Category: Beta: Version Release
v9.93beta: Labels in the app selector
v9.92beta: Text fields showing long text complications + Tasker
Connect the text fields to long text complication providers or Tasker plugin!
v9.87beta: adding Simplified Chinese translation
Translations are users driven! If you understand the app well and can speak a language natively / fluently, you are welcome to improve existing translations or add new languages.
v9.86: Quick panel improvements + more
Show assigned folder and now also contact cloud in Quick swipe panel
v9.86: Full screen folders + more
Mainly bugfix and Android 10 workaround update with smaller improvements
v9.84beta1-5: Oppo watch compatibility + more
This beta is the first version that works on the new Oppo watch! Please join the beta test to try.
v9.83beta0-4: Add customizable text fields to watch face
Enable these fully customizable date/time text fields for full screen clock layouts, assign tap actions
v9.81: New Launcher-shortcut bubbles
Android allows developers to define action-specific shortcuts in their apps that can be displayed in a launcher. We can now add any of these shortcuts to our bubble clouds on both phone and watch!
Notification icons v2.73: filter by notification channel
Notification channel information is now displayed when you open a notification on the watch – long press to blacklist the channel
v9.80: variable screen resolution support + more
Bubble Cloud will now remember widget measurements for different screen resolutions + other improvements
v9.77beta: big widgets update!
Clock widget, improved launcher compatibility and a lot more
Version 9.76beta: Peek card auto-color and other improvements
Consistent automatic peek card colors for apps with all white icons
v9.75beta5-7: new “Update theme” option
Update your custom themes while keeping the theme-bubbles and Tasker plugin operational
v9.75beta3-4: Tasker plugin to open/move ANY bubble
Tasker can now activate any bubble on your watch, and it can also move / modify all of them
v9.75beta2: New theme shortcut bubbles!
Save custom themes as bubbles into your bubble clouds and folders for true 1-click access and possibility to assign to hardware buttons and other shortcuts
v9.75beta0-1: Start webapps
New HTTP command bubble option “Open in browser” and other improvements
Version 9.69 beta: more tile / folder improvements
Bubble distortion fixed in Bubble Cloud tile on “flat tire” watches