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Magic wand bubble

[Starting v9.42] You can quickly switch between analog and digital clock bubble. Keep this “toggle bubble” on your watch face, move it to a folder or to the app drawer. You can also assign it to an shortcut, including hardware buttons or long or double tap of the clock face. This new bubble will switch between the 3 types of clock:

  • Analog
  • Multi-line digital
  • Single-line digital

It will preserve your layout, unless you have full screen clock layout selected (then it will cycle thru Clock→Off-Center→Split layouts). Works the same way as the 3-way toggle in the Clock settings on the watch.

  • You can assign live info to this bubble, so your unread count or any other LiveInfo bubble can be your quick toggle!
  • If used often, you can also assign this bubble’s action to the long press of the HW button!
  • You can also assign actions (including this one) to the long press / double tap of the clock bubble


If you have the New Theme Pack #12: Text Clocks set up, it will also be added as the 4th option in the cycle.


The animation shows a combination of 4 themes from Theme Pack #8

  • Background: Zac12
  • Dial: Veronic12
  • Hands: Afric12
  • Font: Patric12

I also applied a color shift from gold to blue. Endless possibilities!!!


Download and share to Bubble Cloud one of the above 1-click theme rich images, or use the following share-code on your phone: ShareCode

Author: greg

the dev