9 years of development!
Over 4000 improvements over the years in over 1000 app-updates (700 beta + 370 production releases) since 2014…
+ new feature [1536]
* bug fix [1971]
~ change [547]
– removed function [55]
= also affects widget-only app
Click version number to see detailed post on changes
~Wear OS 4 tiles out of beta, for new installs it’s now the default on Wear OS 2.4 and higher
+Implemented Wear OS 4 Settings Tile
+optimized Tile show / hide routine
beta 1:
+added scrollbars to scrollable content
beta 2:
+rotary input, black background on folder complication page
+removed dummy peek card (in first week after release) “text cut off”
*fixed the OS crash with swipe-to-dismiss (updated to AppActivityCompat)
~updated libraries (compileSdk 33→34, androidx.wear 1.2.0→1.3.0, androidx.appcompat 1.4.0→1.6.1, androidx.core 1.6.0→1.12.0, kotlin 1.6.10→1.8.22)
beta 3:
~improved rotary vibration
public release 4:
*black background behind Dialogs and PrefSelectors
*corrected screen fit for other languages
*changed Pack 14 “Coming soon” → “Play Store”
*added rotary input to Alert Dialogs
beta 1:
*added rotary input to Permission and Premium upgrade screens
*fixed inactive watchface unresponsive issue in overlay mode
+ready for Premium Key update
*=fixed issue with updated Premium Key
beta 2:
*=selecting individual icons from adaptive icon packs [Tonya Maddox]
beta 3:
*=improved communication with Premium Key (v605 on phone and watch)
*some on-screen buttons were not readable on Wear OS 4
*Adjusted intro text to fit on screen
+new parts of the app are now in Kotlin
*watch face overlay mode issue on Wear OS 4 fixed
+new Expert / Behavior option “Wear OS 4 tiles (beta)”
+new tiles using the official tile api (does not work on old watches)
~tiles are now available even in watch face mode
beta 1:
*added scroll-wheel to intro screens
~fit text to intro screens
+prompt for Wear OS 4 tiles on intro screens
release 2:
~increased text size in intro (hoping to pass new Wear OS 4 policy approval)
beta 3:
*folder tile labels fixed
~Wear OS 4 tiles are enabled by default on Wear OS 4 watches
beta 4:
*fixed bubble appearance in new Wear OS 4 tiles
~black background for menus and intro screens (new Wear OS 3 requirement)
+icon splash screen (new Wear OS 3 requirement)
~font size increase and layout adjustments
beta 1:
~changed to circular, gray icon
*hopefully fixed splash icon for Play Store adherence
~phone app target API 33, gradle upgrade
*hopefully fixed tiles for Galaxy Watch 6 [Piotr Korszla, Darryl O’Donovan and others]
beta 2:
*Play Services 18 for MessageListenerService to work on API 33 (https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/240108940)
*Clock bubble edit screen incorrectly had some live info options on the watch
*updated German translations [Angelika]
+new “Recents bubble” on Wear OS 3 watches, which take you to the list of recently opened apps
*it now works on Wear OS 3 as well: if folder is opened via hardware button, you can use crown to select and secondary button to open bubbles
+app will take you to the new Mobvoi Health app if a TicWatch Pro 5 has connection issues
+new house ads in the Free version of the app for TicWatch charging puc
beta 1:
beta 2:
*spelling fix (ticpuck ad)
beta 3:
*folder via button/crown on Wear OS only worked with app bubbles, now button will also activate everything else (Tasker, smarthome etc) [ArtaY]
*instructional toast message will now be removed after first successful use of the crown/button in a folder
+customize “Recents” button on Wear OS 3 (TicWatch Pro 5)
beta 1:
*Assigning hardware button shortcuts in the Bubble Edit screen did not enable remapping (we had to visit the Shortcuts screen)
*flash light bubble could not be opened from folder bubble via HW button press [Carlos Simões]
beta 1:
*time based arc complications not updating in active + full-color inactive modes [Carlos Simões]
+scheduled toggles will now work even if Bubble Cloud is not active (not used as watch face or overlay app drawer) – similar to battery full alert, app now shows a persistent notification so the OS will no longer kill or “optimize out” the alarm [Pawel Kaczmarczyk]
*internal arc widget improvements
beta 1:
*improve how time is handled in scheduled toggles (even if hours>23 or min>59)
*show persistent notification for battery watcher and scheduled toggles if not in watch face mode, regardless of overlay mode
beta 2:
+persistent notification will show the scheduled time “until ~hh:mm” (notice the ~ because in Wear OS 3 alarms are no longer exact)
beta 3:
*arc tap/long-press detection with option “full clock only” / “ambient clock only” [Marko Lazic]
release 4:
*disappearing custom themes button in settings on the watch (if no undo)
+=prepared clock widget to handle new Theme Pack #14
~link to the detailed theme pack 14 page (https://bubble.dynalogix.eu/arc-theme-pack-beta-test-start/)
*update ambient mode date bubble as well
+youtube icon in Arc Complication section links to new video https://youtu.be/u5Lk1ZaBGFU
~what’s new page shows new video (phone + watch)
+new option “Online help…” at the bottom of the Arc Complication section links to webpage
~updated analog themes in Arc Pack (improved low-power ambient mode)
~shared arc settings (width, margin etc) are not hidden for disabled arcs in the Arc Settings screen on the watch
beta 1:
*range type arc complications will show the text centered in the arc as long as the last word in the text doesn’t fit into the progress bar [No Mo]
*range type arc complications will not show words split in half (it will only show the last word until the whole text would not fit)
beta 2:
+translations for new strings
~arc complications out of beta (remove “coming soon”)
public release 3:
*fixed AOD sometimes getting stuck in full-color mode
~=updated widget clock pack #14 teaser
+=widget release 10.19.3 (ready for pack #14)
release 4:
*fix 10.19.3 AOD fix causing rare crash in watch face
*fix crash “s” on location received on phone
*fix crash on gestureDetectActivity resume
*fix rare crash while drawing arcs
+rim/inner arc complications (via Theme Pack #14) [thank you: Alan Zeng]
+new “half+half split” smart auto layout variant if clock is shifted
+indicate exit/BACK functionality on top of settings screens on the watch
~Text fields and arc complications are now visible in ambient mode even if “full-clock only” is enabled
+long press detection on elements near the edges of the watch face in inactive mode
+in the favorite cloud settings screen you can long press text field circles to toggle text fields and arc/edge complications on/off without visiting their settings screen
+arc complication settings on the phone
*correct indicator arrow positions on rotated screens
~more bubbles fit in non-round split layouts
+extended theme pack parameters (ready for Theme Pack #14)
*custom theme restore archive layout unnecessarily prompted for pro for some layouts
*custom theme restored worded clock even when unselected
*merge_favs caused the wrong margin and text-field shift values to be used (since layout becomes AMORPHOUS)
*pointer wasn’t reset to default if a theme did not have a gauge pointer (it did reset the gauge itself)
*favorite settings on the watch should not hide text-field controls when full-clock-only is enabled
internal test 1: (version bump)
internal test 2:
*watch face sometimes did not go into low power ambient mode: optimized unnecessary watch face redraws
*arc complication width preview on the phone did not show correctly
*arc complication colors show when plugin is not installed
*better prompt to install wearable component of a missing theme pack on the watch
internal test 3:
*non-overlay mode clock bubble disappearing issue after exiting settings screens where we used preview (cause: delayed hidedrawer using updateview)
internal test 4:
+flip text in range type lower arcs as well
+internal phone battery widget (phone symbol): tap for instant refresh, double tap for “Find my phone” functionality
+internal watch battery widget (watch symbol): tap for instant refresh
beta 5:
+double tap internal watch battery complication to open Essential Mode settings on TicWatch (single tap to refresh)
beta 6:
+”clear theme” on watch will now turn off arcs and text fields as well, also reset date / clock bubble colors
*improved non-overlay mode watch face (disappearing clock / black watch face issues)
*improved date bubble layout
~if a 1-click theme contains a second hand it will be enalbed when applying the them
*updated Greek translation [big thank you to Nicolaos Alexandropoulos/ΝιϘολαοσ Αλεξανδροπουλοσ]
beta 1:
~don’t advertise overlay mode for Wear OS 3 users (OS warning no longer can be hidden, overlay might glitch on GW5Pro)
~increase phone battery sampling freq when phone is connected to charger [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
+night vision watch face mode
*updated translation of some Hungarian strings
beta 1:
~=re-enabled AutoFit widget option on OneUI 4 [Rudolf Szita]
beta 2:
*=improved widget layouts with dimension “1” (1×1,N×1,1×N) [Rudolf Szita]
beta 3:
*=improved Polish translations [Adam Sitkiewicz]
+=new expert home screen widget option: “Random rotation after clicks” → rearranges the cloud after bubble clicks, even if all bubbles have same weight [Patrick Lam]
beta 4:
*watch silencer bubble did not work in app-drawer mode [Mark Davis]
beta 5:
+detect Galaxy Watch 5, Fossil Gen 6 plugins correctly [Mauro]
+we can now delete non-empty folders in Wear Cloud Editor (on the phone). Bubbles will be moved to the parent cloud (or app drawer) [2realist4u]
+prepare for targeting Android 12:
+BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission for bt toggle and wear bt toggle bubbles (notification, WearAppListActivity, BubbleEditActivity)
+Weather permission request notification (PendingIntent.Service→Activity)
*improve Battery Full Alert
~grouped settings under “More options” on the watch into 4 unfoldable categories: Usage, Behavior, Appearance, Power & control
+emphasized group heddings in Expert settings on the watch
internal test 1:
*=reallow launcher calibration under OneUI5 (reversed some of the changes for OneUI4)
*=optimized home screen widget update (eliminated unnecessary database access)
~=”rotating launcher” setting is no longer necessary in OneUI5 launcher (not auto-enabled, other versions and launchers need more testing)
*=improved widget size query in OneUI5 launcher
internal test 2:
+=new option “Widget size lock” when enabled, widget dimensions reported by the OS are only used when any widget is in “edit mode” (to avoid distortion by rogue values)
~=filter out errorneus widget dimensions reported by OneUI 5 launcher on orientation change in YouTube (filter off in “edit mode”)
*=adjust widget width reported by OneUI in 5.0 4×6 and 5×6 grid (wrong DPI)
internal test 3:
*RichImage export label problem when backgrounds total width was less than dials+hands width [Joseph Rubin]
~=AutoFit widget is enabled by default for Samsung OneUI 5.0 launcher
~=OneUI 5 wrong widget size filter sensitivity increased, with manual resize detection
~updated weather hollow bubble colors to include two shades depending on cloud / rain intensity (lighter colors mean lower intensity) [Joseph Rubin]
internal test 4:
*=background color extends to the edges of the widget when AutoFit is enabled
beta 5:
*=no widget resize locking on newly created widgets (until first bubbles get added)
+=Show hint for Widget Resize Lock option in Launcher Tweak settings
+=Translation for new strings
beta 6:
+Tasker battery calls now added all multiples of 5 → WearBattery5,10,15…95,100
*Show WearBattery task status as soon as you check the option “Tasker on charger”
*remove duplications in text field content history [Joseph Rubin]
release 7:
(version incorrectly shows as 10.17 instead of 10.15.7 in the app!)
*wrong Tasker WearBattery tasks were called in last beta [Joseph Rubin]
~=show “Widget resize lock” option (and its description) more prominently on Samsung OneUI5
*=corrected some new strings
*=fixed option visibility
release 8:
*correct version v10.15 build 10158 is showing in the app
*=folder bubble animation could not be turned off (using the option in Widget Preferences)
*Battery full alert when it’s turned off [Adam Sitkiewicz]
*=on Samsung One UI 5 devices feature the option “widget size lock” in the “Looks OK?” dialog that comes up on Android version update and when the first widget is placed
+new option: battery full alert (on the watch) → audible alert when battery reaches selected level (60/70/80/90/100%) [Steven Halsell]
+added WearBattery75 to trigger Tasker at 75% (to help control smart switch: i.e. off at 80% on again at 75%)
-media controls bubble on Wear OS 3
beta 1:
+battery full alert demo video
(Update Notification Plugin to v4.06!)
+Ready for Wear OS 3.5 (Pixel watch, Fossil Gen 6)
+enable wrist gestures on Wear 3.5 watches
+show AOD shift option on Wear 3.5 watches (disabled by default, except on GW)
-no longer show instructions to hide overlay warning on GW (no longer possible)
(Update Notification Plugin to v4.05!)
+Ready for PixelWatch
+Resync button for Notification Icons section
+Notification Icons option to show “No notifications” instead of blank Notification Preview long text complication [gamefan5]
~Message type notifications now appear reversed in dual peek card to show most recent notification on top [gamefan5]
*new options will take you to Play Store to update to latest version of the plugin
*adjusted the font size of Toast messages on the watch
beta 1:
+translations for new options
*[Notification plugin 4.05.1] notification preview complication will show beginning of last line for long message type conversations
*=Move last used bubble to center did not work with updated bubble animation [Patric Lam]
*=updated folder animation was slower than other animations [Patric Lam]
*Samsung HR complication did not show after adding multiple complications
*=new help video linked to Folder section in cloud configuration screen
beta 1:
*rare crash in card gesturedetection
*=rare crash while creating folder shortcut on home screen
*rare crash when tapping watch face
~=eliminate overlay requirement for widget app: widget toolbar, tweak, measure, animation
+=new expandable “inner” widget toolbar (appears on bottom by default)
+=enabled bubble animation / launcher compatibility mode, petal options on Android Go devices as well
~=animation symbol changed to the expand icon
+=include widget measure button in widget toolbar
~=slightly darker / more opaque widget edit toolbar
*=improved petal options and bubble animation for rotating screens
+=show contact widgets preview for non-premium users
~=include contact widgets section in easy/basic mode
-=removed TrueContacts recommendation from main app
+=include Privacy policy in the drawer
+=widget measure help screen can now show in landscape
*=improved layout for widget measure fine adjustment box and help screen
beta 1:
*only check for botched Samsung complications on Samsung watches (DUH!)
+=New prominent disclosure and consent prompt before backing up bubble clouds (transmitting user data)
~=removed blanket privacy policy agreement when starting the app
*=updated privacy policy to highlight handling of sensitive user data
beta 2:
~Updated libraries: Shared androidx.localbroadcastmanager:localbroadcastmanager:1.0.0 → 1.1.0, removed implementation fileTree(dir: ‘libs’, include: [‘*.jar’]) Phone App billing_version 4.0.0 → 5.0.0, removed implementation ‘androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1, com.google.android.material:material:1.4.0 → 1.6.1, keep androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.0 since 1.5.0 requires API 32, androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.2 → 2.1.4 Wear billing_version 4.0.0 → 5.0.0, com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:18.0.0 → 20.0.0, com.google.android.gms:play-services-fitness:20.0.0 → 21.1.0, keep androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.0 since 1.5.0 requires API 32
+add consent prompt (to access contacts in the background) before enabling auto-populate for contact cloud
~updated privacy policy text included in the app
beta 3:
*=improved redrawing many widgets at the same time
*race condition invoked crash in Tasker plugin edit screen
*fix rare crash on watch face
+finalized “auto open new notifications” option
beta 1:
*auto-open new notifications now compatible with autolock
beta 2:
*watch Bubble Cloud settings crash on Greek devices
*replaced PhoneDeviceType checking for iOS/China in the watch app
*=crash attempting to open Play Store page for Notifications Plugin
*crash when tapping on Notification settings section in phone app
+=new option to reset Notification Icons plugin under “Restore defaults” (and in the Filters section of the plugin)
release 3:
*=fix for disappearing badges
beta 4:
*instantaneous bubble picker in updated Taser plugin (using cached list of bubbles within 24 hours of last use of Wear Cloud Editor) [inspiration: Shawn Austin]
*=cloud config screen sometimes did not appear during initial widget setup
*=using new improved widget size API on Android 12 and over
-=tested and rejected adding Android 12 style “Settings” option on long press of the widget (setting causes problems below Android 12). Keeping own pencil and double tap
*=self-fix rare auto-populate contact cloud database corruption issue
beta 5:
*attempt to fix Samsung HR bug (again!)
*rephrased button to “Clear theme/font” on the watch [Dudee]
*added option to only clear theme font when using the button in Clock bubble settings on the watch
*translation for new options
beta 6:
*fix watch face crash introduced in 10.09.5
*=Updated Play Store category scraper (since Google updated Play Store on the web)
*=Updated privacy policy [Bubble Cloud Widgets removed again from Play Store for the 3rd time, thank God it was reinstated after 2 days, but it’s still a terrifying experience] – I updated Play Store App Content section, hopefully this was the culprit
*attempt to fix background battery service issue on Pixel phones (show notification during update)
release 1:
*sunrise/sunset update crash fix
*tasker icon corrected in Wear Cloud Editor legends
*unnecessary “vertical shift” label appeared in the date bubble configuration dialog
*Wear Cloud Editor guide linked to menu item “Cloud Editor tutorial”
+Link to bubble type guide from Wear Cloud Editor legends
+Link to custom layout editor guide from the Layout ↔ Clipboard dialog
release 2:
~link to video about folders on the watch now point to the comprehensive guide webpage (which includes the old video)
*fixed button double press function issue returning to the app drawer / watch face if doctor’s timer is set as first press
release 3:
*=Google’s update to Drive broke backup and saving rich images (fixed)
*sorted out some problems with custom bubble images (when theme bubbles and customizing “more” bubble on the phone)
*=unified internal request codes
beta 4:
*=new option “Relaxed restore handler for backups”
beta 5:
*=clarify widget option “lock bubble sizes→position” in all translations
*new notification icons option: “Auto open new notifications” → shows incoming notifications full screen (option also available when long pressing dual peek card)
beta 6:
+auto-open timeout 60 seconds (will be configurable) → update plugin to v4.04
beta 7:
*now compatible with screen lock and app drawer mode as well
beta 8:
*auto open notification duration options 20sec to 10minutes (also unlocks screen lock for this long!)
*workaround for message “The System Overlay Permission is not available” in Wear OS 3.0 (Write system settings is on the same page)
*targeting Android 12: manifest intent-filters exported=true
*gradle update to 7.1.3
*new double-tap clock shortcut option: require double tap clock bubble to exit active/inactive mode [Rui Fung Yip, Kamil Lamcza, Johan Wetterberg] {exitprimary}
release 1:
*=improved layout of welcome screen
*=updated, more prominent privacy policy to comply with new Google requirements [Bubble Cloud Widgets brought back to Play Store – SDG]
*translation for new strings
release 2:
~phone app will show sync icon instead of disconnect icon in the toolbar during first connection attempt to the watch, only changes to disconnect after 5sec timeout [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
release 3:
*=clock bubble related crash in home screen widgets
*=widget crash on new Vivo devices
*=clock bubble configuration crash
*fixed unexpected behavior when tapping text fields with “default” (=”transparent”) tap action [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
+AOD shift on Galaxy Watch 4 (GW4)
+GW4 calendar complication / 20 min refresh
*remove one of the dual-peekcard did not work
release 1:
+option to control Galaxy Watch 4 AOD shift radius, set to zero (left) to disable (default=5, max=10)
*optimized shift redraw
*GW4 calendar complication not updated if no change (caused vibration every 20 minutes)
beta 2:
*peek card related crash on GW4 (introduced in 10.06)
release 3:
+improved peek card icon colors and automatic peek card color (for dual peek cards as well), smarter decision on recoloring vs keeping icon colors
*addressed ghost vibration issue after exiting the doctor’s timer [Kyle Twiens]
~build tools update
*improved lock/autolock protection
+lock/autolock will now disable rotating crown/bezel input and wrist gestures (hardware buttons and dismiss via peek card icon are still enabled!)
*fix full-color inactive ambient mode when locked
*fix for disappearing active mode watch face
release 2:
*fully optimized app drawer/overlay/non-overlay/lock/autolock behavior
~app drawer now enters without animation
! Please report any issues with blank/frozen/disappearing watch face by sending your settings to bcwhelp@gmail.com. Thank you!
*text field dialog layout on phone [Laurens Ruster]
+backup/restore notification filters now with Bubble Cloud backups (option to revert last restore in ⋮ menu of filter screen) [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
*text fields didn’t show in inactive screen if they were too high [Laurens Ruster]
+double tap peek card icon to dismiss notification on phone [Kamil Lamcza]
(make sure to also update Notification Icons Plugin to 4.01beta!)
beta 1:
+peek card icon tap vibration
*peek card icon tap on inactive watch face
+expert option for scheduled ambient dimming (enabled by default) [Marcin Przekop]
beta 2:
*enlarged touch target for peek card icon tap on inactive wf (left quarter of the card)
*=pop up folders with badged icons crash when trying to edit
*fixed black screen issues in non-overlay mode watch face
*installing from 1-click theme did not set theme layout correctly
beta 3:
(Wear Stand Up Alert 3.11.0beta, Notifications Plugin 4.01.2)
+include @[bubble] in text for actionable notifications
*peek cards with non-breaking space or without title or text could not be dismissed via icon
*ambient peek cards without icons are now centered correctly [Zeng Alan]
*ambient peek cards sometimes appeared too short
*fixed communication between Wear Stand Up Alert and Bubble Clouds
*workaround to double check if Stand Up Alert complication warning “info” is legitimate [David Divelbiss]
*Wear Stand Up Alert and Notification Plugin PendingIntent vulnerability fixes (library update + MyProviderUpdateRequester)
~increased touch target for dismissible peek card icon on inactive screen (left 1/3rd of the card)
beta 4:
(Notifications Plugin 4.01.4)
+=widget badge option to ignore persistent/ongoing notifications
+option (on phone under More options) to disable actionable reminders (mostly for discoverability)
~improved settings layout on phone, added horizontal dividers [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
*fixed inactive watchface update issue [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
*fixed issue where notification peek card tap would open complication peek card’s action when using dual peek card option [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
+add what’s new video
*=fix badge restore defaults
+improved visibility of divider lines in phone settings
+Notification Icons 4.01.3 whitelists “@[” by default (it can be removed, and it won’t appear for existing users)
beta 5:
(Notifications Plugin 4.01.4)
*dual peek card was missing icon if single notification icon is used [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
beta 6:
+=new Expert option in widget’s Cloud Configuration Screen: “Remove all bubbles” [Michael Holman]
~=Widgets+Folders screen now lets you remove empty widgets (use ⊕ → Expert → Remove all bubbles). It will come back unless you also remove it in the launcher!
beta 7:
*tap peek-icon to dismiss with single notification icon
beta 8:
*=refresh widget after clearing all bubbles using new Expert option in Cloud Configuration Screen
beta 9:
*fix auto-lock in Bubble Cloud gesture priority mode [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
*fix blank screen issue when using screen lock
*hide active mode arrows while auto-locked
*=widget-only app badge-preview missing
+=translations for new strings
*=badge-import dialog layout on older devices
*=badge-import dialog icon color in widget-only app
~=open play store if Notification app is below 4.001
beta 1-2:
*Mandatory PendingIntent vulnerability fixes (and corrections in Google Wear OS libraries)
release 2: (public rollout)
*=synchronized rollout of both Bubble Cloud apps (v10.03.2) and the Notification Icons plugin (v4.00.3)
+=Widget bubbles notification badges via Notification Icons plugin (same as the Wear OS Notifications plugin)
*=elimated the need to calibrate Samsung’s new OneUI4 launcher
*=corrected stuck launcher calibration / widget measure screen issue
*=redraw widgets after restoring backed up widget settings
beta 1:
*=crash in the Samsung widget update process [reported by Mel Barnhart]
*crash in the Settings tile on the watch (in certain situations)
beta 2:
+=import custom badge overlay images
*=improved launcher tweak +/- visibility
beta 3:
+=badge intro video added to “what’s new” and settings page
+=custom badge gallery link added
+=animated badge preview
*=optimized badge storage (affects backup/restore)
+include tide character (~) in notification text to avoid increased vibration which replaces AutoWear vibration patterns [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
-remove link to discontinued Oreo Hotspot app and point to my post instead [Oluwadiya Kehinde]
*workaround for Galaxy Watch 4 ambient mode bug introduced in Feb 2022 update
*optimized screen refresh
beta 1:
*fix a crash during app drawer initialization
+workaround for galaxy watch 4 heart rate complication (will now show live HR correctly)
beta 2:
*fix Wear Stand Up alert showing warning [david divelbiss]
*=Custom bubble images did not work on Android 4.4 to 5.1
*=the filter “not in bubble cloud already” wasn’t considering app/contact bubbles in other types of clouds (contact/app/bookmark) [David Scherrep]
+=Privacy policy consent dialog before requesting contact access permission (attempt to get Widgets+Folders app back into the Play Store)
beta 1:
*crash when using navigation drawer on Wear Contacts screen (on phone)
*wear os tiles sometimes became unresponsive
beta 2:
*prompt for step count permission when Wear Stand Up Alert is activated on a Wear OS 3.0 device
*auto-lock now works with AOD off as well
beta 2:
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor (custom layout editor)
beta 3:
*app refused to import custom themes in certain situations
*digital custom themes did not replace worded clocks [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
*copy/paste share-code (via “Import theme” button) will now also prompt for missing theme packs and premium features
*trouble with 1-click theme option-highlights in dark mode [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
beta 4: (emergency production release)
*Critical: bubbles disappeared from ambient watch face after 3 minutes with certain combination of settings [reported by sillious soddus – big thank you!]
