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Let me share my test grid, these are all the different watch screen-modes I will test before every release starting v4.42. Crazy number of combinations, each with their special behaviors:
►each mode needs to be tested both in “A”mbient and “B”right mode
►except of course the app drawer, where there is no ambient currently
►ambient mode usually needs to switch from color to black, but not always: Moto 360 users like colors on their ambient screens too
►the mode I call “No icon” is actually “No bubble” 🙂 but there is a case when it should draw a color circle around the clock: when background color by minute of the hour is enabled…
►the clock only mode has been updated now to also show selected bubbles such as the date, battery, steps etc.
►analog and digital clock faces are implemented differently the digital clock being the most battery friendly of the two

Author: greg

the dev