Automatic day/night brightness
Bubble Cloud keeps track of your day and night setting separately:
► In the evening at sunset it will restore the brightness setting you had before sunrise
► It will do the same in the morning, restoring what you had before sunset
► The brightness control is always just half a screen away if you swipe from the Bubble Cloud watch face
System auto-brightness
► Tap the sun icon at the top to toggle between manual and auto brightness [if your watch has a light sensor]
► When auto-brightness is enabled the brightness bar disappears and the icon changes to a sun with an “A” inside
(Automatic) Ambient dimming
Long press the sun icon at the top to switch to the ambient screen dimming control (A):
► The icon moves to the bottom and will have a moon symbol in it
► Bubble Clouds will remember what time you dimmed your ambient watchface during the evening
► It will undim it at sunrise in the morning
► It will re-apply the same dimming at the same time next evening
Note: ambient dimming only works if you are using Bubble Cloud as your watch face (each watch face app has to implement its own ambient dimming… most watch faces don’t). There is a much more limited workaround: QUICK “VEIL” MODE → Dim ANY ambient watchface!
High brightness mode
► Press the “Sunlight” bubble to temporarily set the screen brightness to maximum
Assign the Sunlight mode to a shortcut
► Press or double press of a secondary button
► Long press or double long press of the main button
► Long tap or double tap the clock bubble or the center of the full-clock watch face
► Tap on either the top or bottom text field
More info:
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