*crash when tapping on legends in notification bubble color dialog on phone
*pack 13 Splitc00 theme’s (light/bold) fonts could not be used for worded clock
beta 5:
*text fields overdraw issue in colored ambient mode (for non-burn-in LCD screens)
*full-color inactive screen was using the ambient text field settings. Fixed.
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor (when deleting folders) [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
*problem with full-clock on charge [sillious soddus]
*problem seconds not updating in text fields in low-power inactive screen
beta 6:
*crash in main app loading 1-click themes
*crash during opening main app while connecting to watch
beta 7:
*themes related crash while starting app
*full-color inactive problems [Bill Pezzuti, Martin Maremäe]
*phone ui fold/unfold problems [Martin Maremäe]
beta 8:
*phone ui corrected bugs after orientation changes and switching between navigation screens
*improved behavior after language change
beta 9:
*color-only (non-graphical) favorite/archive backgrounds were not correctly restored for custom themes
+when editing text fields on the phone: text color, size and shift will be previewed live on the watch
+stationary background for the Quick Swipe panel affects Contacts cloud and folders as well [Hernandez Londres]
*optimized quick swipe panel preview generation
*=Fixed issues preventing bubble image change [Prashant Gupta]
*=if cropping fails imported bubble image is used without cropping (show ideal pixel resolution in toast) [Prashant Gupta]
*tiles with off-center layout with more than 8 bubbles and vertical app drawer petal orientation changed between active and inactive tile [Lippy Chan]
*fixed/improved swipe to exit vertical app drawer in overlay mode [Lippy Chan]
+=offer launcher calibration after OS upgrade (Android 12 requires calibration)
~notification icons bubble edit screen will show option as “Notification card” or “Dual peek card” depending on the presence of a complication peek card
+if user selects plugin’s long text → we use native notification peek card instead [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
~notification peek card edit screen will now show “Dual peek card” on the top and “Notification card” below the icon
+notification peek card “Manage filters” button opens plugin’s blacklist on the phone instead of the edit field, which are used for complication peek card
beta 1
*=store Android version at boot, app update, main app open and widget edit
*=contact check scheduler setJobSchedulerJobIdRange added to suppress warning
beta 2
~upgrade communication between phone and watch, quicker, more reliable connection
+long press Expert option “Use overlays” to bring up the permission screen in case you want to revoke the permission (only way to access this screen on GW4)
beta 3
+new watch face option full-color inactive mode: Bubble Cloud watch face will behave more like standard Wear OS faces
+new section “Primary touch control” in settings to control active/inactive modes
*crash while transferring images between phone and watch
*unnecessary and faulty overlay permission request for Wear Contacts on Huawei and Xiaomi phones [Roman Percev]
*improved speed of non-overlay mode
*optimized watch face battery use (skip unnecessary refresh)
*optimized worded clock battery use (skip unnecessary refresh)
*analog clock only ambient mode text fields were misaligned
!disabled “hands over bubbles” option doesn’t affect inactive/ambient watch face
+warning indicator in settings (phone + watch) if 24h analog is enabled (option also turns red in clock bubble config screen on phone)
+new help screen linked to “Low-power screen” (active/inactive/ambient is now linked to the new “Touch control priority” section
+scrollToEdge when watch face touched to bring up active mode
~constant to adjust arrow size (increased from h/20 to h/16)
*peek card wasn’t updated on the inactive screen
+fullInactive is default for new users (off for existing ones)
~updated watch face intro screen on the watch
+new setOverlay command to make it easier to mark PrefItems
beta 4
*fixed occasional race condition in phone↔watch connection
~arrow color is the most vibrant of the minute/second/hour (for themed analog temporarily switch to digital to set these colors under clock bubble settings)
beta 5
*fullInactive non-stationary background image was drawn twice (performance hit + partially transparent backgrounds appeared incorrectly)
*peek card did not animate when hiding after folder
*dual peek card title layout issue
+swipe to show/hide peek card even on full-color inactive (overlay) watch face: start swiping from middle of the screen (swiping up only works on Wear OS 3)
+translation of new strings
release 6 (production rollout)
release 7
*new indicator arrows interfered with reveal tap (when tapping the edge of analog full screen clock to bring bubbles on top of the clock hands temporarily)
~extended video
release 8
*doctor’s timer crashed in app-drawer mode since the full incative update
release 9
*crash when watch enters always-on ambient mode before the Bubble Cloud watch face is properly set up
*lock, auto-lock did not work correctly with priority for Wear OS touches (auto lock will only work with AOD on in this version)
~targeting API30 (package visibility update)
*fixed crash when exiting homescreen widget clock bubble edit screen
*fixed crash when exiting wear os fragment in main app
*workaround for disappearing apps issue (they will show up as hidden in the Wear Cloud Editor) [Brian Bourke]
*fixed multiple peek card complication settings hanging around (all are now removed when you remove the peek card)
beta 1
*Weather background refesh Android 11 compliance
beta 2
*Hidden bubbles did not show in folders on the watch
*Crash in companion app when changing notification bubble colors
*Crash while using the crown to scroll watch face horizontally
*Crash in Wear Cloud Editor when tapping on bubble image to edit
beta 3
*Dual peek card (assign any complication + top notification from the plugin) hide/show to toggle between the two
beta 4
*bubbles don’t grow when showing hidden
*cloud not refreshed when bubbles don’t grow
*peek card complication shouldn’t change weight (it’s always 21)
*fix problems assuming size to be integer when it’s float (when designating bubbles to clouds)
*hidden bubbles don’t grow
*bubbles with illegal sizes will now appear on the watch face or in folders (so you can move them to where you want)
*rare crash while redrawing watch face
*rare crash in Bubble Cloud main app on phone
beta 5
*newly installed apps no longer “disappear”
*translation for new strings
*peek card will only vibrate if more than half of the text changes (used to be 1/3)
beta 6-7
*folder content disappeared after a v9.97.4 change
*long folder names did not appear in bubble edit screen on the watch
*more tweaks to the bubble sizing
beta 8
*dual peek card with no complication
*problems when dual peek card is disabled [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
+separate peek card settings (color, transparency level, size) for notification and complication cards (long press either to set)
*filter out multiple tasker charger calls [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
beta 9
*notification peek card color setting was removed on connection to phone
+scroll to watch face when locked [Jindřich Pelhřimovský]
+translate strings “notification card” “both cards”
*notification peek card works even when notification bubbles are hidden
*workaround for AndroidX 1.3/API 30 FragmentTransaction.replace bug
*call super in onRequestPermissionsResult
beta 1
*still trying to fix com.google.android.wearable.ambient.activity.IAmbientActivityService$Stub$Proxy.detach issue
beta 2
*Gesture detect crash when AOD is not enabled
*Crash when new app is installed
*Crash when step count permission is already given
beta 3
+new under “More options”: enable automatic Tasker calls: WearCharger, WearBattery, WearBattery100, WearBattery95, WearBattery20 (you’ll have to create all 5 to inhibit
beta 4
*fixed a crash when exiting Wear settings screen on phone (side effect of AndroidX library update?)
*fixed rotary crown crash caused library update
*fixed a crash related to applying custom-themes on the watch
beta 5
*show active auto-call watch charging/battery tasks in the phone app (under More Options). Click to open Tasker
release 6
*peek card/complication upgrade reminder screen tap showed “Unavailable @1” [Martin Maremäe]
*double tap to sticky open [Bernard Kripkee]
+implement double tap to sticky open in folders [Bernard Kripkee]
+GW4 gesture to show / hide peek card (need to implement since OS no longer supports it) ↑ peek card up = turn quickly away, slowly back ↓ Peek card down= slowly away, quickly back ↑↑ (up when card is already up)= Notification Icons app
*App did not allow changing the clock bubble background color in custom layout [reported by Cjacoballen]
+if peek card option “Open notification via plugin” is set we open to Notification icons via up gesture on Wear OS 2.x watches too
beta 1
*attempt to fix onDestroy crash by moving onDestroy actions to onPause
*=Fixed issue preventing bubble image change (we had to change twice for it to register)
*=Fixed imported bubble image crop issue when input image was too small [Matej Drobnič]
beta 2
~no gesture detection for demo card
+note in backup screen about needing Pro license to restore
beta 3-4
*attempt to fix onDestroy crash
beta 5
~no wrist gesture detection if card is empty or favorite cloud is not visible on screen
*bubble weights on watch kept changing even if option “lock bubble size, position” was enabled for the cloud
beta 6
+added link from notification icons bubble edit screen to gesture settings (in notification icons app)
+added wrist gesture icon to expert settings notification and what’s new page
*fixed empty card detection (gestures are disabled when there is no card or card is empty or shows “No notifications”)
beta 7
+improved rotating crown/bezel behavior
beta 8
*gesture was not correctly detected
*reduce gesture sensitivity
beta 9
*tweaked gesture sensitivity
+warning about wrist gestures on GW4 only working in AOD
~AndroidX libraries updated to 1.3.1, Compile
*2×Button assign still did not work correctly on GW4 (now links to website as well)
*Multi-toast guides (button assign / hide overlay warning) on GW4 will quit if you exit back to Bubble Cloud from the settings
*border improvement interfered with wear bubbles
release 1
*=setting widget background to 100% transparent did not show until reboot [reported by Wolfgang Hamann]
*phone app sometimes crashed on certain themed Samsung phones
*improved Portuguese translation
release 2
*app drawer opening watch face complication now indicates vertical app drawer correctly
*vertical app drawer icon now points into the correct direcion (up)
*vertical app drawer slides in from the bottom (still need to swipe away to the right)
*app drawer opening watch face complication is now updated correctly when app drawer opening direction is changed to/from vertical
+dependency: “androidx.work:work-runtime:2.5.0”
+builder.setJobSchedulerJobIdRange(0, 1000) (draWearService)
*hide ad if license check completes after ads are initialized [Mike Northall]
release 3
*GW4 identified as round
*GW4 going into ambient mode
*GW4 (Android 10) prompt for step count permission
*GW4 Voice search to trigger Bixby
*GW4 Hide Samsung media control (cannot open)
*GW4 hide Google clock activities
*GW4 Do not add Media control icon
*GW4 Remove long press reassign
*GW4 New instructions to remove persistent notification
+long press in icon picker will now cancel previous toast message
+added new Samsung default app icons to automatic icon pack apply
*GW4 redirect watch face switcher to Galaxy Wearable
*GW4 Remove long press reassing from Bubble Edit screen on watch and Settings on phone
*GW4 Change 2nd button reassign from Shortcuts, Bubble Edit screen on watch, Settings on phone
beta 4
*GW4 Galaxy Wearable alternative for Wear OS app everywhere
beta 5
*double tap to sticky open [Bernard Kripkee]
+implement double tap to sticky open in folders [Bernard Kripkee]
beta 6
+GW4 gesture to show / hide peek card (need to implement since OS no longer supports it)
*App did not allow changing the clock bubble background color in custom layout [reported by Cjacoballen]
-=had to remove ads from Widget app as well it was nice while it lasted…
+=labels in the app bubble selector
*fixed custom theme thumbnail issues (clock always showed 12:00 in overlay mode or a blank thumbnail was created in non-overlay mode)
*alarm related crash fixed
*fragments crashed with androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.0 had to downgrade to androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.2.0
+assign complication clicks to shortcuts [tip: Will]
*clock shortcuts (long press, double press) activated sticky open mode
*complication clicks now work with button presses too
*peek card action cannot be assigned to shortcuts
+=added “house ads” in the free version of the app, which will advertise other apps which I made (since Google no longer allows ads in apps having the ability to show over other apps)
*=”Friends price” was hard to read in the Premium Upgrade page
*=reduce ads image size
*=widget app crash on Android 4.3
*crash when starting background activity
*updated house ads (Fat Finger Calculator)
*=improved launcher shortcut compatibility [RayDar]
*=updated in-app-purchase library on phone to v4
*updated in-app-purchase library on watch to v4
*=improved UI for setting bubble border in the bubble edit screen [Wolfgang Hamann]
+show long text watch face complications in text fields (new option for text field content)
+update text fields via new Tasker Plugin (new option for text field content)
*crash with assigned button functions after restored backup (necessary activities not yet enabled)
*crash trying to communicate with Wear Stand Up Alert if it is no longer installed
*remove phantom complications and peek card issues introduced in 9.92.0 beta
*long press delete custom content
*layout issues
+hide Tasker supplied text field if explicitely set to zero length string!
*crash fixed in tile when clicking certain bubbles
~move text field complications up in the “add complication” menu on the watch
*tasker plugin config screen layout issues
*crash when text field custom content is zero length string
+hide Fit Strength Training bubble if Google Fit is disabled or newer than version that includes Strength Training (remove updates in settings!)
~Google Fit Strength Traing bubble is hidden by default, reenabled for v2.54 and below. Clarified changelog
+Instructions about downgrading Google Fit here: https://bubble.dynalogix.eu/restore-google-fit-strength-training/
+=labels in the app bubble selector
+PN “com.iceangelid.ice” to hide drawer list [for Bernard Kripkee]
+Peek card 50% 60% [Rahul Rayal]
+=round corner background for home screen widgets [Ahmad Alnusif]
*=Widgets+Folders action buttons not visible on tablets in portrait orientation [José Rocha]
+discreet seekbar for border in bubble edit dialog [Martin Blomfeldt]
+12 hour sunrise/sunset [Daniel Griffin]
+option for permanent bubbles over analog hands [Ryan McGraw]
*more (“…”) bubble limitations in the Wear Cloud Editor → shouldn’t be possible to move to other clouds [Dimitris Hatzikoukos]
*=adjust widget caption position for rounded corners and margins
*swipe activates clock tap action
*app drawer could not be closed correctly in overlay mode
*settings screens used to appear sometimes when closing the app drawer
*app drawer would not open when settings screens were not properly closed
*swiping vertically in the horizontal app drawer will no longer exit the app drawer
*removed debug info
*crash when pressing the mute bubble on the watch
*rare crash in Wear Cloud Editor after reconnecting a watch that was factory reset
~=Launcher shortcut bubble labels can now be edited and they will show without the “shortcut:” preface when labels are enabled [Lynne Hawkins
~Edit shortcut bubble labels in Wear Cloud Editor as well
*Error importing custom themes containing pro archive layout
+Warning when trying to set full-screen clock bubble background color [issue raised by Daniel]
+Prompt to erase clock bubble background image if user tries to set background color [issue raised by Daniel]
release 2:
*Fixed analog clock bubble in overlay app drawer [reported by Wladimir Jablonowski]
*Fixed clock bubble tap action in app drawer mode
*Fixed clock bubble long tap not hiding app drawer
release 3: *
*updated AdMob rewarded ads to newest library
*removed embedded Wear OS APK
release 4: *
-removed all ads (to test rejection cause)
release 5: *
-removed banners
-WIDGET: restored banner, removed javamail
release 6: *
-restored banner, removed javamail
release 7: *
-removed ads from 2-in-1 app
* release 3-7: frantic attempts to respond to Google’s baseless accusation of “identified code that MAY faciliate ad fraud”. The keyword being “may”, since I didn’t do anything wrong, but they eventually forced me to remove the ads from the smartwatch (2-in-1) flavor of the app, basically cutting me from making any income on 85% of the users, who were OK with ads and did not want to upgrade to Premium. Without the ads there is even less insentive now…)
+New option for Split-Round Smart Auto Layout: Split by weight (bubbles having weight 6-9 always on top, 0-3 always on bottom – as long as they fit.
Weights 4 and 5 based on size variance as before)
*Crash during theme import (Greek translation only)
*Many rare crashes fixed
release 1:
*on the phone the text field controls appeared for the wrong layouts (CUSTOM,SPLIT,ROUND-SPLIT,CLOCK + all layouts on tall screen watches)
*Bubble text by Tasker plugin is now bold, when using non-theme default font
beta 2:
*=Chinese (mainland) updated
*Split-by-weight: 1-4 always below the time, only weight 5 is placed based on size variance (we cannot set bubble weight 0! Hidden bubbles have the weight of 0…)
*Theme thumbnail failed to include stationary background
+show touches option [temporary for Adam Sitkiewicz]
beta 3:
+=new option (under LauncherTweaks/Expert) to disable “remeasure reminders” after resizing widgets [Andrew Baker]
beta 4:
+translations for new strings
beta 5: (release 6)
+smarter peek card update (avoid extra vibration) if it’s the same or almost the same as last (for progress type peek cards)*hide Vertical shift when selecting analog clock after digital in clock bubble dialog
+Google Fit strength training launcher icon
*Fix inactive icon for mute watch sound bubble [reported by Tony Hartzell]
*=Fix main app crashing on older phones (after v9.89.3)
+new archive cloud bg option: stationary drawer background (only bubbles move when scrolled) over the favorites bg Image (or archive bg image if favorites is not set to image bg)
beta 1:
+Quick Swipe Panel stationary background
+Translations for new strings
beta 2 (+ production release)
*Polish translation (Adam Sitkiewicz)
*rare crash in the main app on the phone
internal test 4:
+double caret (^^) in Tasker plugin to include line break when updating text in bubble (both wear and widget) [idea: Nik Maier]
*further improved Polish translation [Adam Sitkiewicz]
internal test 5:
*when Tasker plugin text includes line break the character limit is raised from 12 to 24
beta 6:
*multi-line Tasker plugin text in Tile bubble as well
~halved icon size when Tasker bubble text is multi line
beta 7:
*measure multi-line Tasker text without the ^^
*hide Vertical shift when selecting analog clock after digital in clock bubble dialog
*Notification Icons plugin / Bubble Colors button did not work [thank you Adam Sitkiewicz for reporting the issue]
*Polish translation is now all corrected [big, big thank you to Adam Sitkiewicz – this is now one of the best language variant of the app!]
*Removed some unused strings
+=Simplified Chinese translation (Home screen Widget)
+=Autosize widgets – Calibrate launcher independently for landscape and portrait orientation
*fixed a crash when opening some bubbles in the tile
*fixed a crash in the widget cloud configuration screen (clock bubble)
*fixed a rare crash on the Bubble Edit Screen (shortcut selector)
=*bookmark bubble edit problem (was introduced in v9.81)
=*smarthome bubble colon (“:”) in title caused issues
=~noname smart light trim http from displayed name
~=Android 10GO → change how pencil is hidden and don’t try to get overlay permission [UNEXCLUDE Android GO devices after full rollout!]
=+full screen pop-up cloud (folder) – 4th option for pop up size (tap corner to select)
=*cloud was not redrawn to reflect new bubble size after changing bubble weights by long pressing bubbles to edit in bubble cloud pop-up folders on the phone
+include new/complete Greek translation!
*GPS notification will open app to fetch location (Google no longer allows Play Store apps to get location in the background)
+offer workaround for new background location limitation via plugin sideloading from website
*do not open app drawer after settings if coming from settings tile
~theater mode dim level seekbar for more granular control of ambient brightness
*Quick-Swipe Panel folder → show folder, not just the folder icon
*could not set folder background color / label color on watch
*The hints on the non-dimming smooth moving clock are shown even with hints disabled
*The non-dimming clock haptic feedback hint is shown even if haptic feedback is disabled.
*The non-dimming clock sometimes does not move the second-hand or moves it jerkily or stops moving after a few seconds.
*The non-dimming clock does not vibrate even if haptic feedback is enabled
*The top-text may forget its position and attributes after Tasker bubble partial update
*The top-text may forget its position and attributes when using split auto layout
*removed debug info
+contact cloud will also appear in the Quick Swipe Panel
*no blink when accessing opening folder from quick swipe panel
+tapping on partially shown quick swipe area will scroll it fully into view and/or execute assigned action
*rare crash while selecting clouds in the “Widgets + Folders” screen
*multiple crashes while editing widget clock bubbles
*crash while trying to get location via Summary Plugin
*crash introduced by updated WearOS library
*rare crash if you switch away from the Wear OS tile
*rare crash in Tile provider
*crash when you manually close the new foreground location dialog
*Android 10 compliance: hide wifi bubble unless workaround plugin is installed
*Oppo watch face ambient mode was shifted (thank you Сергей Кочетков for reporting the issue, Turndapage for sharing the necessary configuration setting)
*Issue when quick swipe panel is enabled on the left side (app drawer on right) on flat tire and tall screen watches
*Russian translation of watch app updated (thank you Сергей Кочетков)
*Polish translation of phone app updated (thank you Krzysztof Milewski)
*bring newly imported custom themes to the top/front (only the most recently used 14 is shown on the watch, if you had more new ones did not appear, only on the phone)
*custom theme synchronization works in both directions between phone and watch (great if you use multiple watches)
+warn about missing components when applying custom theme
*automatically cleanup damaged custom themes (missing or corrupted code or missing thumbnail image)
=*crash while customizing home screen widget clock bubble (analog watch hour hand)
=*rare crash when using grid layout in home screen widget
*Polish translation update (phone+watch) [Krzysztof Milewski!]
*keep the tile available in watch-face mode if it is being used in app-drawer mode, will show “not available when Bubble Cloud is set as your watch face”
*take user to manual wifi settings only if automatic toggle did not succeed. Show toast to inform user.
