number/address → video 2:25
► Option to show toggle fields around smart home bubbles → choose which alternative(s) to send → video 0:12
► Phone default option in main settings app (expert)
► Cloud default option under Expert settings in Cloud configuration
► Option for each bubble to always or never show options, regardless of the cloud / global defaults
► User is prompted to measure the widget when bubble is clicked and widget does not have valid measurements
► New option in SmartHome bubble edit screen on the watch: show options always/never/follow global setting
► New expert setting on the watch: global control whether to show toggle options for SmartHome bubbles
EDITOR FEATURES → video 1:57
► “Pro” feature in the SmartHome bubble edit screen (on phone): long press checkbox to insert “|” character between [ ] and more “[ | ]” fields (otherwise it’s pretty difficult to type these characters on soft keyboard)
► If there is selected text, inserting a toggle field will add selection as the first toggle option (and place cursor where the second option goes)
► Edit one of your Smart Home bubbles
► Highlight part you want to replace
► Tap the “Reuse HTTP” button (shown in the video)
► If nothing highlighted, it will remember from last time
► You can swap search and replacement fields (up/down arrows!)
► It will replace in url/header/body of HTTP bubbles
► Both phone and watch bubbles (including the currently edited)
► “Undo last replacement” restores the state before replacement
► Repeat undo to redo
► Undo retained until next time you search&replace, even weeks!
Video demo → https://youtu.be/SNCm6zavi4o?t=153
NEW BUBBLES: Theater and Sunlight
► find them hidden in the Wear Cloud Editor on the phone → tap cloud marker to move them to favorites/archive/folder
► or enable option “Show hidden apps” on the watch → find them in the archive cloud → long press to edit → assign to Quick Swipe and/or unhide by moving into favorites/archive/folder
These two showed up in the system launcher, which was not necessary and only increased clutter. Now these too can only be opened from the Bubble Cloud. Hopefully nobody relied on using these outside of Bubble Clouds
Until this version, if you tapped on a bubble in the folder (to open an app, contact or bookmark) the folder was closed. So after exiting the app the folder was no longer on the screen. Now there is both a global option to change the default behaviour, and you can also control this on a per-folder basis. The default is actually to keep the folder open, as I find this to be the more intuitive behaviour, but if you liked the way it worked in previous versions, you can enable the option to Close folder on bubble tap. Note: Tasker and SmartHome bubbles have always kept the folder on screen, the new option will not change this.
If you enable the new option in the Peek Card configuration screen (long press the Peek Card to get to it) the peek card will be cleared from the screen after you view the connected notification (i.e. unread count=0). How can you read it?
► Swipe up on the inactive screen to access your notifications
► Flick your wrist out (if wrist gestures are enabled in WearOS)
► Tap on the peek card to see it (some notifications don’t become unread when tapped, this is still a bug in WearOS)
► The peek card is not hidden as long as you have more unread notifications (the next unread will be shown, unless WearOS bugs out)
► Do not enable this option if you need one tap access to media player notifications
► This new option relies on the unread count, which is not fully fixed in WearOS. So it is not 100% reliable, but better than nothing. The wrist flick seems to work best.
This option was inspired by John A. Morris
► Rounded corners are only available for pop up folders!
► When editing a folder, only the lower left corner is rounded (as preview). Double tap the folder background to hide the caption bar → all four corners are rounded
Video → https://youtu.be/SNCm6zavi4o
► You can now set a margin for both widgets and folders
► For widgets the default is “0” (as it was until now)
► For folders the bubble spacing was used for margin too, now they are only connected by default, you can adjust the margin separately. Restore defaults to relink spacing and margin
Similar to the bubble spacing, both margin and corner roundness can be controlled from the caption bar of the folder (without opening Cloud Configuration). Use the same seekbar. Long press the ⊕ to select which is set:
► blue⊕ = corners
► pink⊕ = margins
► white⊕ = bubble spacing [default]
Video → https://youtu.be/SNCm6zavi4o?t=1m48s
Special thanks to Bright Yao Bebli who suggested many of the new features in this release (i.e. folder options, contact petal options)
0:12 Smart Light bubble with single toggle field
0:46 Smart Switch bubble with multiple toggle fields
1:30 Petal options on the watch
1:57 Insert toggle fields in SmartHome bubble edit screen
2:25 Contact bubbles showing contact options
3:00 New “widget measure” help screen
3:44 Edit contact bubble
4:01 View contact
4:07 Dial / Call a selected number
4:25 Send text to selected number
4:35 Send email to a selected address
Please also watch the next video in the play list:
(Which shows the rest of the new features in this release)
Detailed change log: http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/paid-software/app-bubble-cloud-widgets-applewatch-t2898592/post56270161#post56270161
As you can see, ton of new things added, the app is being developed actively. If you find any bugs or crashes, please contact me so I can fix as soon as possible.
My app is getting an increased number bad ratings lately. If you like the app and the progress please support the project with a 5★ rating. It helps tremendously: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dyna.logix.bookmarkbubbles
Thank you!
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#widgets #theming #personalization #novalauncher #launcher