Version 9.22 → Play Store

Please share:

Version 9.22 → Play Store → “Fine-tune release”
Slow roll-out. To get it right away, join beta test:
► Contacts on watch stopped working after v9.20 🙁 Now all fixed 🙂 [reported by Sergio Ubeda Peris Gracias!]
► App is now much less aggressive to obtain “draw over other apps” permission [based on feedback from David Gouffé Thank you!]
► App will now show watch face picker if you exit permission prompt without giving “draw over other apps”
► Haptic feedback for petal options on the watch
► Click sound for petal options on the phone
► Click sound in folders on the phone
► Peek card related crash fix
► Avoid redrawing the folder when returning from SmartHome bubble petal screen
► Crash when setting external background provider using the favorite cloud settings screen on the watch


Detailed change log:

As you can see, ton of new things added, the app is being developed actively. If you find any bugs or crashes, please contact me so I can fix as soon as possible.

My app is getting an increased number bad ratings lately. If you like the app and the progress please support the project with a 5★ rating. It helps tremendously:
Thank you!

#tasker #aw20 #standalone #androidwear #moto360 #hwatch #zenwatch2 #lggwatch #sonysmartwatch3 #sonysw3 #lgwatchurbane #watchfaces #watchface #HuaweiWatch #LGUrbane #Smartwatch3 #zenwatch3 #androidwear2 #complications #remap #button
#widgets #theming #personalization #novalauncher #launcher

Author: greg

the dev