+translations for new strings
=+haptic feedback option for widgets and folders on the phone
*show warning about defaulting to circular layout if more than 8 bubbles for off-center layout
*crash on watch while connecting to phone app
=~slightly reduced haptic feedback strength when tapping bubbles (haptic feedback is off by default, look for it amongst the “expert” settings in the main app)
=*rare crash when adding launcher shortcut bubbles
~Wear OS component Android 10 compliance
~foregroundservicetype=”location” for both watch and phone apps (I don’t yet understand its significance)
*custom themes did not remove unneeded text fields on restore, and did not restore text fields if color was not marked (now it will restore but keep color)
=*Samsung launcher cleared widget measurements when split screen multitasking was activated
=*optimized widget resize routine for Samsung phones
*updated libraries (Gradle, AppCompat, Wearable, Play Services Fitness, Material, ConstraintLayout, BuildTools)
+BIG: added compatibility with rectangular square watches (Oppo!)
*rare crash when saving custom themes
=*fixed crash when using widget non-alternating grid layout
=*fixed crash filtering icon packs
*preview on watch (app drawer + overlay)
~galaxy layout will fit 2 extra bubbles
~”clock” layout will not rearrange bubbles if text field is vertically shifted out of the way
~improved settings screen layouts on square/rectangular watches (less side padding)
*fixed margin issues in folders with labels on the watch
*fixed issue sometimes preventing icon pack to transfer to watch
*shortcut settings group always expanded in phone app
=~show reminder to remeasure instead of resetting widget measurements (toggling navigation bar used to reset all widgets, found no better way to prevent)
+background location disclosure
*crash related to text field settings on the watch
*long text field format strings could break custom theme / undo theme save routines (limited to 40 chars and extended buffer)
*crash during ad init
*faulty small image complications providers could crash Bubble Cloud
*TicWatch apps did not open correctly from the watch face
*small image complications causing a crash
+offer help when linked theme-bubble needs to be deleted before removing custom theme (both watch and phone)
+offer help when creating theme-bubbles or applying themes (on the watch)
+text fields are now available for all layouts for tall screen watches (i.e. Oppo) – help utilize top/bottom parts of the screen
+square smart auto layout had issues with 6 or fewer bubbles
*fixed split smart auto layouts margins (both curved and straight)
release6 (production release)
*digital clock vertical shift did not work for some fonts
beta7 (both app variants)
*issue when quick swipe panel is enabled on the left side (app drawer on right) on flat tire and tall screen watches
~watch-wifi-bubble cannot programmatically turn off wifi on WearOS (it is auto-enabled by the OS) instead it will take you to wifi-settings when turning off
+BIG: top/bottom customizable info line options on watch face!!
+control digital clock vertical shift (up/down)
*fix default values for text fields (new text fields were on by default)
~adjusted layer order: touch priority now works as expected even in custom layouts with bubbles over full screen digital or analog clock
+digital clock vertical adjustment now available in the phone app (clock bubble config screen)
*fixed FAB issues in Wear Cloud Editor on old Androids
+text field settings on the phone
+text field shortcut settings on the phone
+digital clock vertical adjustment on the phone
+fine adjustments (+/-) for most seekbars in the settings on the watch: margin, spacing, vertical shift, font size
*restoring old custom themes text fields and digital clock-shifting will be disabled
*seekbar +/- accidental adjustments when scrolling
+long press title to reset / undo seekbars
+backup restore hint counters
+add video demo for new Text Fields: What’s new on phone/watch, Shortcuts, Text Field dialogs
+translations for new strings
*reset bug for size seekbars
*forgot to update the What’s new video in the phone app…
*one line of greek text in the global widgets settings (embarrassing oversight)
+=BIG: add shortcut bubbles to clouds on phone and watch
*shortcut icon initially not sent to watch
*cannot delete shortcut bubble on watch
*if hidden cannot delete shortcut bubble on phone
=~don’t change petal colors in dark mode
=~show icon name in Mask Clock options dialog
+watch alarm workaround now optional “Bring alarm to foreground” (for non-system alarm apps it’s off by default)
=*fix a problem deleting phantom home screen clouds on handheld devices
+BIG: time limit option for toggles in Tasker plugin: watch BT/Wifi off until a given time, Theater mode/Mute until a given time
*filter out alarms created by Bubble Cloud and plugins
beta3 – Wear OS production release
*fix crash caused by certain icons in peek card
=+home screen widgets are now screen reader ready for blind users (when option “Always show bubble labels” is enabled. If screen reader is active at first time use, option is auto-enabled) [big thank you to Willis “Chris” Moore]
=+Added Greek translation (60%) by ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ
=*store widget sizes for different resolutions (no need to measure again when earlier resolution is restored: h/w,centerx/y)
*scheduled toggle bubble Toast formatting (leading zero for minutes)
=+improved screen reader support in widget/folder related parts of the app (content descriptions for FABS, image buttons and action bars)
=*improved shared preferences stability (TSSharedPrefEdit)
=*delete resolution data when widget is removed
*some live info bubble options were showing in the bubble edit screen when they should not be assigned (e.g. for notification icons etc)
=*no more “Redraw widget” message when tapping on bubble move in different type of cloud
=*autocolor is enabled by default for contact clouds as well
~”New card vibration” setting (under “More options” in the phone app) now affects Bubble Cloud peek cards as well: when card is updated watch will vibrate unless watch is in Do-not-disturb mode
+Long press peek card for option “Open notification via plugin” to choose whether the Notification icons plugin or the standard Wear OS notification is shown when you tap on the peek card
*fixed setting “new card vibration” not sticking
+no new card vibration when watch is on charger
*stupid oversight: what’s new page played old video
*include “show live info” option in backup
~”Show live info” will not affect clock bubble
*refresh favorites tile if custom theme bubble is set or erased (in the clock bubble dialog or long pressing the uniform bubble color box in the phone app)
+remind user after applying icon pack the file transfer to the watch can take a long (long!) time
*the need for phone permission was not explained in the phone app (to be able to hide app drawer when call comes in and to make calls using contact bubbles)
*eliminate crash when folder tile of a deleted folder is clicked
=+automatically update also the clock/date bubbles in a widget when changing widget’s icon pack (only if they have been masked originally)
=*cloud configuration screen’s floating action button labels visibility problem in dark mode
=~check option “Use clock background color” if there are no mask/background alternatives when theming clock bubble
=+add hour12, hour24, am, month, day, fullmonth, fullday to middle row
=+change bubble text color based on center color intensity (only if white or black) (if center is transparent use intensity of solidified widget background color)
=*icon pack border/background settings will also affect themeable clock bubbles (background color will come from clock bubble border color)
=*much improved clock widget performance
=~show clock bubbles also when cloud is being edited
=*fixed crashing folders with clock
=*fixed clock edit clicks in clock
=*fixed clock edit click in widget
=*fixed disappearing main clock in widgets with few bubbles
=*Crash in the Widget-only app after 9.77.9 update
=~Improved the layout of the “First widget placed” dialog
=~Improved table layout on Premium Upgrades screen
=+optional “PUT” method for HTTP (Smart Home control) bubbles [requested by Almar Örn Arnþórsson]
=*the widgets app was missing the HTTP Command templates
=*couldn’t add duplicate clock bubble to cloud
=*crash when adjusting digital clock widget content vertical position
~Watch will attempt to send private/local IP address HTTP commands always via phone first but send them directly from watch if phone cannot be reached (5s timeout)
=*crash when adjusting vertical digital clock widget text position
+BIG: add “favorites cloud” also as a tile on the watch!
*second attempt at handling local IP HTTP commands from the watch
+BIG:notification-icon bubbles in tile (favorites or folder tile)
*crash when trying to hide theme pack icons from main app
*if auto-locked, the app drawer was automatically opened for favorites tile too
*clock bubble did not always appear in the center in favorites tile
~clock layout on tile will stretch bubbles to edges of the screen
*refresh favorites cloud when themes/layouts change
*disable favorite tile in watch face mode
*update tile settings change on phone: layout, background color / image, bubble type, uniform color, live info hint, notification bubble colors, notification bubble options (show icon, show badges), and when a theme is applied.
*matched tile-bubble text colors in the favorite cloud (Tasker, LiveInfo, Phone battery)
+custom layout in favorite tile
+lock bubble will work in the tile too → it opens the app drawer and locks it
~button will no longer exit locked app drawer
+show “Loading bubbles…” message at start
*vertical app drawer will also show the favorite cloud when opened (used to remember your scroll position)
*revised tap-detection in tiles
*further improved tap-detection in tiles (no need to wait 1 sec for update)
*uniform color hollow bubbles in favorites tile
*app drawer was not loaded correctly after a small change in v9.78.6
~exit app drawer using the clock bubble if it was opened from the app drawer tile also
*tile will not flash when clicking outside of bubbles
*hide lock and show hint if folder tile is assigned to empty folder
*refresh folder tile when folder options are changed
*package name for folders (used for applying icon packs to folder icons) was mistakenly corrupted when adjusting tile options on the watch
*will not show reminder toast during intro on watch if tile has already been added
+translations for new text
~when applying themes on the watch the favorite layout setting is only applied in watch face mode or when it’s explicitly check-marked
=*handle crash more gracefully when trying to edit a missing bubble
+new tile video
+=*BIG: improved compatibility with most launchers (long press checkmark for new “measure mode”) (updated Launcher Tweaks section ~ updated First widget placed screen ~ updated Cloud Config screen)
=+BIG: clock bubble in widget → theme selector (with on/off switch) in cloud configuration → delete (share? modify?) theme
=+clock bubble FAB
=+icon pack masked version (also: refresh all)
=+BIG: ads in free version – banner ad in main app (unless landscape, widget or wear pro) – banner ad in cloud configuration screen (unless landscape, wear [contacts!] or widget pro) -banner ad on Wear Cloud Editor (unless landscape, help or layout designer is shown)
=+add benefit “don’t show ads” – updated list of benefits in translations
=*updated settings action button visibility in dark mode (the blue commands at the bottom of setting cards on the phone)
*fixed a crash in the watch face on the watch
=*widgets were not automatically updated after globally hiding/unhiding the pencil
=*reduced APK size by 3.3MB by improved image compression
=+improved icon pack support now with icon shader (icon packs which change color of masked icons)
=*could not save custom clock theme after customizing images or the time/date format
=*when main app not started via launcher icon the Wear OS menu item would appear even if Wear OS was not present
=~changed minimum widget size to 1×1
=*clock bubble will not be much bigger than the biggest bubble in the cloud
=+short pressing the trash can in the Bubble Edit screen will offer to uninstall app or remove bubble (in case of app bubbles only)
=+add any number of (non-main) time/date bubbles to widget
=*hide ad on any dialog
=+you can now set the folder shortcut icon before placing it (both from the widget drawer and the Widgets+Folders screen)
=+pop up clouds (bubble folders) show clock bubbles too
=*Widgets+Folders screen now indicates number folders and clocks too under “other” (used to only count Tasker and Smart Home control bubbles)
=+app will now warn if no default launcher is set and widget autofit calibration cannot be associated with the launcher
=+app will lead you to the Play Store if a custom theme uses components from a theme pack that was uninstalled
=*you will be taken back to the correct screen after installing theme packs from the Play Store (it was returning to the main setting app)
=*Emergency fix for clock widget crash introduced in beta3
=~single tapping the clock will no longer take you to cloud configuration
=+haptic feedback during launcher calibration
(fun fact: Google removed this emergency update because of a bogus hashtag “violated” something in the app description, that’s been there for 5 years. Because of this beta testers did not get the fix for over 24 hours, that I created 5 minutes after it was reported by users. Yes, Google is evil)
=~you will have to double tap widget with single clock to edit (hint displayed at first tap)
=+backup clock bubbles and clock bubble themes
+translations for new strings
=+date bubble added to the stock options
=*crash when adjusting vertical adjustment of digital components
=*layout issues in the clock widget selective apply screen
=*crash after adding a folder shortcut (using the Widgets+Folders screen)
=*import image did not work when changing folder shortcut icon
=*ads will no longer show in Pre-launch tests
+expert option on watch: do not recolor watch face complication icons (only affects classic bubble cloud layout, standard Wear OS layout complications will stay recolored)
=+link clock settings to online help
=*slight layout glitch in clock widget settings (misaligned square/round switch)
=+video clock, folder, launcher calibration: https://youtu.be/rgIbgnL1VGo
=+bubble sizes are automatically locked (and move to center is disabled) after using the swap tool
=+main clock bubble in grid layouts now appears above or to the right of the cloud
=+enable new system for new users only
=+add help button to launcher calibration screen
=~ads only for those who install v9.77.7 first
change icon packs to check for Wear OS
release 1 build 8:
=+autolock bubble sizes when any bubble size gets edited
=+hide yellow bubble for a week by watching an ad
=+”coffee” option to watch an ad
=+could not hide Theme Packs since they were never opened. Now app will prompt you to open them…
release 2 build 9:
=*some cloud parameters were not stored correctly [thank you Simon Bernard for reporting!]
=*app was crashing on Android 4.4 (KitKat) and older devices
=+new spinner on the “Hide yellow bubble” dialog while the ad is loading
+consistent automatic peek card colors for apps with all white icons [tip: Primo De Leon]
*problem restoring themes with components from the theme pack where the sample theme (Pack #0) is from, but they are not the sample theme
=*fixed crash when making backup on older (Android 4.x) devices
*clock font size was not stored correctly in custom themes
~updated custom theme related warning “Missing/corrupted data” to suggest to check for app update in Play Store
=+new Tasker plugin option “Text only (hide icon)” when adding text to Tasker bubble (note: when setting text via %variable, icon will be hidden if resolved string starts with ‘_’ underscore char)
-removed admob (Google never fails to disappoint)
=+link to license troubleshooter from Premium page
*fixed crash while updating theme selector in phone app
=*folder edit bar seekbar mistouch still moved seek position slightly
=+new smart home (HTTP command) bubble option “Open in browser” → use HTTP bubbles for smarter bookmark / webapp starter (with toggle fields and petal options) e.g. open Google Docs
=*further improved symmetry for alternating grid layout
=*uninstall command did not work in bubble edit dialog overflow menu because of a permission change in Android Oreo
beta 1:
=*option did not show initially when HTTP control bubble is added
=+added translations
beta 2:
+Theme shortcut bubbles
*icons did not show correctly in the Shortcuts settings group on the phone (when folders, smart-lights, phone app bubbles or complications were assigned to shortcuts)
*notification icon bubbles did not appear correctly in the Wear Cloud Editor (random icon)
beta 3:
~custom theme screen on watch will prompt to select all if nothing was selected
*clean up back stack when exiting folder after bubble edit screen
*crash in contact cloud when opened via button and no contacts
+extended Tasker plugin can now activate and move all bubbles on the watch (not just Tasker bubbles, as before)
=*improved symmetry for grid widget layouts
beta 4:
*toggle bubbles in Tasker plugin did not work correctly
*Tasker plugin was not able to move any bubble into folders
*import theme by sharecode resulted in corrupted themes on phone
*improved visibility of Bubble Cloud settings icon over dark backgrounds on the watch
*clouds were not refreshed after creating / deleting theme bubbles
*when importing themes, prompt to install necessary theme packs
*failed to prompt to install theme packs if pack 0 had the theme from the same pack
+new sharecode format: https://theme.dynalogix.eu/xxxxxx → take user to website if bubble cloud is not installed (bubblecloud://theme/ is also kept)
*themes were not deleted correctly
beta 5:
+won’t delete theme if there are linked theme bubbles “Cannot delete until 1 or more linked theme-bubbles are removed”
+new theme option: “update” (overwrite with new settings) – keeps theme bubbles and Tasker plugin operational
*improved theme and theme-bubble synchronization between phone and watch
*improved appearance of folders and complications in the Tasker plugin config screen
*theme bubble image broke on the watch when using “default icon” button in Wear Cloud Editor
*deleting a theme on the watch used to reset the default theme bubble location to favorites
beta 6:
*crash when trying to insert Tasker %variable to plugin
+translation for new strings
+new video
+linked new video to Tasker Plugin config screen + What’s new screens on phone and watch
beta 7: (production release)
*crash when clearing BubbleID in Tasker plugin config screen
=+made sharedpreferences more resilient
beta 1:
=+self correcting sharedprefs
beta 2:
=*improved symmetry for alternating grid layout
=*if both Premium Key and Summary are installed, use Summary to watch for newly installed apps (disable battery optimization for Summary!)
beta 3:
*show expert crown option in app drawer mode too, hint at its effect on the use of the crown in folders
=*expert widget parameters restore button did not reset checkboxes, only their preferences
=+new folder bubble animation (and quicker threaded operation) is now optional (off by default – enable it in main app → “Expert” → “Widget Preferences”) [merci Matthieu Kieffer]
=*rare crash in main Bubble Cloud app / layout options dialog
=*rare crash in petal options on phone
+use buttons/crown in contact cloud on watch (if opened via button press) [thank you gandalf_123]
=*cloud option “Keep frozen bubbles after uninstall” was not saved / backed up or restored
=+prompt to enable Overlay on Huawei/Xiaomi phones more aggressively
*crash while importing custom 1-click themes
=+cloud layout options (circle and off-center)
=+added galaxy, and rotatable grid and checkered grid layouts
=*fixed a crash when tapping the youtube button when selecting default layout
=+long press rotation arrows to rotate cloud by 45°
=*cloud layout settings are now saved in backup and deleted correctly with the widget
*Smart Auto Layouts dialogs crash in “Wear OS” settings on phone (broke in v9.72.1)
=~alternating grid change order of shorter/longer rows depending on number of bubbles for more even looking clouds
=+finalized new layouts in bubble folders (i.e. pop-up clouds) – no more missing or extra bubbles
=*fixed layout rotation issues
=*made backup / restore more robust [thank you Miquel Ferrarons]
=~improved layouts:
=~round=multiple inner bubbles if total number of bubbles>14
=~grids=center last row (if possible) for more symmetrical look
=~galaxy=magnified and rotation enabled
~improved button/crown selection in folders and petal options: [based on feedback by Matej, thank you!]
+improved crown detection (register if crown was used anywhere in the app, not just in folder)
+different hint shown if crown is enabled
~hint is shown longer only the first time
~shorter button long press for activation if no crown used/enabled
~no crown detection if “Wrist/crown gestures” is disabled in expert settings
=*video link in default widget layout dialog
=+bubble weights are now shown in edit mode (only if sizes locked)
=~improved visibility of bubble labels in edit mode
=*45° rotation final fix
=*missing ccw folder layout rotation long press
=+long press swap arrows also for ccw 45° (widget + folder)
=+accidental touch protection for bubble spacing seekbar in widget/folder toolbar (NoSkipSeekBar)
=*further improved grid layout symmetry
=+animate folder bubbles too, when animation is turned on for the cloud
=*reduced bubble size in folder when using grid layout
=~square shaped folder for round/galaxy/off-center layouts
=~resize folder after layout change
=+video (what’s new + widget smart auto layout sections)
=+translations for new strings
*”More theme packs in play store” button did not work in the 1-click themes section
*fix rotary crown operation in settings screens on newer watches (Google broke crown control in Android H) [thank you Elias Cabrera for reporting]
~fix reverse scrolling direction via crown
+select petal options and bubbles from folders with the rotary crown (long press other buttons to activate)
*fixed auto sticky issue in tile folder [thank you Alex Perez for reporting]
+short press button to activate petal option or bubble in folder if crown was used for selection
~changed crown sensitivity and bubble order when selecting bubbles from folders using the crown
+progressive selection using the crown in folders and petal options (when opened via hardware button) i.e. selection moves gradually from item to item, snaps to focus when crown is released
~multi line text in peek card title if no text body (upcoming agenda events used to be cut off) [thank you Pavlos Vasileiadis for reporting]
*exiting a folder should take you to the app drawer only if the folder was opened from the app drawer
*whenever we are not coming from the app drawer the 3 dots (more) bubble should open the app drawer
*when selecting folder bubbles using the crown, the selection will settle more quickly (600 to 300ms)
~more natural bubble selection order when using the crown [suggested by Elias Cabrera]
*avoided selection glitch if crown was moved before the folder bubbles appeared
*selection via button/crown stays active for inner folders
+the 3 dot (“more”) bubble in inner folders will now take you to the parent folder (works only 1 level deep)
+new video
*fix for tile disappearance after reboot
*fix for bubbles growing into different folder issue
*fixed hotspot toggle option of wifi bubble (on/off/hotspot)
+new dedicated wifi hotspot toggle (on/off)
*rare crash in custom theme list on watch
*wake phone when turning on wifi hotspot
*Optimized resources for Media control shortcut
~Added “(via BC)” to Media Controls to show connection
*Bubble distortion in Bubble Cloud tile on “flat tire” watches [reported by Jen Yates – thank you]
*”No bubble” option did not work in folders and tile (always followed favorite cloud setting) [reported by Jen Yates – thank you]
*Bring up Wear Contacts settings on the phone by tapping the empty contacts screen on the watch (was still crashing after 9.67 fix)
+New Wear Stand Up Alert v3.03 beep sound option (note: never beeps if watch is in DND, even if obey DND is disabled)
+Stand Up notifications will beep even on older watches which don’t receive Stand Up Alert v3 (toggle option in Bubble CLoud phone app)
+Restore Media Controls shortcut removed by Google in recent Wear OS update (you can assign it to hardware button!)
*App drawer appeared sometimes when connecting charger even if “Rotate on charger” and “Full screen clock on charger” were both disabled [Dr_Tron]
*Gracefully handle when tile folder background image is corrupted
beta 0:
+offer to move bubbles without live-info if they are not allowed in folders (battery, date, steps)
*fixed rare crash when saving custom theme
*fixed rare crash when opening app drawer
*fixed rare crash when redrawing app drawer
*edit bubble did not work in smart home bubble petal options
*handle unregister receiver crash more gracefully (when sending sms)
=~bubble label text size in the home screen widgets and folders is now proportional to the size of the bubble [tip: Fabien – merci!]
=~move bubbles to center without growing even if bubble sizes are locked (“Bubbles grow + move to center” → “Last used bubble moves to middle”) [tip: Patrick Lam → thanks!]
beta 1:
*fixed rare crash when importing corrupted/missing theme share code
=*decoupled center bubble option from bubble size lock
+updated for Wear Stand Up Alert 3.00
beta 2:
*bad release: wrong Google Play Services linked
beta 3:
*Google Fit step count midnight reset issue fixed
beta 4:
=+Support development
*midnight step count reset
+translations for new UI elements
beta 5:
~works together with Wear Stand Up Alert v3.00beta2
~Wear Stand Up Alert will work independent from Bubble Cloud unless Bubble Cloud is set as your watch face
+Stand Up Alert now prompts to replace the watch face complication if used independently from Bubble Cloud
*Stand Up Alert updates watch face complication quicker (no “–“)
*Stand Up Alert different icon for battery saver complication, different label for complication to be used in Bubble Cloud
beta 6:
*Wear Contacts was crashing since v9.65. Does anybody use Wear Contacts??
=*fix bubble rare animation bug on tablets
*crash on corrupt watch folder background image
*crash when trying to open app drawer
beta 7:
*changing Stand-up related settings in the phone app will update the watch directly
*improved communication between Bubble Cloud and Stand Up Alert
~3 cases: A) Use Bubble Cloud step monitoring routines 1. if Bubble Cloud is set as the active watch face (Stand Up Alert complication not necessary, but available) 2. if app drawer is active and no Stand Up Alert watch face complication placed B) Use Stand Up Alert’s own step monitoring 3. if Stand Up Alert watch face complication is placed on 3rd party watch face (For reliable Stand up alerts place complication or use Bubble Cloud watch face)
beta 8:
*crash in phone app
beta 0:
+delay the necessary tile updates to avoid lag when accessing the Bubble Cloud tile (adjust delay under Watch:”Expert settings” or Phone:”More options”)
beta 1:
*removed unnecessary tile updates (track if anything related to the tile has changed since last update)
beta 2:
*added error message instead of crash on Mobvio watches with missing voice recognition
*update toggle and tasker bubbles in the tile folder
*bubbles were not growing in folders even if “lock bubble size/location” was off
+animate (“blink”) bubbles in folder when tapped
9.66.3 (production release)
*fixed crash when tapping dummy peek card
*fixed rare crash while applying theme on slower watches
+translations for new strings
beta 0:
*crash when trying to apply favorite background for 24 hour analog theme in the phone app
*sideloaded plugins and theme packs prompt you to install from Play Store now on Android 10 too (get around background activity limitation)
~API 28: update libraries, switch to AndroidX, new permission “Foreground Service”
+complication FAB in wear cloud editor → help page (shows in place of Tasker bubble if Tasker is not installed)
~Weather bubble dialogs in Wear Cloud Editor gained “Troubleshoot problems” buttons which link to troubleshooting webpage
+expand theme selectors on phone
beta 1:
+keep track of selected theme components and color adjustments on phone and watch (preparation for user created 1-click themes)
*1-click theme selections are now shared watch→phone too (it was only phone→watch)
+improved speed and reliability of applying themes on the phone
+backup now includes theme selections
+toggle groups/columns of checkboxes when icons are tapped in Theme Apply screen on watch
+create / apply / remove custom themes on the watch
+sync themes and custom pieces between phone and watch
+user saved themes appear in the 1-click theme selector: apply, delete user themes from phone
*fixed repeated rating request issue [reported by Cheri Murphy – thank you!]
*improved toast appearance when layouts turned off
+create / delete / apply themes in the phone app
+create partial themes (favorites only, clock bubble only, archive only etc.)
+partial apply user themes (e.g. only apply the favorite cloud colors)
-removed old undo method (restore custom pieces)
+undo button in phone app and watch (under “1-click themes” and also “my themes”): go back to previous theme
+progress spinner during theme operations
+share theme share-code
+prompt to update watch app before theme operations
+import themes via share-code (paste, share, or use link “bubblecloud://theme/”)
~hide “recommended 1-5 bubbles” hint if user ever took action
+share themes via Bubble Cloud Rich-Images
+include themes in cloud backup and watch restore
*clock layout bubbles were mis-alligned on flat tire screens
~hidden feature: long press version number to “reset all” will now show proper prompt on watch
beta 2:
+include share-code link even if theme does not have custom components when shared as RichImage
+include warning not to resize/recompress RichImage to stay importable
+import message (“Check your watch”) now reminds to check archive cloud if imported theme only defines archive style
*created themes did not make it back to phone if “create theme” was initiated from the phone
*show progress singal throughout the complete theme operations (progress spinner disappeared before finish)
*block 1-click theme operations until watch is connected
*when applying a custom theme using the phone app, rewind the picker before newly applied theme is moved to the front
beta 3:
*selective apply for pack themes was broken on the phone (always applied all components)
*if any clock piece was selectively applied, set clock type to analog (just like on the watch)
*extra piece (corner, center etc) will turn off during selective apply if the theme doesn’t have it and dial is selected
*themes auto-enabling full-clock-only mode switched to the wrong settings group to show the setting
beta 4:
+added new custom theme video to phone and watch app
*themes containing only date bubble could not be restored correctly
*fixed gauge issues when applying / undoing themes
*fixed how extra watch component (corner / min dial / center) is restored for custom themes
+new options to control secondary dial (“extra”) component visibility in clock bubble settings (on watch and phone)
+new overflow menu in Clock Bubble dialog for setting custom components: seconds hand, themed uniform bubble,
active and inactive secondary dials, active and inactive gauge pointers)
+translations for new strings
*clock bubble config screen layout corrections on the phone
beta 5:
*theme background graphics was restored overwriting custom background image settings for favorites and archive cloud
beta 6: (rolling out to production)
*improved the look of the little label included in Rich-images
*don’t prompt to install pack 0 if watch is missing theme pack 0 but it has the theme where the original theme was from
*now correctly restore themes containing default components
*theme 0 components were not correctly added in the phone app (they did not refer to the original pack)
+tapping the top of the settings screens on the watch will go back to previous screens (now added: Expert, Shortcuts, Clock settings too)
*crash when clicking on theme teasers
*crash when importing damaged PNG files
*free version custom theme limit was not enforced (limit increased to 5)
*crash on watch when damaged watch face component assigned
+added more Wear Pro features to the version comparison table in the Premium page of the phone app
*watch face will no longer cover alarm cancel screen (switch to alarm clock when watch face touched!)
beta 1:
+new 12-hour option for every 24-hour theme (select when you apply the theme)
*theme names can now contain the letter combination “cb”
beta 2:
+Phone app dark mode
~Reorganized the watch related settings in the phone app (“Wear OS” screen)
+select vertical app drawer orientation also in the phone app
~reduced watch app size by 7%
~title icons in the watch settings on the phone
+dynamically hide unavailable options in the phone app
~”More info online” link changed to → Wear feature highlights
~”Become a beta tester” link now points to beta info on app’s website
~”How to use and customize” link now points to “Watch face introduction” on app’s website
~1-click theme symbol is now the “paint palette”
*improved phrasing of many outdated option names and messages
*date bubble dialog initialization issues
*floating action buttons sometimes did not fit in landscape
beta 3:
*hide “Background by minute of the hour” in app-drawer mode
+show textual hint when selecting “Background by minute of the hour”
+tapping on the “Background by minute of the hour” clock icon again will toggle the color mode (just like on the watch)
*corrected the black icons in Wear Cloud Editor’s Cloud Selector dialog
*corrected layout issues in Wear Cloud Editor’s Folder Edit dialog
+new option: folders to use their custom bubble image as folder background image (option added both on phone and watch)
*corrected dark mode issue in “different watch version” dialog
beta 4:
*increased watch folder bubble image resolution to cover the screen if used as background
~the option “merge smaller clouds” is now also available for “Corner” and “Galaxy” archive layouts
*archive cloud cloud distribution showed bubbles in folders incorrectly
*bulk commands (at the bottom of expert screen on watch) did not handle bubbles in folders correctly
beta 5:
*light font related setting no longer getting stuck
*icon pack drop down list visibilty in dark mode (Cloud config screen and Wear Cloud Editor apply icon pack)
beta 6:
*Emergency update: crash when applying 1-click themes
~a little more aggressive about recommending theme pack #13 when 24-hour analog option is selected
*backup/restore did not include some expert settings on the watch
=+Widget-only app dark mode
=~improved appearance of the widget-related settings in dark mode
beta 7:
*crash when using reset “Font and backgrounds” at the bottom of the “More options” group, and haven’t opened 1-click themes section first
*reset “Font and backgrounds” is now aware of the option “background by minute of the hour”
*changed wording for option “Triple-tap screen to unlock” (was “to exit theater mode”)
beta 8:
*crash when trying to apply favorite background for 24 hour analog theme in the phone app
+24 hour analog option (preparation for new theme pack, theme names ending with “c24/c00”)
+option for midnight on top or bottom [tip: Olivier LL]
*outlined ambient checkbox was visible for Analog clock in clock bubble settings on the phone
beta 1:
~”More apps by Dyna Logix” now links to https://dynalogix.eu
~”More theme packs in Play Store” now links to https://bubble.dynalogix.eu/bubble-cloud-themes
*auto app drawer opening lock in App-drawer tile did not work if empty folder is assigned to tile
*clear tile folder id if the folder assigned to the tile is cleared
beta 2:
*preview did not work when applying 1-click themes if overlay was turned off
~c24=24 hour (24 on top) / c00=24 hour (24 at the bottom)
+themes can now have font references (reduces theme pack size)
+added pack#13 to theme showcase on phone and watch
beta 3:
+recommend installing Pack#13 when 24-hour toggle is enabled (and Pack #13 is not installed)
*drawer timeout inconsistencies sorted out
~moved drawer timeout to WearOS settings group on phone
beta 1:
*toggling overlay option on phone did not have an immediate effect on the watch
*disable swipe to exit for watchface in non-overlay mode
+added cancel button to (light blue) permission request screen on watch
+workaround for Wear OS bug: prompt user to toggle Settings permission OFF and ON
*couldn’t prompt for phone permission if it was denied permanently
*kept asking for unneeded permissions
beta 2:
*rare crash when toggling overlay (rootview already null)
*digital clock update race condition (unregister receiver while shutting down)
-disable Gen 1 Moto 360 auto-brightness bug workaround on newer watches
*brightness control on watches with no light sensor (broken in v9.61) [thank you Anthony Wang for investigating the issue!]
+separate settings tile (appdrawer / folder tile only available in app drawer mode)
~disable appdrawer/folder tile in watch face mode
*crash while waiting to notify watch battery full state
*free up resources when adjusting clock bubble
*app drawer tile tap more reliable
+extended screen timeout when interacting with the Bubble Cloud watchface + expert option to adjust screen timeout between 5sec and 30sec
*crash fix during startup on phone
*navigation drawer reminder was shown in phone app even after you already pulled out the drawer
~updated permission requirements on watch:
+app drawer without overlay permission! (using standard activities which have slower startup time: 1070ms vs 340ms on Huawei Watch 2)
+option to use overlays (for “improved performance” = 3 times quicker app drawer) → prompt for permission / instructions to remove “draw over other apps” message
~larger font, better spacing in the permission request screen
-phone permission is no longer needed for regular operation (app will prompt for it only when phone-call is made from the contact cloud OR gesture detection off)
~prompt for permission “to change system-settings” when brightness adjusted or auto brightness turned on
+updated intro slider on watch:
~increased font size and improved spacing on many slides
+more details about long-press to edit bubbles
+more details about the website (auto open them on phone)
-removed instructions on hiding “draw over other apps” message (not using overlays by default)
*debut buffer maintenance
+Brightness control and automatic day/night brightness both request permission to control brightness
~improved app drawer selector in settings
*graceful handling of removed permission “draw over other apps”
+switch to non-overlay mode if permission removed with active overlay
+Theater mode, Screen lock, Sticky open, Forced-Exit, Bubble animation check for and request “Draw Over Other Apps” permission if needed
+long press app-restore assistant (at the top of settings on watch) to clear the app-restore list (=remove the menu item)
+overlay toggle on the phone (with instructions on removing permanent notification and help to enable permission if needed)
+drawer timeout control in the Watch face settings group in the phone app when expert mode is enabled
*small-image type complications are never WearOS-style by default since WearOS style doesn’t show in ambient mode! (users can still choose WearOS-style if they want blank circle on ambient)
~increased the default bubble spacing in the favorites cloud (live info hints look nicer)
beta 1:
+improved the watch overlay permission request dialog on the phone
+check overlay before enabling sticky open and bubble animations in the settings on the phone
+translations for all new strings
beta 2:
~intro on watch will not auto open app’s website on phone, user needs to click on the page highlighting the website
+a few corrections in translations
beta 3:
*fixed layout of website-page in intro slider on watch
+new info (i) button at the bottom of Expert settings on watch: tap to see when watch was last rebooted and when app was last updated
*single taps were detected as double taps after adjusting the clock time of the watch
beta 4:
*fixed a rare crash while updating analog watch face
*fixed a possible lock up situation in watch face mode when overlays are disabled
*fixed app drawer closing issues when not using overlay (you can now turn off auto close and the timeout will reset each time you touch the drawer)
*disable drawer timeout by dragging the drawer timeout all the way to the left
beta 5: → production debut
~offer overlay in main settings screen even if app doesn’t have permission (Google Play doesn’t seem to give it by default any more)
*improved reliability of app drawer opening tile
+visual feedback when tapping tile and folder bubbles
*permission request screen was not visible after enabling sunset/sunrise live info
beta 6: → critical production update
*Critical: fixed tile auto open lock crash introduced in Beta 5
beta 7: → critical production update
*fixed rare Bluetooth toggle crash
*fixed rare crash in app drawer
*Critical: preview in watch face mode without overlays
*watch face now returns to watch face after dimming
*no need to disable drawer for settings anymore
beta 8:
=~gradle 3.5
*checks for shutdown (restart) in background process
~changed default drawer timeout for new users to 9700ms (it’s still 5000 = disabled for existing)
+overlay status added to developer email info block
*crash when tapping a certain bubble while bubble animation is enabled
*drawer off setting did not stick [thank you Elias Cabrera for reporting it!]
beta 9: → critical production update
*Critical: tile crash on Traditional Chinese
*cannot access active watch face after brightness permission request was denied
*Critical: app drawer edge detection in watch face mode (using overlays)
+the Bubble Cloud Tile can now show one of your bubble folders
+bubble edit screen: in the cloud selector (on the top) the tile-folder has a tile icon
+folder edit screen has a new option “Assign to tile” (this, other, app drawer)
+folder edit screen has a new switch “Include drawer opener bubble” (app drawer) or “Include folder config bubble” (watch face)
*newly created folders did not have a background color
+show hint on tile: “Long press bubbles to move to this tile” and “Long press folder to assign to tile”
beta 1:
*fixed bubble tap detection issues in the tile
beta 2:
+phone app:
+newly created folder → tileFolder + opener
+options in folder edit screen:
+assign to tile
+show opener/config
+when assigning bubbles show tile icon (in app drawer mode)
+show “tile” in the name of the folder in the list
*improved the tile symbol throughout the app
*fixed bubble visibility issues
beta 3:
*in some cases tile bubbles started the wrong apps
+translations for new strings (I refer to them as “Tiles”)
beta 4:
*fixed exiting folders opened from the tile
*”open app drawer” bubble became “more…”
*circular smart auto layout for folders was not symmetrical
*grid layout icons order + move to the top of the screen
+added new video 8MPuh8kLeRA
beta 5:
+new option: show hint icons for LiveInfo bubbles (app icon in the corner) – control separately for favorites, archive and folders [off by default for existing users]
~changed the name of Tile to “App drawer / folder”
~tile-folder appears with the tile symbol everywhere in app-drawer mode (unless a custom icon is set) (in the watch and in the Wear Cloud Editor on the phone)
*first time opening the app drawer, now it opens on first attempt
*improved layout of folder-bubble edit screen on watch
beta 6:
*do not theme or hollow the LiveInfo hint bubble
*themed toggle/smartlight/tasker bubbles did not “blink” when touched
*smartlight bubbles without toggle fields still opened the petal options screen
production release (9.60.7):
*updated translations [Italian: thank you Libero Balsamo!]
*fixed a tile system related crash
*fixed 2 rare crashes
production update (9.60.8):
*fixed a crash when trying to add SmartLight bubble in Wear Cloud Editor
production update (9.60.9):
+prompt to install standalone version if Tile is selected in the intro slider on the watch
+new command to install standalone version in the settings on the watch if WearOS watch detected using the embedded version
*always have intro slider complete before prompting for permissions
+convenience buttons in Bubble Edit screen on watch to adjust liveinfo hints (if liveinfo enabled for bubble)
+stepcount live info can now be assigned using the Bubble Edit screen on the watch
~default stepcount live info hint icon was incorrect if Wear Stand-up Alert is not installed
*crash while redrawing ambient watch face
+if Notification Icons plugin is active the peek card of phone notifications will open the plugin’s more capable notification viewer instead of the WearOS card
*fixed a rare crash watch app (deregistering step count monitor)
*some shortcut settings made on using the phone app did not transfer to the watch [reported: James Victor Ashe, thanks!]
*if flashlight was assigned to hardware button, it sometimes opened the last used Bubble Cloud screen instead
*when assigning flashlight or analog ↔ digital switch to a button, the wrong description appeared in the assign shortcut control (in the Bubble Edit Screen)
beta 1:
*What’s new video added for Notification icons quick reply feature
*Rare crash fixed in Wear Cloud Editor
*Rare crash fixed when switching watch faces
+Wifi hotspot toggle from WearOS watch (enable in Wear Cloud Editor)
*Fixed a bug causing notification bubbles to disappear when Tasker plugin was used to update bubbles on the watch
+preliminary tile support (open app drawer using the tile)
*fixed issue which prevented you to set solid background for merged app drawer
beta 1:
+vertical app drawer option: no handle (open via Tile, Complication or button press) + swipe to close in both directions
+new option in side selection “Vertical (no handle)”
+extended intro wizard: 1) Watch face or app drawer? 2) How to open drawer?
+new settings tile in watch face mode
+tile buttons haptic feedback
*improved switching between watchface and app drawer modes
beta 2:
~pressing another button after sunlight mode will not cancel sunlight mode (including double press function on the same button. If no double press function assigned, pressing the sunlight button again will still cancel it)
+added translations for new options
beta 3:
+added new extended video on tile support
beta 4:
=*no more unnecessary widget remeasures after screen rotation
beta 5:
*fixed archive cloud margin issues
*fixed issue with vertical app drawer not opening after closing it with a left swipe [thank you Steven for reporting!]
*fixed archive cloud icon label layout issues
*fixed a rare crash when wifi state changes while exiting Bubble Clouds
beta 6:
*ticwatch apps are handled similarly to system clock activities
beta 7:
*Wear Cloud Editor infinite loop when removing all bubbles from favorite cloud [thank you Steven for reporting!]
*vertical app drawer issues when favorite cloud background is set to full-transparent
?beta 8:
*ambient bubble circles did not follow setting when updating Tasker bubbles
*crash when trying to save Bookmark Bubble while system is busy updating Webview component
*rare crash while refreshing watch face
*workaround for digital clock background crash on a very few devices
*rare crash after giving location permission on watch
+added font updates for theme pack #7
*updated teaser icons for Theme Pack #7 (watch + phone app)
beta 1:
~switching to dynalogix.eu web domain
beta 2:
=+long press bubbles in folders (i.e. popup-clouds on the phone) to edit them
*last beta update broke digital clock on older, Android Wear 1.x watches [thank you Rose Languste for testing and reporting the problem!]
?9.54 beta
+new clock bubble type: text clock (in 11 languages)
+new theme pack 12 with 7 beautiful, full character set fonts and the language routines
9.53 bugfix/prep release
+added theme pack 12 teaser icons (coming soon)
*background color behind brightness bar is now also get recolored when recoloring theme’s background image (on the watch)
*digital themes could not be applied from the phone app
*new option to clear theme font only (under 1-click themes → Clear Theme)
*tapping the clock bubble sometimes did not switch to interactive mode
*priority for active cloud=OFF → exit folder did not return to the archive cloud
*fixed issues moving between folders and smart home control screens in app drawer mode
beta 1:
+warning shown in clock bubble settings on watch: custom analog components cannot be colored
~complication and LiveInfo bubble layout improvements
*fixed crash when pressing “restore defaults” in Clock bubble settings on watch
9.52 release
*clock bubble cannot be hidden from ambient mode in Wear Cloud Editor
+workaround for right app drawer glitch on TicWatch Wear OS H (API28, app-drawer mode, app drawer on the right, handle size>0)
beta 1:
+opening app drawer after Flashlight, Timer in app drawer mode now became optional (switch “Open drawer” in the bubble edit screen on the watch)
*much smoother ambient→active transition: eliminated clock flicker (time used to disappear for a fraction of a second)
~moved ambient mode related settings to Favorite Cloud settings screen on watch (mode, uniform color, circle)
+new expert option “Ambient background always black” – workaround for black screen issue when returning from ambient if ambient is same as active
(default=true, but not for existing users)
beta 2:
*uniform ambient color palette appeared erratically
beta 3:
*ambient mode settings were not always applied
beta 4:
*crash on MIUI while fetching app list
*crash in the phone app on One Plus One (Android 9)
*crash on watch when app drawer is on the right (volume bar instead of brightness bar)
*changes to Quick Swipe Panel on the watch were not always applied
~build tools / gradle updated to 3.4 (new R8 optimizer)
release 5:
~updated theme packs #4 #8 #9 #10 teaser icons with gauge icon (phone + watch)
*fixed crash in app drawer mode
beta 6:
*fixed ambient→active transition on Android Wear 1.5 watches
*fixed voice search error on Android Wear 1.5 watches
*fixed timer complication (3s delay)
release 7:
*fixed hollow bubbles not showing in ambient mode if “ambient black” was enabled
+=long press contact petal numbers to set/clear defaults
~updated theme pack #4 #8 #9 teaser icons (phone + watch)
~=filter repeating phone numbers even if punctuation is different
*=contact petals did not show multiple email addresses
*=relinked contact bubbles were corrupted
+=relink contact bubbles also when widget action is not set to petal options
+also get default number/email from contact database
+=store default number/email selection into contact (need new permission: WRITE_CONTACTS)
*=Petal option toast message style
+=translations for new strings
+=new icons for more phone number types (fax, pager, other, telex, callback)
+=show number when bubble with phone number is selected before action (call/text/etc)
*=newly added contact bubble images are now editable: border size/color (bubbles added before v9.51 need to be re-added)
*Missing “Authorise Gmail” option from Wear Contact’s screen (in Portrait mode)
*first_step_today default changed to the actual step count not 0 to avoid large numbers when error
-removed the “contacts killed” card (temporarily)
*crash while searching help from the watch
*fixed a crash in theme pack list
*sunlight mode did not work when assigned to shortcut button or clock [Bas Ammerlaan]
+add an additional option for the button presses that does a vibrate along with the assigned action [Adam Legge]
+you can now mute “different version” notifications in the phone app [Ezriderz]
*Images in bubble with standard WearOS complication layout did not get drawn in folders
→resubmitted because Google rejected 9.50.1 because of SMS permission
+shortcut icon (gear) at the bottom of clock bubble settings screen on watch to open clock bubble edit screen [Gábor Sándor]
+expert option: show debug messages (server response / error) for Smart Home control bubbles on the watch
+expert option: always route smart home control commands through the phone (do not use network connection of the watch)
-removed SMS permission in accordance with Google’s updated Play Store policy
+moved SMS functionality to “off Play Store” plugin (see https://bubble.dynalogix.eu/2019/01/02/call_log_gone/ )
→resubmitted because Google rejected 9.50.3 because of SMS permission (although app has no SMS permission now!?!?!)
*crash on phone during communication with watch
*dummy peek card related crash
*rare crash in settings on the watch (using a selector control)
*rare crash in settings on watch
+translations for new SMS option
*improved plugin/permission control related to sending SMS
~improved wording for some options [thank you Bas Ammerlaan!]
*added labels to the complication settings in Wear Cloud Editor
~color coded progress indicator name “Color” → “Colors”
*fixed missing icon issue with WearOS complication layout
*theme colors were not tinted correctly using the selective-apply screen on the watch (uniform + digit colors, when background selected)
~expanded the tips displayed on the complication edit screen in Wear Cloud Editor (on the phone)
*use burn-in protection icon in ambient mode for WearOS complication layout too
*fixed complication update, improved power use
*fixed emoji character related crash on pre Marshmallow devices
~changed the gauge options in selective theme apply screens on phone and watch
*fixed issue with complication settings being cleared when connecting to Wear Cloud Editor
*hide complication layout options for peek card
+added new video: https://youtu.be/ysD0FiMeQ2o
~ what’s new screen
~ what’s new screen in watch
+ complication edit screen in Wear Cloud Editor
~complication bubble icon in Wear Cloud Editor now reflects complication type / layout
*color type range complication bubbles did not use range colors when uniform ambient color mode was set to “not uniform”
*crashfix when gauge selected to show in ambient mode
2: (production)
*crash when updating complications using standard WearOS layout (no label!)
*icons for complications using standard WearOS layout were not redrawn after rebuilding bubble cloud
+option ring progress indicators in range-type watch face complications
+optional standard Wear OS complication layout
*crash when pressing secondary buttons in folder/smart home bubbles screen on watch if no secondary button press was configured
*did not enable bookmarks/contacts if first widget was restored from folder or orphan
*crash on Android 7 Wear OS watches when double tapping to reset color hue/saturation/brightness bars while applying 1-click themes
+show warning if custom layout is used with notification icons plugin (and the notification icons are set to be on the watch face)
*hide notification icons plugin warnings when settings card is folded
*update layout icon when custom layout is selected
*”fix” button did not work when notification bubbles were hidden on watch
+translations for new text
+reverse color progress indicator options (green→red)
~use color emojis instead of words to describe color change
+manage complication layout preference: remember and use last complication layout choice when new watch face complication is added
*crash while pressing the button on the watch
~changed Google+ icon to “web” (globe)
+highlight new (complication layout) option in Bubble Edit screen
~=clearing the color code in the color picker dialog is now equivalent to entering a “0” (=transparent black) [tip: Josh Steiner]
*complications colors when outside of the range
*1-click theme preview always showed the background image even if background color was selected
*1-click theme related parameters are now both backed up and restored
*phone/watch battery bubble at 100% text layout was broken in some languages (e.g. Portuguese)
+gauge-type watch face complication
+gauge pointer and scale options in Apply Theme screen on watch and selective 1-click theme apply screen on phone
+theme pack 8’s analog themes updated with 8 unique gauge styles
*Bubble Edit screen was not showing “progress indicator” control after adding a range-type complication
*When placing a non-range type complication after setting one to gauge-type, non-range complication appeared as gauge
+translations for new texts
*crash when executing shortcut assigned to long press of the button
*Smart Home control bubbles “Always” Petal Options caused the command not to work properly when the Test button was pressed (it worked in the watch though)
*Layout issues in complication Bubble Edit screen on watch immediately after adding a complication
+Select complication bubble progress indicator / layout in Wear Cloud Editor on phone
~changed color/reverse symbols to mali/ghana flags – looks better than the red-yellow-green hearts
+different color gradient for color range and reverse color range complications in the Wear Cloud Editor list
*Corrected more layout problems for complication Bubble Edit screen on the watch (selective ambient)
*improved missing icon issue with WearOS complication layout
*use burn-in protection icon in ambient mode for WearOS complication layout too
*=rare crash while editing home screen widget/folder
*rare crash after giving complication permission to Bubble Cloud on the watch
*=workaround for removal of call_log permission (autopopulate contact clouds)
+=made petal options clearer to use (prompt to select number after contact action etc)
+=show hourglass after petal command has been issued (some of the actions may take some time to process)
+translations for new strings
*=added OK button for language dialog (same effect as BACK key)
+new expert option (on watch) hide status icons from ambient/inactive watch face (the active wf never has it)
*crash with second long press when Method “H” was enabled for Long press button
*crash when timer/app drawer is assigned to first press of the secondary button and no long press is enabled (I know…)
*sharedpref corruption related crash in shortcut settings in phone
*bubbleimageprovider made more robust (missing_image.png)
*clock tap/double tap shortcut could not be assigned if long press was not set
+new shortcut action for hardware buttons: “do nothing” (to disable them if they tend to get pressed accidentally)
~option name updated to “status indicators on watch face” (was “status icons on watch face” can be mistaken for unrelated Notification icons plugin)
+updated christmas theme pack teaser added
*empty folders opened vie button crashed when long press selected. No more crash.
*hungarian price reference update
*double long press invokes double secondary press function
*hide (disable?) minutes color box when outline is enabled on the phone
*rare crash when pressing the secondary button on watch
*Wear Cloud Editor will switch to “filled bubbles” only in the cloud where the app bubble with the custom image is
~change every Google+ link to the new Bubble Clouds website (https://bubble.dynalogix.eu)
+new website teaser in what’s new dialog for widgets
*remove center/corner item when clear clock defaults on phone
*=rare bubble animation crash on phone
*crash when clicking on notification icons video link
*crash when assigning certain complications to the peek card
*crash during startup on watch
*crash in WearOS page in phone app
+use equal sign to specify petal toggle display labels <0=off|1=on> you can even use emoji <1=?️|2=?|3=?> tip: <+Rod Cowan>
*during auto-installation of notification icons plugin, the app should not show the notice “Move x bubbles away from the watch face” (it only has 4 by default)
~updated the years in the sentence “I have worked 4 years on the app” (was still saying 3)
*if phone is Lollipop or older treat notification icons as color icons (do not apply uniform color filter) – you can still override the color filter
*in Notification Bubble Color settings you have to override the “uniform color” for “override theme bubble” to take effect (app will no prevent to check them independently)
*Bubble Edit screen had wrong controls for toggle, lock, and clock bubbles
+unified “Assign shortcut” option in Bubble Edit screen to assign long press button, quick swipe panel (and 6 new custom shortcuts)
*show long button press assignment of Theater, Sunlight, Timer, Assistant correctly in the Bubble Edit screen too
-removed long press and 2nd long press control from settings on the watch
-removed quick swipe panel config from the settings screen on the watch
-removed tap, long tap, and 2xtap clock bubble options from expert settings on watch
-removed “assign to button” option from the expert settings on watch
+added “Shortcuts” button and new screen with all the shortcut customization
+added warning “OK Google” will not work when gesture detection is enabled on watch face
~clarified menu command “show hidden bubbles” (instead of show hidden apps)
~clarified message “triple tap screen to exit theater mode” (it used to say “Hold screen”) It’s actually triple tap, then a message instructs to hold.
+added long press clock bubble in app drawer mode. It will start voice search by default
+both long press and double/single tap clock bubble now configurable
+assign single and double press actions to extra hardware buttons
+designed new bubbles for button actions (button 2 and 3)
+new Shortcuts section on the phone
-“long press” options removed from Wear OS settings group on phone
-“quick swipe panel” and “double tap for voice search” options removed from Watchface settings group on phone
-“tap/longtap” option removed from App launcher settings group on phone
+new shortcut settings and 2nd long press configuration backed up and restored
*the first option used to say “default (voice search)” even for the 2nd long press of the hardware key in the settings on the phone
*trying to assign a 2nd button press on the phone gave the wrong Premium upgrade insentive
*trigger reload button assignments on watch
*prevent changing the 2nd button press unless the first press is set
*button settings were not correctly stored on the phone (only sent to watch)
+new switch (in Shortcuts section on watch): alternative long press remap for Wear OS “H” (API 28)
*layout corrections in Shortcut settings screens (both watch and phone) for Android Wear 1.x watches
*renamed new option to <Method “H”>
*”Assign to shortcut” command was not visible on Android Wear 1.x watches
+added translations for new options
*circumvented a crash in the timer
+added call to star SMS policy issue tracker
+clickable settings icon to open secondary button assignment on watch
*show button press toasts shorter
+select folder items using the secondary buttons, long press to activate (only if folder was opened via secondary button)
+select petals in smart home petal view using the secondary buttons, long press to activate
+settings, switch analog/digital, and flash light are added to the quick options for button press/clock bubble click (you don’t need to long press corresponding bubbles to assign)
+custom action icons refer to the custom icon (tasker/complication/folder/smart home/phone app/regular app)
*smart home control bubbles assigned to button did not work
+Added video https://youtu.be/ydzG1zPXLts to the secondary button settings section in the phone app
*fixed a crash in permission request screen on watch
*wrong flashlight icon in the Shortcut section in the phone
*fix for crash when button functions Settings, switch clock, flashlight
~date day also gets seconds color if defined in theme
+analog theme packs can set “nonclockmargin” for their digital variants
*improved phone / watch connection
+Wear Cloud Editor now indicates ongoing communication with the watch (sync icon shrinks and stays in the action bar for the duration of the data transfer)
+ready for Phone Notification Bubble plugin
*much improved app drawer refresh speed (less layout inflation) reduced power consumption
*eliminated the flashing when bubbles are tapped on the inactive watch face with the gesture detection enabled
*fixed long press inactive watch face to switch watch faces
*sometimes failed to bring up watch face picker when turning off Bubble Cloud
*sometimes the inactive watch face would be blank (did not draw when !visible)
*improved layout for Bubble Edit screen on watch
+notification bubble configuration dialog
*sometimes refreshed before sync completed
+extended notification-bubble edit screen on the watch
+teaser icons for the new theme (watch + phone)
+new warning icons for colors defined by uniform color settings elsewhere in the app (text warning is also shown including a “Fix” action)
+new options “override uniform colors” and “override theme bubbles” in the Status Bubble color config screen
+get description when the active/ambient symbols tapped
~number of recommended bubbles for analog themes 4→6
+”Notification bubbles” section in the Wear Settings app on the phone
+auto-configure notification watch face if “Notification Bubbles” theme/plugin/app is installed before Bubble Cloud on the watch
*status icons did not show in app-drawer mode, if count badges were enabled
~when applying themes, use seconds color as optional icon/overflow text color in notification bubbles (when overridden)
*ambient bubbles were also drawn after switching from watch-face mode to app-drawer mode (caused notification bubbles to fail)
*ongoing notification is removed when app is killed and restarted in the background
*notification bubbles caused bubble colors to get mixed up
*notification bubbles did not work well with custom layouts (make sure to have as many notification bubbles displayed as you want before starting to work on custom layout)
*notification icons did not update if their number did not change
+warning in Bubble Cloud phone app (and “fix” button) for missing notification access
+warning in Bubble Cloud phone app (and “unhide” button) if notification bubble is hidden
~updated video: https://youtu.be/S-A976Dcjpc
~added video to phone / wear What’s New sections
*What’s new video thumbnail error
*layout glitches
-removed the “Apply” button from the Notification Bubble dialog, sending settings in real time instead
*improved notification bubble color dialog layout
*crash in some languages
*clicking on the “Notification Bubbles” teaser images will also start the video
*ask users with OOM to email me (app keeps crashing for 2 people – multiple times a day! – I don’t know why, and they don’t contact me)
*crash in main app showing/hiding youtube button in notification card
*OOM crash update
*fix a rare crash when exiting the WearOS screen before the first 1-click themes are loaded
*fix a rare corrupted bubble image resource related crash in popup folders on the phone
*removed a few startforegroundservice commands, where caller is in the foreground already
*=prompt to update main app if Premium Key is too new (both on the phone and on the watch)
*=do not mix execute and executeOnExecutor(THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR)
*clock bubble dial is not shown behind digital clock bubbles, unless it is set to a custom icon or image on the phone
-removed the reminder to clear theme when switching between analog and digital
~outline ambient font for “shlop”,”pumpkin12″,”skinny12″ and “lycanthrope” too
+moved helper routines into Premium Key 9.41 (beta) and Summary 1.10 to detect charger, wifi and ringmode changes (no longer possible in Oreo)
+at boot and when entering the main app: activate wifi/ringmode/power detection preOreo helper
+if no Helper and no Premium Key show hint at the bottom of the watch face settings card in expert mode
~=dim screen behind dialog boxes (edit bubble, warnings, upgrade reminders etc)
+show warning in Wear Cloud Editor when toggling selective ambient visibility while ambient mode is not set to selective ambient
*crash in 1-click theme selector / selective apply on the phone (if no background has been set before)
+more specific labels for “extra” pieces in theme apply screens (“center”, “corners”)
*rare crash in Wear Cloud Editor while editing Tasker bubbles
+”retry” button in phone app’s watch connection dialog
+it will also retry as soon as you open the dialog and auto-dismiss the dialog when connected
*app drawer opening complication did not always work on Android Oreo
+new analog/digital clock switcher bubble (Analog → Off-center digital → Full screen digital)
+keep track of separate margin settings for full screen analog clock layout and other layouts
*fixed a bug when restoring default font using the phone app
~select the last item (=”default font on black”) in “1-click theme” section on phone
→ clears theme (if Apply All set)
→ restores default font (if Apply All is not set)
*crash when selecting backgrounds which have their extra parameter renamed (in v9.42.1)
~clicking “Default” in the color picker for transparent background themes will set the theme’s default background color (had to press cancel for it earlier)
*adding more theme components after recoloring them on the watch did not include them unless you adjusted the colors again before pressing “OK”
*NoSuchMethodError in Intro on Android 1.x watches
*distorted contact bubbles on watches with chin (flat tire)
*shorten the “this theme works best with x bubbles or less” if user ever long pressed a bubble to edit
~you can now always sticky open apps without double-tap to sticky open being enabled
*new analog↔digital toggle bubble icon was broken on older phones (bad vector drawable)
+Clock Toggle Bubble now changes settings externally, when you return to a settings screen on the watch it will now reflect the updated values
+Also detect when settings are changed remotely from the phone
+instruct user how to enable “Phone” permission if “deny, don’t ask” was selected earlier
*=crash in contact selector screen while attempting to fetch contact icons
*ANR related to deadlock while Weather updating
*bug preventing background color pick in phone app
*keep hidden peek card hidden even if WearOS insists on refreshing it (new in Wear OS 2.17)
*=Widget bubble animation fixed
+Wear app phone component API26 update
*Improved phone/watch battery bubble update frequency/reliability
*fixed sending email from watch (it used to always lose authentication)
~email authentication request notification on phone
+new notification channel: “Troubleshoot problems” (errors: email authentication, weather/sunset location)
+new notification channel: “Wear contacts call” (hangup call from watch)
*fixed serious issue introduced in v9.38 relink mixing up contacts during resync
*improved weather bubble update reliability
*improved watch-phone connection reliability when opening settings app on the phone
*phone app was still updating weather/battery and other info when live info was disabled for app drawer mode
*reduced sunset/sunrise time update to 6 times a day (instead of every time the battery info was updated)
*=SmartHome HTTP command editor crashed if selection was made backwards (using a keyboard)
+visual feedback when email/text is submitted for sending
+icons in response toasts check mark / X when sending messages, making calls
*Oreo JobIntentService was way too slow for contact and smart home bubble actions (it could take 5 minutes for the phone to react, ridiculus):
*Restored regular background services even though short notification icons need to show if processing takes longer than 5 seconds, Android Oreo is just shit
*fixed an issue with gesture detection on the watch
*=force users to upgrade Premium key to v9.41
*bug: rotary crown brought up the dummy peek card in app drawer mode
~even if “Low brightness also dims ambient face” is enabled it no longer dims ambient brightness in the morning when brightness is set to auto
*enable Do-not-disturb permission watcher service on Oreo+
~improved bubble cloud background service notification icon
*enable package install detection on Oreo+ after user is referred to install / update Premium Key / Plugin / Theme pack from Google Play
*updated Play Store links: list DYNA Logix apps instead of searching for hashtag, specify package “com.android.vending” to avoid chooser
+themepack teasers always link to their Play Store pages (previously they linked to Play Store search)
*battery updater crashed on older phones
+unlock Premium via Key app on watch
~the version number at the bottom of the settings screen on the watch will have “+PRO” for unlocked premium features (was just “+”)
+plea for 5-star reviews in more languages (German, French, Dutch, Chinese)
*=wear/widget add contact screen showed “Scanning installed apps” over progress bar
*wear contacts cloud auto population scan only started after phone rebooted if you did not have any contact home screen widgets on the phone
*switched to “Carte coup d’œil” instead of “Carte Peek” in French
*tapping dummy peek card took user into settings not into the add/remove peek card dialog in Wear 1.x version
*Android Wear 1.x watches don’t get dummy peek card
*still wear contacts cloud auto population scan only started after phone rebooted if you did not have any contact home screen widgets on the phone
*removed debug logging entries 5:
*=contact list sometimes took a long time to load even though filtering was off
~=random automatic contact bubble colors for contacts with numbers in name which have no image
*new expert option: Clocks not synced (enable if you like your watch and phone be set to different times. Delayed commands will not timeout after 3 min)
*calls to appsender and stand-up refresh → foregroundservice
+do not show peek card for my own background task notification
~1-click themes are shown much quicker after opening the application
+smoothscroll to selected 1-click theme
+auto-apply 1-click theme if a single pack is installed when Bubble Cloud first started
*message to install companion app on phone did not show
+show theme notes the first time the favorites cloud is shown with the new theme
+new expert option “Unread dot on watch face” (off by default)
~Play Store link to Dyna Logix app-list, not “Page”
+added missing translations
*changed back the play store links (the Google recommended ones caused intent disambiguation picker to show up)
*fixed multiple Oreo related background crashes on watch and phone
*updated theme pack 0 icon could not be hidden on the phone
*fixed a relatively rare crash in WearDialService (while updating Wear Contact Cloud in the background on Oreo devices)
+new long press option: make sound + vibrate (to prevent rebooting watch when hardware button gets pressed)
*handle more graciously a toggle bubble related crash in Wear Cloud Editor
*don’t use uniform color on alarm/timer icons
*watch face was not updated after duplicating a color if preview was enabled
*no shadow applied when some digits need different shadow color in single row digital time (e.g. hours light, minutes dark)
*crash when trying to edit a complication bubble on an Android Wear 1.x watch (possible from restored data of a WearOS watch backup)
=*fixed folder icon creation on Android O and later
=*old folder icon was not correctly removed / disabled after you import the cloud into a different folder
=~updated contact scan to use JobScheduler on Android Oreo and later
=+Andoid Oreo: show mandatory notification while editing/measuring widgets (it can be hidden)
=~widget app now targets Android Oreo (Wear + Widget phone app update coming soon)
*crash after requesting permission to access complication data
*fallback for Toasts if overlays are disabled on watch (folders are still usable as watch face complications!)
*first release of v9.40 broke the icon/name of the complication/peek card edit screen, now fixed
~Peek card edit screen “Remove card” instead of “Delete”
=+Android Oreo: show mandatory notification when App-Cloud “Auto-populate” is enabled to capture app installs.
=+Explanation alert box and optional instructional video on how to minimize / hide mandatory notification
=+Use Premium Key app as pre-Oreo helper app to detect PACKAGE_ADDED (=app installs)
=+Offer to install free “Summary” pre-Oreo helper app to detect PACKAGE_ADDED (=app installs) – for those who updated via in-app-purchases
=+Translations for new messages
=~Show different explanation for persistent notification that is displayed when overlays are active
+outline font option in ambient mode
*themed tasker bubble graphical glitch
*workaround for rare Toast crash in Android API 25 (BadTokenException)
*rare crash in Wear Cloud Editor after deleting a bubble
*rare crash after editing bubble on watch
update 2:
*clock bubble settings layout glitch corrected
*outline adjustment wasn’t applied immediately
+auto apply outline font for these 8 themes: bangers, aristocratic12, mama, alien12, flubber, sancreek, teko, mouc12 (off by default for others)
*hide all ambient mode clock-controls in app-drawer mode (in settings on the watch)
+translation for “Outline font in ambient”
+digital time outline font option in clock bubble settings on the phone
+auto apply outline font from 1-click theme settings on the phone too
*overscroll to quick swipe panel glitch when non-paginated app drawer is on the right
~app drawer mode hints for the difference between top and bottom swipes
+new watch face options: override left swipe (Google Assistant), override right swipe (Google Fit) → they are off by default
=+Foreground service notification for FloatMeasureService, FloatWidgetEdit, AnimationService
*long press hw button to lock also dimmed the screen in app drawer mode (only theater mode should)
+extended “Open drawer” option in expert settings on the watch, added option to open app drawer via long press of the HW button or wf complication → these options
will set the handle to “0”
~when handle size set to “0” the app drawer side selector doesn’t hint at Google Fit/Assistant
+square option for bubble image crop (clock dial / wear bubble images)
*rare crash while frequently updating complication/peek card
*crash in smart home bubbles petal options on the watch
*crash when an app is assigned to the single long press of the HW button (not 2nd function) and the user long presses twice
*remove peek card option in Settings/Complications did not work
+new dummy peek card for new users: makes it easier to set up peek card
+in Wear Contacts “resync with watch” now also relinks moved contacts by name
+click contact picture to get back to contact cloud
+stop overscroll to quick swipe panel
~changed the wording “remove card” instead of just “delete”
~complication access permission request moved to just before selecting the complications
+handle removed complication access permission more gracefully (tap bubble/card to re-request permission)
+improved complication updates
*quick swipe panel icon renamed to “.png”
*close database before waiting in startBubble (widget/folder)
+optionally increased the size of the force-exit tab also (the larger sticky tab affects this too)
*show notification if data transfer from watch takes longer than 3 seconds
*icon “x” too large in some toasts (full_cancel vs. pref_off)
*show notification if data transfer to watch takes longer than 2.5 seconds (i.e. initial connection or icon pack applied)
*attempt to fix “RemoteServiceException” in Android code (not in my app): said to be an issue in Nougat/Oreo Broadcast system
*app drawer close direct call to hide overlay (instead of relying on Android Broadcasts)
*removed unnecessary bluetooth / wifi change listeners (also handled via BroadcastListeners)
*unregister battery listener on exit
+give more specific message when trying to move unallowed bubbles/LiveInfo into folders
*fixed appdrawer immediately closing issue
*animated bubble sometimes disappeared from the app drawer
*external background image provider trigger (worldcupflags) interference with gesturedetector
*embedded version maxSDK 24
*swipeLeft showed up on AW1.x devices if you toggled the “Priority for Active Cloud” option
*hidden apps did not show on Wear 1.x (they should be semitransparent)
+sub-version number displayed on watch
+=contact clouds will attempt to relink missing contacts (when opened in bubble)
*fix a reported data corruption (wP.clock)
+same long press trick for the settings on the phone (long press image icon to set color behind background image)
*phone color picker will not store same color in color history
*much improved watch face performance (reduced background service overhead)
*watch screen was not kept on while working in Wear Cloud Editor on the phone
*flashlight and contact screens did not stay on long enough
*when swiping away card in Wear Cloud Editor the card did not exit smoothly
*clock hands did not appear or seconds hand got stuck on watch after entering / returning to Wear Cloud Editor
*bug fixed: Wear Cloud Editor youtube/live info icon was sometimes white in list
*Wear Cloud Editor app icon spacing fixed in header (adaptive icon side effect)
+While working in Wear Cloud Editor watch will now show the folder when editing a bubble which is in that folder
(earlier the folder was only shown when editing the folder bubble)
+=copy settings on clipboard also before sending email and show instructions to email manually and pasting the settings
*=warning for Mini Desktop Launcher – it does not allow widgets
*=Edit folder bubble dialog header icon
~reduced reuse color tips (by much)
~reduced the size of Toasts boxes
*used to crashed when using volume control while do-not-disturb mode is turned on → give warning instead of crash
*toggle bubbles switched back to inactive mode when wrist-gestures were enabled
*theater mode entry toasts were shown behind “veil”
*some Oreo toast layouts were messed up
*new toggle bubbles should not be animated even if animation is enabled
*some Toast messages lost their icons on pre-Oreo devices
*could not edit bubbles in folders if the app drawer was disabled
*eliminated some of the “double folders” (when you exit a folder to get into the same folder)
*when swiping away card in preview watchface the card did not exit smoothly
+new: long press palette icons to reuse last set color (this lets you set multiple items to the exact same color on the watch!)
+show a tip-toast about long pressing the palette icon, when you set an item to almost the same color as the last item
+added vibration when long press center icon to move to bottom of Bubble Edit screen on watch (Play store + App Info links)
*Toasts are back on Oreo devices, and they look even nicer (new images in most)
*Fixed bug that caused ambient circles to appear/disappear after opening folders
*Fixed bug which caused color dialogs to exit Bubble Edit screen if Gesture detection was enabled
*Fixed interference between swipe override and gesture detection
*Reduced flickering when opening various dialogs
*Hide expert setting “Override swipe to change face” on the watch when “Priority for Active cloud” is disabled
*Scroll to watch face after initialization
+=option to create bookmark bubbles in other widgets (ability to select target in the “Add bookmark” screen)
*=corrected alert layout problems on smaller screen phones (some dialog buttons were not visible)
+long press the palette or image icons under favorite/archive settings on the watch to change the background color without turning off the image background
(great for setting background color behind partially transparent background textures)
*improved reliability for complications (background, peek card disappeared after app update until one switched to a different watch face and back)
*invert rotary crown scroll direction if app drawer is set to be on the right
*opening Wear Cloud Editor on the phone will turn on app drawer even if it was turned off earlier (used to be blank screen)
*start services in the foreground on Oreo
*9335 NullPointerException dyna.logix.bookmarkbubbles.WearAppListActivity.getListPosition (2168 to 2222)
+rotary crown scrolls app-drawer horizontally (in watch face mode: expert option “Wrist/crown gestures” needs to be enabled)
~Gesture detection is now enabled by default (if bubble animation is off)
+Added gesture detection option to the (expert / watch face) settings on the phone
*Active mode priority option (in settings on the phone) was not updated from the watch correctly
*hide disconnected icon in phone app if watch was never connected
*hide disconnected toast in emulator
+translations for Wrist Gesture strings
+new option: wrist gestures to show/hide peek card
*workaround for WearOS bug where watch face is not notified to hide on wrist gesture notification access
*improved transition between bubble cloud screens (avoid occasional watch face flicker)
*do not tint Google Voice Search bubble
*charging sound inhibition issues fixed
*WearOS app component updated to API 26
*No more white circle at the bottom of the ambient watchface (notification indicator)
*App drawer was not started on Oreo after reboot
*crash while invoking Wear Cloud Editor
*=crash in the Widgets + Folders screen
*=show alternative icons from icon packs
*=exclude single letters from auto-generated icon pack search filter (wear)
*improved bulk apply icon pack command in Wear Cloud Editor to retain alternative icons
~=in the Hungarian translation 2 video links changed to their Hungarian versions
*workaround for missing wear cloud editor and wear contact menu items (in main app)
~updated clock layout of 13 bubbles and more: bubbles appear in 2 concentric circles *date bubble will now show the name of the day in the language of the watch
+=adaptive launcher icon on Android P devices
*crash when opening expert settings in app drawer mode
*crash while selecting themes in 1-click theme section on phone
*improved app drawer heading layout
*bug: wear cloud editor kept resetting non-hollow bubbles
*=crash in folderdialog
*clock smart auto layout: bigger bubbles when 5 on watch face
+new option to increase sticky clock size
~=discourages users from turning on the launcher compatibility mode unless they already placed a widget or have thoroughly read the intro screens
+=WhatsApp petal option + default contact action
+=password authentication for SmartHome (HTTP command) bubbles in the format http://user:pass@domain:port/folder/doc
*=hide password if no name specified for SmartHome bubble and beginning of url is shown in petal screen
~Round Digital layout updated for square displays (less curved bubble arrangement for better screen use)
*fixed a crash in Wear Cloud Editor drag’n’drop layout designer
*fixed a crash involving malformed smart home bubble HTTP command
*sticky open complications
*don’t allow Tasker plugin to hide the Tasker bubble (caused problems), create a “trash” folder instead and move unneeded Tasker bubbles there
*fixed a crash while unregistering bluetooth/wifi listeners
*intro crashed on old devices
+new smart auto layout “Digital Round” – better bubble arrangement for digital watch face on round watches
(0-12 bubbles, adjust “size variance”/”info location” to choose how are bubbles split above/below time)
+show reminder on watch to adjust “Size variance” to adjust Smart Auto Layout variants for some layouts (such as the new Digital Round)
+=on|off will now be green|red even if there are other options (i.e. <on|off|dim>) but only if there is just a single toggle field in SmartHome bubble
+default theme clock font size slightly larger for “Digital Round” layout
+new Watch-Wifi-Bubble: toggle wifi on watch on/off
+new Watch-Bluetooth-Bubble: toggle bluetooth on watch on/off
+new Phone-Bluetooth-Bubble: toggle bluetooth on phone on/off
+new Silence-Watch-Bubble: toggles all sound on watch mute / unmute (media+alarm+ring)
+long press volume icon (in quick swipe panel) to mute/unmute all sounds (ic_mute)
+add vibration to volume/brightness icon touches
*theme pack bubbles are now removed from widgets on uninstall
*theme pack bubbles are now added to autopopulated widgets on install
*peek card text filter case sensitivity bug fixed and leading/trailing spaces disregarded
~updated wifi, ringmode, flashlight, timer bubble images
~changed default wifi bubble color to purple, new bluetooth bubbles are blue
*crash at startup when vibration is not available on watch (Fossil Q random issue)
+option “priority for active cloud” is brought to the watch (under Expert settings)
~bubble animation is off by default both in watchface mode and app drawer mode
~change default bubble color for Play Store on watch
*always turn off ambient dimming at sunrise
*=simplified build variant selection
*=fixed bubble animation / petal options on Samsung devices with non-standard home screen grid settings
*=improved re-measurement initial marker positions
*=added safety measures for measure tool to keep markers inside visible screen
~=updated bookmark bubble save button (updated images, NEW: animated arrow!)
~=include bubble cloud symbol in the add bookmark bubble share icon (different for 2-in-1 and widgets-only)
*=workaround if app cannot get contact groups
+=translations for new text
*=bookmark bubble video was not added correctly in v9.24
*=handle bookmark bubble border size and transparency separate from other bubbles (reduced default bookmark bubble border size)
~=clicking an empty bookmark bubble cloud the first time will play the bookmark tutorial video first
+=new youtube icon added to “Add bookmark bubble” screen to show bookmark bubble tutorial video
-=deleted some unused resources
*=updated images and colors in the “how to” section of the widget settings
*=keep javascript enabled when creating Bookmark Bubble thumbnail
+=show Bookmark Bubble Cloud (popup-folder) after adding/updating bookmark bubble (unless add/refresh button is long pressed)
+=improved robustness of bookmark bubble thumbnail generator
+=added new bookmark bubble video to the widget intro screen
*job scheduling bug for auto-brightness control (caused a high number of jobs scheduled 3 times a day, otherwise did not have any battery impact)
+=much improved “add bookmark bubble” functionality:
standard bubble image crop,
adjustable/default border,
high quality images
*crash when setting external background provider using the favorite cloud settings screen on the watch
*app is now much less aggressive to obtain “draw over other apps” permission
*app will now show watch face picker if you exit permission prompt without giving “draw over other apps”
*contact bubbles stopped working
+haptic feedback for petal options on the watch
+=click sound for petal options on the phone
+=click sound in folders on the phone
*peek card related crash
*avoid redrawing the folder when returning form a smarthome bubble petal screen
+Smart Home toggle options now also show on the watch
+=option in SmartHome bubble edit screen on the watch: show options always/never/follow global setting
+expert option on the watch: show toggle options for SmartHome bubbles
+=”Pro” feature: SmartHome bubble edit screen: long press checkbox to insert | between [ ] and more [ | ] fields
~=if there is selected text, insert toggle field will add selection as the first toggle option (and place cursor where the second option goes) → [selected|]
~=updated the default Smart Home bubble image
*=some special Smart Home toggle options could crash the phone app
*=fixed some crashes in folders on phone missing bubble images
*fixed navigation between App Drawer → Folder → SmartHome bubble → Bubble Edit screen (“back” behaviour: should keep you in the folder / drawer page)
*=a bug caused HomeControl bubbles to lock up (solved using intentservice instead of asynctask)
+=translations for new features
+add what’s new video on folder options and SmartHome bubbles
~petal screen on watch background default (dkgray) → black
+added video to contact cloud action controls (main settings app→contact card, contact cloud config→Bubble Action card)
*app crashed for contacts without any email address
*contact bubbles prevented from growing too big to show petals
*widget measure help screen styling fixed
*click anywhere on the widget measure help screen to dismiss it
+added help button to widget measure screen
~updated the voice search icon with new Google Assistant icon
*theme bubble image was not sent to watch after watch reset (only when restoring a backup)
+button immediately takes you to search&replace if you have a selection in the SmartHome bubble edit screen
*theme pack launcher icon hiding bug fixed
*clarified “data corruption” message in Wear Cloud Editor
*wrong cloud dimensions were used for animation in portrait orientation when launcher rotation was enabled
+option to show toggle fields when activating smart home bubble → choose which alternative(s) to send:
+phone default option in widget settings
+cloud default option under Expert settings in Cloud configuration
+option for each bubble to always or never show options, regardless of the cloud / global defaults
+new animated widget measurement help screen (with option never to show again)
+user is prompted to measure the widget when bubble is clicked and widget does not have valid measurements
+option to show actions around contact bubbles: call/text/email → select number/address
+=search and replace in all SmartHome HTTP commands
+added a few more default icon mapping to wear cloud editor’s apply icon pack command
+=translations for the new options
*more accurate battery update in watch face mode
+=help button in Reuse HTTP command screen → video on search and replace
-=Polish translation (removed app from Poland because of app’s extremely negative reception)
*hide flashlight and contact bubbles from standard app list on watch
*Edit Bubble screen on the watch shows themed toggle bubbles correctly
+Theater mode and sunlight mode bubbles (can be assigned to Quick Swipe Panels, hidden by default, alternative theater mode exit enabled if bubble is used)
*restored the ability to assign live info to system bubbles (alarm / timer)
*improved multi-line digital time and date bubble layouts
+=folders no longer close when you tap to open a bubble in them. Mark option “Close folder on bubble tap” to restore previous behaviour
(Tasker/Smarthome bubbles never close folder)
+option to hide peek card when notification gets read
+=translations for new widget options
*=some expert cloud parameters were not cleared by the “Restore Defaults” button in the Cloud Configuration screen
+=adjust margin for home screen widgets (default=0) and folders (default=bubble spacing)
+=rounded corners for folders
+=long press ⊕ in folder’s caption to adjust margin and corners in place
~=imageview instead of imagebutton for bubbles in widget (slightly less overhead)
~=reordered expert widget settings in a slightly more logical order
*do-not-disturb permission request on pre Marshmallow devices caused crash
*crash attempting to open do-not-disturb settings on some LG and old Samsung phones
~quick swipe panel is disabled by default (except for Wear 2.0 users who had 9.11 installed)
*=option to dim home screen behind pop-up folders (enabled for transparent and light folders by default)
*crash in 1-click themes
*intro slider had an empty slot on pre-oreo watches
*crash in the settings on the watch (related to new feature marker)
*changing the quick swipe panel on the phone did not have an immediate effect on the watch
~improved the way quick swipe to open app is configured (will not forget selected app when you temporarily switch to swipe to search)
*quick swipe action should not fire in cloud edit mode
+rating button in What’s new (on watch) gets a “New” marker until used
*few settings were not sent to the watch after being restored from backup
~improved layout of intro slider (on watch)
+intro slider on Oreo+ watches → start video on how to remove permanent “Displaying over other apps” notification
~permission screen also updated on watch to show Oreo Overlay information on top and also link to the new youtube video
+usability: prompt if no theme elements are marked for selective apply on the phone (you could think it did not work, if you blindly just press apply)
+add quick swipe panel controls in phone app (under Watch face)
*unknown quick swipe panel setting state
+quick swipe panel setting included in backup
+added new video about quick swipe panel to phone / video
+new features are now marked {!} in the settings (until the first use)
+you can now remove the peek card using the same menu command as you add it (based on user feedback)
~you can add a peek card if you already have a complication bubble added in free version (but not the other way around)
+new option for watch face: Quick swipe panel (swipe in opposite direction to the app drawer to set volume and start Google Assistant or any other app)
+assign any bubble (App/Folder/Tasker task/SmartHome bubble/Phone app) to the Quick Swipe Panel (long press bubble and find “Assign to Quick Swipe” below)
*bottom of Bubble Edit Screen on watch got cut off on some watches
*overriding long press also disabled other ways to open voice search
~moved “Haptic feedback / vibration” toggle to Expert settings on the watch
*crash related to sunrise / sunset (peference type mismatch)
*fixed date bubble animation layout
+expert “vibrate on new card option” (available in watch face mode, can be set in the phone app) now honors do-not-disturb mode (on the watch)
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor when clicking the autolock icon
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor after tapping assign Live Info (+i)
*crash while applying a theme on the watch
*crash on watch if sending custom icons times out
+translations for “Request all permissions upfront now”
*unnecessary sending of custom bubble icons when using Wear Cloud Editor on the phone
*more graceful handling of missing icons on the watch
+added World Cup background provider video to both phone and watch apps
+new initial option: grant every permission all at once (so you are not going to be bothered by permission requests later in the Wear app)
+ringmode bubble shown/hidden automatically when permission is given or denied
*background image provider does not count toward free complication limit
*keep background image provider id
+link to Play Store on watch to get World Cup backgrounds
*show icon place holder instead of crashing (crash reported by Jörg Irran – thank you!)
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor
~updated every “Android Wear” reference to “Wear OS”
*fixed crash if the user exited the app before the watch connected (and you haven’t given location permission to the app)
+starting with Android Marshmallow, apps need to get permission to control Do-not-disturb mode on the phone. Prompt for permission in Wear Cloud Editor, or when bubble is first used
+added translations for removed wifi tethering function
*=crash when opening homescreen cloud config screen
*crash in layout designer (missing icon)
+added alternative unlock method for dimmed theater mode in case button long press does not work: short tap then hold screen within 3 seconds
+expert option to disable long press screen to unlock theater mode (useful if you are willing to disable or downgrade the Google Assistant)
*peek card appeared as complication when “Show hidden apps” was enabled
+weather updater now uses JobDispatcher on the phone (old network watcher no longer works)
*eliminated a concurrency sometimes causing background services to fail to communicate with watch
-disabled wifi tethering toggle for Android O and later
~Theme Pack #0 is the 1st if not installed, and always 2nd (or 1st if selected) if installed in the list of themes on the watch
*resolved long standing connectivity problems between phone and watch
+=show toast if action is blocked by denied permission / open app info to help set permissions
*request location permission for weather / sunset / sunrise
+show notification if location permission is denied or location is disabled and weather / sunset / sunrise bubbles cannot be updated
+request necessary permissions after restoring a backup with location or contact bubbles
~=API update: runtime permissions
*contact widget crash if permission denied
*spelling mistake when requesting permissions after restoring wear backup
*=contact access problem
+added new video on recoloring watch face themes (what’s new: phone + watch, and selective apply screens)
*bubble remove hint was showing up when watch face had fewer bubbles (hidden / folder bubbles were also counted)
*date/complication bubble layout issue if no digital clock bubble
*improved archive preview in color tinting dialog on the phone: doubled the width and transparent areas now show the favorite background color (not the archive color!)
*crash during bubble animation on watch
*crash in settings on the watch while requesting permission to handle watch face complications
*rare folder crash on watch
~rename theme component “center” → “extra” (since it may also control corner images)
~updated look for the 1-click theme show case
+added Sampler Theme recommendation to intro screens
+added free weekly sampler theme “pack” #0 (each week get a different paid theme for free)
+new option: use theme font in peek card (only available for newer theme packs)
~use peek card text as title if text is short and notification has no title
~peek card text centered if no icon
*bug fixed: background color was not previewed/applied if it was picked after adjusting theme background image color
~”Coming in May 2018″ notice when user clicks on theme pack #10
*crash on the watch while opening folders in app drawer mode
*crash on phone when both Widget-Only and 2-in-1 apps are installed
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor while trying to change bubble weight (size)
*crash in phone app when watch model is a number
*double taps misbehaved if you adjusted the time
+recolor theme elements on the watch
+recoloring the background will also affect the digital time colors (on the watch: text-color luminance is only adjusted if “font” is also marked)
*rare crash after double tapping a bubble on the watch
*fixed a bug causing automatic ambient dimming activate itself during the day
+added theme pack 10 links to the main app
~improved archive background image tiling on different watch screen resolutions
~rearranged expert menu on watch
~improved expert menu layout (more text shown)
+new expert option: charger connection / disconnection sounds (below 100%)
*battery live info bubble will show “Full” (instead of “100”) for themes with complete font character sets (Packs 8 and newer)
*Find my phone screen rotation remove
*rare crash on Android Wear 1.5 after long pressing bubbles weighting over 19
*=Updated Play Store category scraping (for the updated Play Store website layout)
*=Contact widget “call” option did not work in widget only app (resulted in SMS) – IMPORTANT: new “CALL” permission is necessary
*=bookmark bubble cloud crash if there is no default browser installed on phone
*=expert/basic switch in phone app
*fixed serious layout issue with date live info bubble (when using the default font)
*date live info always used theme font, regardless of the “Use font in all bubbles” setting
+you can now change the color tint of the favorite+archive background images too (the same way the clock hands and dials are tinted)
+wear cloud editor now shows legends when you tap on a bubble-type marker (on the right)
+added Theme Pack #9 to theme selectors on phone and watch
+close drawer for Tasker/PhoneApp/HTTP bubbles in folders <+Matej Drobnič>
+expert option: full clock on charger (enables “full clock only” when watch is on charger)
*custom folder bubbles were not displayed correctly in Wear Cloud Editor
*progress type complication bubbles did not follow uniform bubble color
*improved date live info bubble layout when using custom fonts + use custom font in day’s name if possible
*fixed rare crash when using undo in layout designer
*fixed overdraw problem on Android Wear 1.5 in custom layout / digital time
*fixed a crash in the Tasker plugin configuration screen affecting 1 user
*fixed initial complication font size issue
*fixed a rare crash in Wear Cloud Editor (when closing bubble edit dialog)
*attempt to fix blank peek card issue (explicitely update complication in updateCardComplication using data directly from call)
*crash at startup on Moto 360 Sport
+new option to crop archive background image (you could only crop the favorites image earlier) You can choose to skip cropping and set a smaller tile to repeat
*fixed a crash when trying to set live info in Wear Cloud Editor
*fixed a peek card / long text type complication update related crash on the watch
*1-click theme previews shown as squares for square watches
*Wear Cloud Editor crashed on Android 4.3
*improved speed / reliability of connection between phone and watch
*peek card related crash on the watch
*removed label “No card if text contains” I accidentally left it in the Bubble Edit screen
~peek card appears 20% quicker
*fixed an issue when sometimes the peek card appeared blank (it fixed itself if you swiped down and up again)
+added translations for new options
+show instructions on how to edit bubbles the first times a bubble with Live Info is tapped (in response to critical reviews by new users not understanding Live Info)
~made card text slightly bigger but thinner in ambient mode (better for oled burn in prevention)
*8881: attempt to wake watch if screen is off when entering Wear Cloud Editor
*8882: crash when toggling expert switch
*8882: crash on API 23 Android Wear devices when Bubble Edit tries to display bubble size
+added “peek card video” to “What’s new” screens on phone and watch
*veil mode also for watches with light sensor <Jörg Irran>
*=expert/basic switch in phone app
+show message to long press auto brightness
+show message to use “;” to separate
*full screen clock setting on watch needs exit settings to apply
*changed stand up icon
*solved initial scroll state problem with multiple choice controls on watch
+peek card for long text watch face complications
*fixed a rare crash in the Wear Cloud Editor while selecting custom bubble images (Edit bubble / import image)
+Expanded (+) menu item on watch to add complication-bubbles, a peek card, background image provider, or folder (remove card, remove background)
+delayed the Wear Cloud Editor vibration on the watch by 1 second (to prevent Ticwatch vibration issue)
*fixed a crash in Wear Cloud Editor / Layout Designer
*floating action buttons appeared while using Layout Designer in Wear Cloud Editor
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor when the layout designer is open
*=Contact widget “call” option did not work in widget only app (resulted in SMS)
+runtime permissions (read contacts, make calls, send sms, read call log)
*folder related crash on the watch
*when bubble moved into newly created folder, the folder will appear where the bubble used to be
*very rare crash when a notification appears during watch face init
~updated old youtube videos for “App launcher” group and watch face complication bubbles
~updated greeting text for first time installers
*fix Assign LiveInfo dialog layout in Wear Cloud Editor
*workaround for a rare wifi bubble related bug
*=bookmark bubble cloud crash if there is no default browser installed on phone
+show “full clock only” in the cloud list if this mode is enabled in the Watchface settings card <+Elaine Burks>
+range type complication outline stroke color
+new “Delete” button in Bubble Edit screen on watch to make deleting complications and folders easier
+new option “Text color” to adjust text color bias (lowest bubble color luminance for black instead of white) in live info and complication bubbles
+show hint on how to delete folders in the Bubble Edit screen on the watch
*fix 2 separate, but rare crashes in Wear Cloud Editor
*control “Circle:Ambient” in selective ambient mode regardless of the active mode bubble settings <+Bruce Wagner>
*more logical control of the availability of the circle:ambient setting (it’s only shown when it has effect)
*tweaked the text color in info bubbles (it will turn black even in less light bubbles)
*prevent double tapping bubbles in Wear Cloud Editor (caused crash for folders)
*fixed a premature complication update related crash on the watch
*fixed layout of 2nd page of intro slider on watch (folder clouds)
*rare crash on watch after editing a bubble
*improved handling of range type complications in Wear Cloud Editor
*spacing/margin was not updated in folder preview when adjusted using the controls on the watch
*aesthetic: label limited to 3 lines in Wear Cloud Editor
*crash in wear cloud editor / layout designer
*crash on watch when opening apps
*complication bubble edit screen always said “missing”
*range type complications change their colors with content: user cannot set color for them
Widget update:
+=add option not to delete bubbles from frozen clouds for uninstalled apps
*=fix crash when changing the size (i.e. shape) of empty home screen widget folders
*=app now handles Android Oreo adaptive icons correctly
+=home screen folder name can now be changed in folder bubble edit dialog
~=pressing the (+) button in folder bubble edit dialog takes you to the folder cloud’s config screen (not the cloud which contains the folder)
*clock bubble weight over 9
*toggle bubbles not updated in folders
*bubble moved from fodler to archive, archive not refreshed
*crash in WearAppListActivity 1544 (postitionToUpdate out of range)
*bubble weight adjustment issues in Wear Cloud Editor
*unthemed world clock bubbles way too dark
+the menu setting “haptic feedback” in Wear Cloud Editor now also controls the new vibration on the watch when entering “Cloud Edit mode”
~return from folder and bubble edit screen to the same place in the app drawer / folder (it does not slide back to favorites)
+added translations for new strings
*Layout Designer icons: complications, HTTP bubbles, folders, phone apps
~restored Wear Cloud Edit idle time from 10 to 3 minutes: auto exit cloud edit mode after 3 minutes, but restarted after every update!
~”Freeze bubble sizes” → “Lock bubble weights/positions”
+added new “What’s new video” (to both phone and watch apps)
+added new youtube icon to Wear Folder edit dialog on phone: https://youtu.be/5dFHhCs5dXI
+Types of bubbles (regular apps/folders/http/phone apps/complications/tasker) are grouped together in Wear Cloud Editor when sorted alphabetically
*bug: wear folder bubble edit controls in Bubble Editor instead of widget folder controls
*bug: folder bubble weight was reset to 1 every time you edited its bubble
+watch will vibrate when entering wear cloud editor / folder to remind you the preview is shown there
*wear cloud editor triggered the preview on the watch only for the first edited folder (still not perfect but better, needs more work)
+exit Cloud Edit mode as soon as the Bubble Cloud app is opened on phone
+updated message on watch to suggest ways to exit Cloud Edit modes (worse case if Android Wear connectivity problem locks user out)
*much improved “Apply icon pack” in Wear Cloud Editor to circumvent faulty “iconupon” bug in certain icon packs
+when applying wear icon pack, the lightest back will show up as default (it used to be random). The lightest is usually the best for theming.
*improved appearance of themed weather live info bubbles
*improved text visibility on icon pack themed live bubbles
~if “bubble animation” option is turned off there is no slide animation when entering showing folder from main clouds
*removed title bar from Wear Contact cloud and flashlight screen
*=fix crash when changing the size (i.e. shape) of empty home screen widget folders
*bubble with date live info is not allowed to be moved into folders
*bubble with step count live info is not allowed to be moved into folders
*Android Wear 1.x cannot edit folder name
*folder bubble size overflow issue when “freeze bubble sizes” is off
*improved archive column layout with full screen clock (when favorite bubbles are added to the archive)
+BIG: new folder bubbles on watch (they open in new screen)
~bubble weights are no longer negative for archive (I separated bubble weights from cloud location)
+folder complications for other watch faces
Wear Cloud Editor on phone:
*you can select the menu item before connection is established: it will open as soon as the connection is established to watch
+create new folders using the new FAB
+select cloud from pop up (long press cloud marker to assign multiple bubbles to same cloud without popup)
+create new folders from cloud selector popup
Bubble Edit Screen on watch:
*comes up quicker on watch
~improved layout and more logical way to select cloud (favorites/archive/hidden/folder)
+create folders and move bubbles into them
*=app now handles Android Oreo adaptive icons correctly
~changed icon for Bubble Cloud Settings on the watch (hopefully making it less confusing to first time users)
*Timer did not show if assigned to hardware button in watch face mode <+Mr.Lordi96>
~Full screen clock → “Full clock only” (it wasn’t clear that this option only shows the clock and no other bubbles) <+Adam Varney>
*quicker app drawer opening
*special bubbles (tasker/phone-app/smart home control/complication/folder) stay in one group even if app drawer is sorted alphabetically
*color bubbles around icons were not shown in wear cloud editor (since forever!)
*stringset modification issue, which affected many parts of the app (+ static blank)
*fixed some strange bubble image edit behaviours
+watch face complications are now marked with a (+) icon in the wear cloud editor
+back button in Wear Cloud Editor turns off layoud editor and filters if they were on (otherwise exits as normal)
*changing size for multiple selected bubbles crashed
*grid bubble layout alphabetical sorting issue fixed
*watch face complication font issues
*improved the look of themed complication bubbles in Wear Cloud Editor on phone
*fixed glitches when restoring wear backup
~ Tasker plugin cloud/weight setting updated
+ Tasker bubble smarter cloud update on watch
+added a page to the intro slider on the watch “Let’s talk”
Home screen widgets:
+=home screen folder name can now be changed in folder bubble edit dialog
~=pressing the (+) button in folder bubble edit dialog takes you to the folder cloud’s config screen (not the cloud which contains the folder)
Hidden tricks:
+long press folder bubble in bubble edit screen on watch to quickly get to folder layouts, colors
+long press cloud marker in wear cloud editor to move bubble into the same cloud as the previously moved bubble (or newly created folder)
+tap top icon in cloud layout configuration screen on watch to go back to previous screen (folder bubble editor or main settings)
+enable auto-sticky mode for folder to keep it on screen (bring it to the foreground when the screen wakes)
+if you assign an icon from icon pack to watch folder, applying a new icon pack will assign the same icon from the new pack
*crash when deleting non-existent bubble from widget (timing issue?)
*show which toggle alternative was sent in HTTP command
*=Workaround for Android permission bug when calling Tasker if it was installed after Bubble Clouds (Tasker permission is created prematurely)
*Crash in Forced-timeout on Oreo devices
*Rare crash while fetching location for sunset/sunrise
*Rare crash when opening Favorite/Archive configuration screen on watch
*Rare crash when opening Settings on watch
*HTTP Link bubbles did not work in embedded version of Android Wear component
*Jobscheduler called before oncreate (persistant jobs after reboot?)
+video link on watch will now open the youtube play list, starting with the newest video
+What’s new menu item on watch <8711>
+Search Google+ from watch <8712>
*=remove duplicates in HTTP command history
~=list HTTP command history items showing a segment around the toggle field
~=singleChoice dialogs lose the radio button
+=HTTP command history gets an IFTTT maker event template
+=”Move” button for HTTP Bubble Edit dialogs
*sync button in Wear Cloud Editor did nothing after cancelling bubble edit screen
*not being able to add phone apps and HTTP bubbles to wear cloud sometimes after cancelling bubble edit screen
*=dragging folder near the bottom edge caused it snap to the bottom
+=Youtube button in HTTP Bubble Edit dialogs
+=New What’s new video
+=Bubble folders can now be dragged around the screen by the caption bar (double tap background to toggle caption bar)
+=Tap corner of the folder to select from 3 size variations
~=FAB should fly the other way if add card is too far off the screen
~=Lightbulb default icon for SmartHome control bubbles
+=http command bubbles on phone
+=”toggle field” in HTTP command e.g. <on|off> → http command will render cycling through the listed alternatives
~=new HTTP bubbles get random background color (like Tasker bubbles)
~=default HTTP bubble image changed to “eye” (just to make them different from Tasker bubbles)
*=http command address field acted strange when you typed into it
*=improved HTTP command history listing
*unread / total notification count LiveInfo bubbles were interchanged on the watch <+An Vuong>
*switched to using jobscheduler on the watch (less precise but recommended / required by new Android) → increased sampling frequency
*battery charged alarm did not go off if there was not watch-battery bubble on the watch <+Hilary Adams>
~moved Tasker FAB to top in Wear Cloud Editor (this way it can be hidden if Tasker is not installed)
~new HTTP bubble symbol → light bulb
~seconds hand is automatically turned on the first time you select an analog theme which includes a seconds hand <+Anthony Padgett>
*reduced complication text size to fit bubbles better <+Anthony Padgett>
*custom icons got mixed up when editing bubble in Wear Cloud Editor (bug presented itself after Icon pack was applied)
*contact picker had duplicate items if multiple groups were selected
+NEW: add/remove/edit contacts from Wear Contact Cloud using the phone (long press bubbles to edit!)
*wear contact cloud did not always sync to watch → now pressing the update/sync button will sync + show the contact cloud on the watch
~keep contact screen on for twice as long (was 20 seconds, now 40)
+=FABs in cloud configuration screens: new way to add folders, tasker bubbles and later HTTP command bubbles
~=Default group in icon picker shows all apps on phone. The ones already in the cloud are marked
~=Tap icons in icon picker to toggle them (add + remove!)
-=removed option “Edit after add” (you can now double tap on icons to edit their bubbles)
+=double tap icons in icon picker to edit their bubbles
~=add all button moved next to the category dropdown, and it is hidden until low enough number of bubbles are shown to be added together
*2 crashes corrected in Wear Cloud Editor
*crash when app needs to be updated but Play Store is not available on phone
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor related to World Clock bubbles in custom layouts
+new watch face complications for other watch-faces to open app drawer (quicker than General→Shortcut, and there are two icon styles) (+MkDir)
*fixed undefined state when switching app drawer side
*increased maximum handle size by 66% (+Amy Baylor)
*further improved synchronization of live info bubble updates to reduce battery use (window delay/3)
~=folder icons (+Samuel Nogradi)
*=measure tool when started landscape (+Matyas Balogh)
*=measure dialog in cloud config screen (+Matyas Balogh)
Wear Stand Up Alert 2.26:
*changed default complication symbol color: from black to white (+Martin Wolff)
*crash when trying to open a saved blank http command bubble
*crashes when tapping list items in Wear Cloud Editor while they are being loaded
~turns out the Android 8.0 message “displaying over other apps” is not translated to languages, the removal instructions should show it in English too
~reduce battery update frequency in app drawer mode (new Android is picky about wakeups, not caring watch wakes up 60 times an hour anyways…)
*lots of under the hood optimization and code cleanup
*crash on Wear24 (non-standard verizon voice assistant configuration)
+note for Wear24 users: button remapping might have been blocked by Verizon
*crash when starting the wear cloud editor from the smart auto layouts dialog
*rare crash when setting color of a component on the watch
*crash in wear cloud editor while updating the settings on the watch
+=search field in “email developer” window to search Google+ posts for keywords
*show notification for complication bubbles in app-drawer-mode: they only work when Bubble Clouds is your watch face!
+=in Tasker plugin config screen show instructions on how to add Tasker bubbles if there aren’t any Tasker bubbles yet
~only show “display over other apps” persistent notification removal instructions after Overlay permission was given by the user
*very rare crash – if you switch away to another app while setting color of some component on the watch
*rare crash after exiting Wear Cloud Editor
~widget-only app: major size reduction (-20%)
*updated price in Wear Stand Up Alert recommendation
*crash in wear cloud editor (while loading settings from watch)
*crash at the end of animation
+instruction for removing Google’s overlay notification (in permission prompt on oreo watches)
+handle missing Phone permission on the watch more gracefully
*fixed a crash on the watch after voice recognition
*fixed a crash while opening the widget configuration screen
+weather retrieval log added to Weather bubble config dialog
*weather bubble did not work with certain language settings
+header / HTTP command reuse list button helps to create similar HTTP command bubbles
+pressing the “Test” button in the HTTP command bubble edit window will now show the server response in a Toast message
+captions in LiveInfo selection dialog
+video help for live info screen
*=workaround for Nullpointer crash on getAssets (Google’s framework fault, when APK is being replaced on Android 5.1 or older)
*crash in Wear Cloud Editor
*crash in watch-face initialization
~=removed a lot of unused debugging code → smaller APK (-4.5K)
*=autopopulate caused ANR on phone
*watchface battery update adjust to timetick
*24 hour world time live info not updated when app drawer is hidden
+POST request for HTTP bubbles (specify header to reveal data field!)
*concurrency related crash in contact cloud on watch
*timer, alarm bubbles did not open correctly on watch
*=concurrency related crash in folder cloud on phone
+=list of iconpacks sorted alphabetically (sort of)
+=last item in icon pack list takes you to recommended icon packs (my Google+ collection)
*=improved icon pack list rendering
*=vibration in the widget-only app (missing permission)
+=Set color using a variable in Tasker Plugin: alpha*2^24 + red*2^16 + green*2^8 + blue
+=Use variables in process name also (even though there is no variable picker for it) e.g. “light%count”
+themed tasker bubbles on watch
*crash while restoring backup
*crash in phone-app picker in wear cloud editor
*much improved icon picker speed and resilience
*tasker plugin now works in app-drawer mode too (shoutout to +Andrea Palazzo for testing so thoroughly!)
*seekbar layout on marshmallow and newer (apply wear icon pack)
*theme fonts were not always used in live info bubbles and complications
*bold character type was missing in unread count bubble
*small adjustments in the premium upgrade page layout
*added checkered transparency visualizer to background color picker in widget configuration screen (help first time users set background color)
*if original bubble color in widget/folder was transparent adding a label acted funny (distorted bubble)
*optimized the data-exchange system between phone and watch
*new optimized refresh type only redraws the tasker bubbles if their size did not change (updateAppDataNoMove)
*made the tasker plugin edit screen scrollable (there was trouble in landscape and when keyboard open)
~updated the wording for “bubble size” on the watch. Now I refer to it as “Bubble weight”, since in many layouts this value controls order or priority
*sped up cloud refresh on the watch when we change settings on the phone
+new option in Wear Cloud Editor / Apply Icon pack: apply the “iconupon” overlay (from the icon pack) to live info bubbles (default: on)
+new translations for the Tasker plugin
~set label to empty string in plugin to restore icon-only bubble (no blank text field below)
~if background color is set to transparent icon is shown without border
*bubble edit dialog layout improvements and hide unused controls
~changed “(no refresh)” note to a ?icon in the front of the Tasker blurb to highlight commands which do not redraw the clouds
~Tasker plugin edit screen will show Bubble Cloud app name too
+tasker plugin blurb includes color transpareny info
+show color name in plugin configuration screen
+defer refresh for wearable bubble clouds (batch bubble update commands)
+36h timeout for tasker plugin in free version
~enter inactive watchface before lifting finger when swiping vertically on the active watch face (thank you Juraj Holas for the suggestion!)
*bubbles had to be tapped twice on the inactive watch screen to open apps
*attempt to stop interference between archive and favorite clouds
*restored request_lock max 2s wait
+plus/minus buttons for size field in tasker plugin settings
*different plugin name for widget app so two app versions don’t interfere (had to change plugin name: may break existing Tasker tasks)
+tasker plugin to change Tasker bubble color / size on watch and phone, and bubble location (cloud) on phone only
*improved icon pack stability (“omponent” syntax error in Color Pixel icon pack caused crash)
*improved icon pack masking compatibility (Chiclet icon pack had inverted mask called “minusmask” / also: back images did not start at #1: img2, img3 etc)
*crash when selecting a navigation item in the phone app (illegal state at trans.commit)
*crash while assigning live info
*crash on watch when trying to invoke theater mode without necessary overlay permission
*crash in 1-click themes when selectively applying the font in a theme
*improved reliability of background tasks (Widget redraws, adding installed apps, tapping bubbles)
*youtube/”force redraw” button did not receive clicks in the title row of the settings group “widget preferences”
*when editing tasker bubble in widget or folder the tasker task was only saved if you also modified the image
*fixed a sure crash when adding phone apps to watch if “Auto Color” was disabled for app bubble widgets
*fixed a rare concurrent database access related crash when tapping widget bubbles
*workaround for an issue opening the Timer and Alarm clock bubbles (system doesn’t send notification of switching away from the watch face)
*fixed opening timer and Alarm clock complications on Android Wear 2.5 and later
*remove theme pack 8 sale graphics
*improved icon pack compatibility (handling iconmask, iconupon, iconback attributes img0, img)
*phone app and HTTP command bubbles did not sync from watch to phone
*phone app and HTTP command bubble images did not appear on watch after restoring a backup
*removed some debug information to make app smaller and quicker
Wear Stand Up Alert v2.15
*reduced app size by 60%
*updated “honor” → “obey” in settings on watch
*optimized memory used by alarm system – pendingintent flag_cancel_current → 0 / UPDATE_CURRENT (if extras)
*updated Google Support libraries
~”honor” → “obey” DND
*fixed a crash while creating bookmark bubble
*fixed a crash in phone app while communicating with watch
*fixed a crash when opening Wear Cloud Editor (onResume) on Huawei Honor 5C (HNNEM-H), 2048MB RAM, Android 7.0
+added Cyber Week deal reminder in 1-Click themes section
*optimized memory used by alarm system – pendingintent flag_cancel_current → 0 / UPDATE_CURRENT (if extras)
+little arrow added to Wear Cloud Editor fab descriptions
+Option for Stand Up notifications now honor “Do Not Disturb” mode (complication will still show reminders, but no notification cards and vibrations)
*crash in wear cloud editor while cancelling bubble edit dialog
*crash in app selection grid
*crash when pressing the (+) button in the bubble edit dialog
Wear Stand Up Alert v2.14
*=fixed bug when starting some app bubbles (missing action MAIN category LAUNCHER)
+translations for new features
*HTTP command bubble label first space character
+watch app will prompt to update embedded to 2.0 version when attempt to use HTTP command bubble (Internet permission is not available)
+option to hide unnecessary “toast” messages on watch → only recommended to long time users
+option to adjust theater mode dimming level (dim less / dim more / full black, but still ON!)
+option to disable dragging or double tapping screen edge to open app drawer
+add HTTP control bubbles to watch (new permission on watch: ACCESS INTERNET – to send HTTP commands directly from watch)
+make “close app-drawer on start” option also available in the bubble edit screen on the watch
*fixed a crash at the start of the app on Archos tablets (refreshing widgets in the default launcher)
*assign live info to Tasker bubbles
*fixed a crash when exiting wear cloud editor prematurely (introduced in v8.42)
*phone app bubbles did not always show on watch (depending on filled / hollow bubble config)
+bubble labels on watch will now have special symbols for complications, tasker tasks, phone apps and links
+add phone-app bubbles to bubble clouds on the watch (open apps on the phone by tapping bubbles on your watch)
*app often did not actually use the activity selected in the activity chooser (added in v8.31). It works now with many more activities!!!
*fixed crash on watch when using certain weather complications
+added Floating Action Buttons (FAB) to the Wear Cloud Editor: easier way to add Tasker bubbles and soon Phone App and HTTP bubbles for smart home control
*fixed FAB animation in the Widgets+Folders screen
~Migrated the project to Gradle 3.0
*Fixed a crash on the watch: “Square” smart auto layout with more than 16 items
*Updated the data-corruption message with the new location for resetting the Wear Cloud Editor.
+Expert option: “Cloud for new bubbles” (set the size of the bubble for newly installed apps) – setting both on watch and phone
*fixed vulnerability: content provider with an unsafe implementation of openFile
*fixed bug in pause app drawer routine (credit: Francis Walter)
*prevents multiple execution of app bubbles if phone locks up and widget is tapped multiple times
*crash when trying to move a folder bubble to a different cloud
*rare crash in bubble folders
+updated Chinese translation (contact developer message)
-removed USA Theme Pack sale
+added labels for the folder bubble create buttons
*fixed a rare crash on the watch (refresh clouds race condition)
+you can now add folder bubbles to homescreen widgets and folders (they are stackable too!) → have a bubble in a bubble cloud widget to open a bubble cloud folder
+showcase themes in intro
+added video help (youtube icon) for adding internal app-activity bubbles
*corrected layout problems with new “Select ACTIVITY” option when not using English
~contact bubble action: icons instead of text
+USA theme pack $0 Labor day sale
*fixed a crash introduced in v8.31 when selecting apps for the widget
+new expert option on watch: always rotate favorites
*fixed rare frozen bubble animation on watch
+Activity chooser option when adding app bubbles to home screen widget
*Crash fixed in Wear Cloud Editor
*More consistent handling of top/center clock piece when applying themes selectively (select center piece to clear in themes which don’t contain a center piece)
*Don’t show hue/saturation control if only background is to be applied selectively
*Fixed a sticky open related crash
Theme Pack #8:
~Removed leading space in digit “1” in Marc12 theme (caused alignment issues). Maddoc uses same font, kept leading space there: choose whichever you like
*Optimized analog watch face components
+Added license notes to all Themes
*Namoc12 theme dial/hands overlay issues (inner dial was top/center piece. Now active dial contains both inner+outer, outer ambient can be applied optionally)
*Top piece (santa’s head etc) sometimes remained in the preview
+Clarified usability of color picker for watch face backgrounds: “Check your watch: press cancel to keep default theme color” now shows in color picker
+Translations: added missing + big Portuguese update – thank you Arthur Machado
+Added theme pack #8 Play Store links to phone and wear apps
+Selective theme apply screen title now includes the name of the theme
+Theme packs can now define color of the seconds and vertical adjustment for the single-row digital clock
-Removed Theme #7 and Override horizontal swipe what’s new videos
+Added Theme #8 / watch face component recoloring tutorial video to What’s New screen
+Added watch face component recoloring video to 1-click theme selective apply screen
~apply all theme settings is off → clicking the theme will also take you to the selective apply screen
+selective apply screen now has a preview area and hue / saturation control
*no ambient circles setting caused ambient clock bubble to have active background color (bug)
~phone battery monitoring frequency lowered to meet Android guidelines (no more than 10 wake ups per hour) → this now affects Play Store ranking
*improved standard icon pack compatibility (masks in paper icon pack)
+ when watch settings are restored, app on the watch will prompt to install missing apps (in settings on the watch)
+warn if media volume is muted when enabling tick sound
*fix a rare crash on the watch
*emergency fix: incompatibility between re-assigning main button long press and the expert option “Assign to button”. If both were enabled you got the prompt “Complete action” (potentially preventing user to unlock via hardware button)
~renamed the assignable launcher icon to “Bubbles/Timer: Show↔Hide”
*fixed a crash when merging widgets/folders <2-in-1 + widgets app>
*attempt to fix a mysterious crash in the phone app
*fixed a rare crash when opening app bubbles on the watch (with animation)
*center analog clock bubble piece (“top”) was not cleared when theme was applied using the phone app
~peek bubbles off by default
*rare crash while asking for permissions on watch
*rare crash while adding a complication to watch face
+expert option on watch to add “Show/Hide app-drawer/clock” launcher icon (which can be assigned to secondary hardware buttons – e.g. ZenWatch 3, HuaweiWatch 2)
~improved grouping, wording of expert options on watch
+”Override swipe-to-change-face” option is now available in the settings on the phone (Watch face / Expert)
*few expert settings were not backed up and restored to the watch (retainLast complication background, peek bubbles, override-swipe, show/hide icon)
*many expert settigns were sent twice
~updated lock bubble: added hollow icons and special icons for autolock
*fixed issue when autolock was enabled before showing hidden bubbles (when hidden are shown long pressing lock, clock will edit them)
*lock bubble display issue in wear cloud editor when using icon packs
~option renamed: “Override swipe to change face”
+when swipe is overridden right-to-left swipes will not switch to inactive watchface
+new experimental option on watch: override right swipe (will no longer switch watch-face)
+swiping right will not only switch to active watch-face but it will scroll into the app drawer too
+added new video explaining the swipe override and the notification count LiveInfo
*will no longer open the wrong settings after switching between watchface and app drawer modes
*fixed USSD code dialing both from phone widget and watch (“#” character caused issues)
*fixed crash while Editting a bubble on watch
+assign dual-notification counter LiveInfo to Google “Your feed” app by default (for new installers)
+added a few more default wear icon assignments
*battery and step count hollow bubble colors corrected
*will no longer open settings after switching away from bubble cloud watchface (only the very first time)
*fix lock-ups when disabling animation in watch-face mode (it was introduced in v7.61)
*improved notification count icons
~notification bubble will turn green to yellow after the first unread, and turn completely red after 6 unread
~notification live info not shown in Wear Cloud Editor either when in app-drawer mode
~show / sign even if theme font doesn’t include the slash character (instead of “:”)
*play button did not show in what’s new dialog video on top
*shortened contents of what’s new dialog for bottom button to appear without scrolling (on most phones / tablets)
+new LiveInfo: watch notification count (read, unread, unread/read)
*optimized complication updates when using theme fonts
+improved detection of non-android-wear watches
*fixed a rare phone battery related crash affecting a few watches
+color coded color codes in color picker on phone
*fix for a rare crash while starting apps on watch
*slightly adjusted the size of the uncovered area
+color code support everywhere in phone app
+Show peek-bubbles option in settings on phone
~hide peek card settings if watch has Wear 2.0
*long press options did not appear correctly on pre-marshmallow devices
+show notification peek bubbles on Wear 2.0 watch face wake
*fixed crash when selecting icon from default icon set
+USA theme pack 4th of July sale
Stand Up Alert 2.12:
+new (4th) complication icon: walk mode (when the step count limit is met in the last sample). Other icons: Sit, Stand, Tracking off (charger / outside office hours)
~default higher sampling rate on Android Wear 2.0
~steps are shown in complication progress by default
*improved step progress accuracy in widget
~activity sampling rate (15min, 7.5min)
*tweaked the inactivity meter
+added Russian translations (thanks to Андрій)
+tap actions added to notification “failed to update location for weather” on the phone: remove weather + enable location
+only update stand-up alert complications if there are any active
*newly added complicationbubbles did not appear in favorites (in spite of indication in Bubble Edit screen)
*hidden bubbles will no longer be shown after hiding then deleting a complication
*complications didn’t get deactivated immediately when deleted
Stand-Up Alert (v2.10):
*tweaked the inactivity tracking
+new option to increase activity sampling rate from 15 to 5 minutes (careful: potentially higher battery use)
+please update for compatibility with Wear Stand Up Alert 2.09 (see below)
+improved value range complication bubbles (ambient icon color change, text readability improvements)
+show notification on phone if weather update fails because of disabled location services
+clicking complications without tap actions will now toggle inactive watch-face (easier access to standard watch-face functions)
+link to App Info and Play Store pages from the Bubble Edit screen for complications too
*fixed annoying issue where the app drawer would appear when you switch watch faces
*fixed issue which caused the handle to grow when switching from watch-face to app drawer mode
*crash fix in What’s New dialog (embarassing… though it only presented itself sometimes when returning to What’s New via menu command About, but still)
*crash fix in Intro screen (ouch …again)
Stand-up Alert (v2.09):
+ability to control stand and sit vibrations separately (both from watch and phone)
+new complication bubble: shows inactivity time (progress), icon changes when configured time limit is reached. Progress shows steps count while standing
+in bubble cloud launcher the color of the complication bubble changes from green to red
*fixed edge cases which caused undetected steps in the beginning and end of the office hours or after watch was removed from charger
+new option complication progress: timeout then activity meter or activity meter during timeout too
*rare widgets crash on kitkat device
*updated BatteryMonitor and ContactUpdater background services → IntentService
*moved theme_bubble check (in phone app) to a background task
*weather bubbles did not show correctly with icon packs using masks (made mask partially transparent)
*disappearing complication icon in ambient bubble
*No longer need special permission for the flashlight bubble to turn on maximum brightness
*Finally got rid of hiccup (ANR) after you open Settings on the watch
*Double pressing the HW button did not open Assistant (Voice Search) if 1st press assigned to open app drawer, if auto-close app-drawer was disabled
*Tasker toast when long pressing
*Changed theater mode icon to more different
~Further improved efficiency of phone battery level updates sent to the watch on Lollipop and newer devices
+assign Tasker bubbles to button long press
*hide button long press assign control in the Bubble Edit screen on AW1.x
*hide button long press config controls from phone settings if app used on AW1.x
*corrected layout of bubble edit screen on the watch (ugly padding)
+settings on the phone: added controls to configure watch button long press functions
+ability to open apps and Tasker tasks via long press of the HW button of the watch
~require Premium for the 2nd press of the hardware button
+added hint to control app drawer auto close by setting favorites to transparent (it will not close)
+play store icon pack auto-assignment in Wear Cloud Editor
~standalone wear APK minSDK 25
~support:wearable:2.0.2 → 2.0.3
*fix for crash when bubble tapped on watch (with animation)
*fix for crash while opening apps in app drawer mode with animation
*fix crash while adding complication bubble
*fix ANR when opening settings on watch (waiting for IAP price)
+added What’s new video
*will no longer go into settings when long pressed
~switched to using image toasts for feedback
-removed the combined lock + sunlight mode (made no sense)
+allow any combination or primary and secondary functions
*handle missing permission gracefully for Sunlight mode (to change system settings
~increased time window to accept a secondary longpress
+recommended to long press twice for secondary option (quicker)
+added translations
+added What’s new info
+Remap long-press main hardware button:
*crash fix while rendering watchface (watchfaceCanvas null)
*updated Play Services 8.4 → 9.8 (hopefully fixing a crash happening in GMS)
*crash in flashlight on watch
*Fix for in-app-billing related lags in Bubble Cloud Settings on AW2.0 watches
*Updated com.anjlab.android.iab.v3 library v1.0.39→40
*crash fix in Settings app on phone (SettingsFragment)
~rotating launcher enabled by default on tablets (devices larger than 6.9″)
+notify returning Widgets-Only users about their license in the 2-in-1 app
-update Play Store description of Wear+Widgets app
-rollout v8.00 to both variants
*fixed crash while pinging Android Wear 2.0 watch
~more emphasis on Wear component in Wear+Widgets app
+first release of the Standalone Widgets app
*fix cloud draw timing issues (bubbles == null) → retry
*fixed bug which sometimes after updates showed widget pages to wear users and vice versa
-Wear Stand-up Alert will no longer act as a Widgets PRO key if no Android Wear app is installed
+added buttons to the license key app retrieval section of the Premium upgrades page to make it clearer
+improved communication for non-Android-Wear watch owners (in intro slider)
+animations added to Intro slider (watface vs app drawer mode + how to place a homescreen widget)
~updated to compile SDK and support libraries 25 (from 24)
~updated wear support library to 2.0.2
~brightness bar layout update
*”Welcome.me” memory leak fixed
*crash while adjusting selection type preferences on watch (PrefSelect)
*eliminated getAssets related crashes: icon packs + theme packs
*phone battery bubble update frequency was reduced to a maximum of 12/hour (from 20/hour), but increased to 30/hour while charging
*app drawer related crash
*flashlight bubble crashed without “modify system settings” permission
*crash cloud configuration window when adding bubbles
*crash when trying to edit Tasker bubbles
*crash when importing certain image assests (dial/hands) to clock bubble
*location related crash in standalone watch app (when fetching sunrise / sunset values)
*eliminated weather / phone battery update related memory leak
*Android Wear connection timeout 10 → 2 sec (was causing ANRs?)
*fixed various Wear Cloud Editor crashes
*fixed crash when selecting icon from an iconpack
*crash when applying icon pack to LiveInfo bubbles in Wear Cloud
+new option on watch: sort archive alphabetically (not all layouts)
+new option on watch: merge small clouds = whether to start a new archive page for every size (or merge smaller ones if they fit)
*toggling labels will trigger preview
*tweaked settings screen layout on watch (purchase button spacing, auto-scroll)
*fixed icon complications
+added small image type complications: icons + small photos (app launcher, contact etc.)
*corrected complication layout
*ambient step count bubble updated to more burn-in-safe outline graphics
Bugfix release
*services restarted after Play Store update both on phone and watch
*complication backgrounds kept coming back even after setting a different background image or color
~rearranged some settings on watch (“Get phone app” and “Go premium”)
*you could not change the ambient clock bubble color if the active and inactive bubble modes were set the same (hollow/hollow, filled/filled)
+added translations for new settings
~improved wording, spacing and layout for several options on the watch (drawer side, drawer size, doctor’s timer,
~removed complication button in app-drawer mode
~updated watch screenshots in phone app
*fixed issue with transparent preview screens in “solid” app-drawer opening mode
*fixed issue with watch-face flashing when opening inner settings screens
~upgrade main and expert settings screens to standard android wear style
~change background color of cloud and clock config screens to dark
~move full screen clock option to Favorites config screen
*doctors’ timer black background on Android Wear 2.0 too
*bubble edit screen: favorite/archive hidden bubble
+improved error reporting if Tasker task cannot be started
*location service crashed on standalone watches without connected phone
~hotspot previews disappear when you scroll down on the settings page
+new expert option: no circle in ambient screen if active screen has filled bubbles
*hide uniform ambient bubble color setting unless uniform colors are selected
+hidden feature: double tapping the hollow ambient bubble mode selector on the watch takes you to the expert settings to choose circle or no circle
*ambient mode selector updated when returning from favorite / expert settings
+added expert options to phone: “no circle in ambient”, “auto-close app drawer”, “app-drawer opening style”
*some expert settings were not correctly sync’d between phone/watch (fullScreenClockNondimming,voiceSearch,long_press,burnIn,sticky,autoBrightness,reduceSensitivity)
~Reduced app-drawer choppiness by making app-drawer fade-in / fade-out optional (Expert settings)
*app opening glitches when animation was turned off
*Improve first impressions: Bubble animation and Sticky open are OFF by default (adds a slight perseptive delay to opening apps – apps open as quick, but app drawer needs to be kept on screen longer to catch 2nd tap)
~Sticky open toggles with animation unless you set it directly
*keep panel when app drawer pulled over settings screen (preview off) → issue: panel auto-closed and screen was unresponsive
*watchdog to close app drawer if phantom layer times out (touching the app drawer cancels it)
+app drawer mode: press hardware button to close app drawer
*much improved app drawer mode bubble animation (animation ends when launched app is loaded – just like watch face mode)
*much smoother app drawer opening via complication / hardware button
+new expert option: turn off “auto close app drawer” → app drawer stays open keeping the watch awake (not recommended!)
~toggle and tasker bubbles will “blink” when tapped (no yellow circle any more)
*some image backgrounds did not work on flat tire watches (Moonie)
*image backgrounds did not always update (Now Playing)
+Added new Expert option on watch: “Do not clear on stop” → Retains last image when provider clears background (e.g. Now Playing stopped)
~Phone app will not prompt you to update on build number differences between phone and watch (only on version numbers differ)
7.59 (alpha)
+error report for image background complications (message appears in Expert options)
*complication font size re-measured after returning to watch face
*animated complication bubble was missing text
*v7.57beta introduced issue causing non-tappable complications also to animate
+added new video to What’s New box
*hide expert settings not applicable in app-drawer mode
+background complication provider update info in expert settings on watch
*improved handling of removed complication providers
+App Info / Play Store links in Bubble Edit screen for clickable complications too
*one-liner digital time did not show in merged-cloud app drawer mode if AM/PM was enabled
+prevent background providers to update background too frequently (5 sec apart)
*complication font size re-measured after every tap on the complication
*fixed issue introduced in v7.55: ambient watchface would stop updating randomly
~updated drawer mode animation waring
*corrected themed complication bubble colors (all were white)
*ambient digital time alignment issues (1-line, no leading zeros)
+new expert option on watch: set complication background dimming (darkening) level
*ambient complication circle color if background color is set to transparent (icon pack is used)
+use large image complications as background image (for favorites cloud)
+icon type complications
*optimization: further eliminated unnecessary watch face redraws (battery improvements)
+smart refresh for ambient watchface complications: reduce update frequency to 15 minutes for static complications (time based complications are updated every minute,
self-updating complications are updated immediately)
~if ambient unicolor mode is off ambient complication text color is white
*bug: complications were not updating on ambient watch-face
+smart refresh active watchface complications every second (smart-check whether it’s necessary → for best battery life)
+minute, seconds/ampm colors in single-line digital time
*workaround for taps on “Clock” type complications (system sometimes fails to issue “Visibility changed” callbacks)
*made “No Android Wear found” dialog scrollable
~updated the Stand-up alert video link to new video
*setting clock to full screen hid some of the archive cloud settings on the watch
*flat tire watches don’t have the rotation on charger option
+expert option on watch: select uniform color source (setting was already available on phone)
+improved “What’s New” dialog: youtube preview
+prepare app to work on 18.9:9 aspect ratio phones (LG G6, Samsung S8 and even “wider” phones)
*backup new option “hide theme pack icons” with wear backup
+hidden feature: long press center bubble in bubble edit screen on watch: direct links to Play Store / App Info
+expert option on watch: enable/disable tap/long-tap clock for timer
+expert option on watch: rotate watch face when on charger
*light color world clock bubbles now have black text for readability
+new option: hide theme pack launcher icons on phone (they will be unhidden when Bubble Clouds gets uninstalled)
*watch would prompt to enable complication permission randomly while bubble cloud settings was open on watch (Android Wear 2.0)
*phone opened multiple version alerts if screen turned off or user switched away and back
~extracted some expert options in the settings on the watch to reduce clutter in main settings screen
~seconds setting is stored independently for analog and digital clock bubbles
*language spinner color was unreadable on pre-Lollipop devices
~updated the theme pack place holder images
+added Theme Pack #7 intro video to What’s New popup → https://youtu.be/UjSRnTpCL44
*Crash: theme needs updated main app but no Play Store on phone
*Show license info on watch, “info” icon in Theme apply page
+added new Theme Pack #7
~new theme packs moved to the top of the list of available theme packs on the watch
+new smart auto layout: “Off-center” (for cartoon/special clock themes) → enlarged clock when fewer than 5-6 bubbles on watchface
~Significant APK size reduction (converted graphics to webp format): WEAR 5.3MB→3.3MB <-38%>, PHONE 15MB→12.7MB <-16%>
*fixed overdraw issues when ambient=active (LCD) using transparent background images
~special clock themes now switch to new Off-center layout + enable full screen AMBIENT(!), other themes turn off full screen ambient
~cartoon clock themes now turn on Full screen clock bubble (in watch face mode), other themes restore non-full-screen clock
~selecting multi-line digital clock bubble on the watch switches to new Off-center layout
*corrected themed multi line digital clock bubble layout
~you can now enable active and ambient center pieces independently in analog clock themes (show center piece in active but not in ambient or vice versa)
+you can selectively apply theme font from the phone if you long press the 1-click theme bubble and mark the option “Font” (similarly to the way it is done on the watch)
*corrected theme apply bug on watch which always made the clock bubble circle visible (it should only show if you enable it in the clock bubble settings)
*date bubble background color was visible in ambient screen even when hollow bubbles were used
*Sunset / sunrise live info assignment on watch was overwritten by Wear Cloud Editor on phone
*Fixed stuck active watchface bug on Android Wear 2.0
+X-Themes default favorites color (used when “Apply All” / not when selective)
*SERIOUS: Android Wear 2.0 notifications made the analog clock bubble temporarily disappear
*Removed choppy animation when opening settings / contacts on watch
*Handle KitKat bug accessing SD-Card in a more gracious manner (suggests to move image to internal storage instead of app crash
+Linked to new video in What’s up dialog for home screen widget users
*tasker bubbles disappeared from the wear cloud editor if you read watch settings after clearing them in the phone
*when editing hidden apps in the wear cloud editor the dialog header always said “Add Tasker bubble”
+background image from complication (coming soon)
*let you make a backup even if phone app fails to connect to watch
*better handling of connection problems on watch (watch app will display error code to help debugging)
+hidden feature: click on text at the bottom of the Edit bubble screen (on watch) to see package / activity name for app
*”restore default” button did not restore multi-line time / date mode on phone (set wrong size)
*could not change date bubble color if its host app had custom icon
+ability to control whether theme layout is applied or not (on watch)
~”apply all” button changes to “apply” as soon as you select any theme component
~complication bubble text will also use theme font if: a) option enabled b) text is big enough c) font includes all characters
*measure started from Widgets+Folders
*folders are no longer treated as orphans → items in folders will not be listed in “items not in any cloud”
+”Help website” button in settings screen on watch opens Google+ troubleshooting / feature highlight page on iPhone
*bubble clouds will now show up as a Standalone Wear 2.0 app (there was a bug)
*premium version didn’t allow more than 1 complication bubble
*Widgets: offer to install True Contacts for a better Contact details experience (especially if contacts keep crashing on Samsung phones)
+open watch face picker if user tries to add complication in app drawer mode
*prevent live info assignment to Tasker, complication and toggle type bubbles
*no selective ambient toggle for clock bubble
+color palette in bubble edit screen for clock bubble takes user to the clock bubble settings
~compiled with finalized Android Wear 2.0 repository (com.google.android.support:wearable:2.0.0)
+added many missing translations (German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Traditional Chinese)
*fixed square layout
*fixed stand-up alert placeholder to be sent to the phone
*date bubble color in archive + default assignment
Doctors’ timer:
+long press timer to adjust vibration frequency (60 / 30 / 15 seconds)
~seconds hand moves less smoothly if vibration is set to 60 seconds (to save power)
+intro slider on watch (all languages)
-removed annoying toast messages after install
*no stand-up notification right after activating the app
+edit date bubble colors (in bubble edit screen): day color if uni-color is enabled, background color if disabled
*clock hand previews now reflect color changes in Clock Bubble dialog on phone (thanks Matthew Kokidko for highlighting the lack of this behaviour)
+upgrade reminder screens on the watch now lists Premium benefits if user scrolls up (all languages)
*translation layout issues corrected
*there was an infinite loop if you denied complication permission
*license issue in AW2.0 if phone app was upgraded using Premium Key app
*Android Wear 2.0 related crash in main app (if stand-up alert installed)
+sunset / sunrise calculation in standalone mode! (Day / night brightness works without phone)
*old bug, when app drawer could not be opened until watch reboot or switching to watch-face (broken service keeps running)
Bubble Edit screen on the watch:
+swipe up: set LiveInfo on the phone (only 3 options, which are functional in standalone mode)
*fixed bubble color setting bug (introduced in v7.31)
~use blue (replaces the yellow in earlier versions)
+show custom icons (don’t allow color change)
*correction in themed 2-row clock bubble appearance (padding r/40 instead of r/20)
~Bubble edit no animation
*Corrected translations
+app icon on top of settings screen
+new options on watch: disable sticky open, enable burnIn prevention, disable double tap to voiceSearch, disable long_press to edit
+icon for Touch-lock bubble option (in Favorite cloud config on watch)
~updated support repository (42)
+Wear Stand-up alert updated to Android Wear 2.0 standalone version
+Main app can detect Stand-up plugin even if it is only installed on watch
+step count bubble is visible initially, clicking it will install Stand-up alert on Wear 2.0
+lock bubble option in favorite cloud config screen on watch
*prevent moving lock bubble to archive (you could lock yourself out of your watch)
-removed phone app version checking on watch, only prompt to update out of date phone app when you try to connect
*if app drawer is turned off, turns it on if settings are adjusted while Preview is requested (on the watch)
~hide wifi, ringmode, contact and findmyphone bubbles in standalone
+added translation for new options
+added toggle ambient visibility button to bubble edit screen on watch
~made switching clouds more intuitive in bubble edit screen on watch
+hint to Theme Apply screen if favorites has too many bubbles for theme
*theme will not crash on watch with pre v7.30 Bubble Clouds
*disable contact bubble cloud in standalone mode
+themed bubble was always overwritten from the phone
*issue when trying to turn off bubble clouds in watch-face mode
+takes you to watch-face selector when you select “OFF” in watch-face mode
+phone will assist to install wearable component on Android Wear 2.0 watches
+”clear theme” button in theme pack list on watch
+”restore defaults” button on main settings screen on the watch
+confirmation screen before all clear type commands on the watch
*theme colors were not applied to analog clock
+theme support on the watch
+clock bubble control on the watch
+bubble type control added to favorites + archive config screen
+background color by minute of the hour added to favorite cloud settings screen
+updated 6 existing themes to work with theme control on the watch
+settings preview added to favorites + archive config screens
-clock selector removed from main settings screen on watch
+ambient bubble type selector added to main settings screen
+standalone wear app on Android Wear 2.0
+permission control on watch
+premium upgrade button on watch
+version control on phone and watch
-freeze favorites checkbox in watch settings
+freeze bubble sizes checkbox in favorite + archive config screens on watch
*updated complication support with new permission
~changed linked overview chart (watchface settings card on phone)
*sticky open and force exit panel labels were not visible on AW2.0 (black on black)
*used to crash when changing bubble spacing in widgets
~changed terminology for option “click/long-click clock bubble → timer”
~in the settings screen on the watch app-drawer related options are now hidden when using watch-face mode
*theme bubble wasn’t applied to clock bubble in app-drawer mode
-removed unnecessary permission com.google.android.permission.PROVIDE_BACKGROUND
~Increased vibration seekbar also updated to Discrete seekbar
+Reveal touch video added
*fixed touch “click” sound on newer devices
~find-my-phone will ring for at least 5 seconds even if the phone is moved (moving it silences the ringing after 5s)
~updated theme pack #4 teaser icon (shows new seconds hand)
*fixed layout of expert launcher tweak scale/padding controls
*Findmyphone wasn’t waking phones with secure locks over Marshmallow
*Findmyphone wasn’t making sound on Nougat (couldn’t set ring volume)
+Clock dial smart auto layout: reveal mode! (touch near the edges to bring the bubbles OVER the clock hands)
*auto layout not handled correctly when applying themes
*watch resolution in wear cloud editor was not correct
*uniform ambient bubble color type setting did not stick
*archive size variance on the watch did not default to favorite size variance
*App crashed if trying to open Wear Cloud Editor with the watch disconnected
*App crashed if reset was used with no themes installed
~”Reset to default” → “Backup / reset to defaults”
+first item in reset list is a link to Backup / Restore in the Wear Cloud Editor
+before opening Cloud Editor app will offer to troubleshoot if no connection to watch
~updated intro screen with information about cheap chinese “smart” watches running the phone version of Android (GT08, DZ09, Lem5…)
~increase the distance of the app drawer from the edge of the screen when it’s off in watch-face mode (it was still showing sometimes see v7.10)
+restore defaults action for 1-click themes (background, layouts, clock, font, bubbles, bubble colors, settings)
*fix crash in date bubble window in Chinese language
*fix crash in Wear Cloud Editor
*transparency (background) control in App Bubble Cloud configuration screen initialization error (+Joseph Rubin)
~updated dependencies to Android Wear 2.0.0 beta1 libraries
*transparent background themes set brightness bar color to 20% darker
~show option “Use highest resolution icons” on xxxhdpi devices and renamed to “Theme highest res default app icons” → will not use system icon packs (samsung, huawei etc)
*custom layout derived from the clock dial smart auto layout had the clock bubble larger than the screen
*shrink full screen clock bubble if set to have outline color (it showed in app drawer mode at the edge of the screen)
+themes with customizable background colors will prompt for color when you select the theme (X-Santa theme, more is coming)
~do not check wear component version earlier than 3 minutes after app update
*digital clock font size seekbar now moves smoother
*center clock piece was not shown in app-drawer mode
*app drawer was sometimes made visible by the system screen burn-in prevention shifting
-removed hidden feature: long press minute hand color box to select center/top image (it was buggy)
~switched to using DiscreetSeekBar in the following screens: Auto Layout controls, Widget preferences, Widget configuration screen
*stop clock update before animation
+Hidden feature: long press uniform color box to select uniform bubble image from gallery
+Added hidden feature hints to color dialog box legends
+Prompt to Resync Wear component if it is a different version
+Prompt to update main app if theme is made for newer version (prompt to join beta if theme is for beta)
*voice search bubble on the watch appeared blurry when using uniform color
+support for extra center layer in analog clock themes (Santa12 and future cartoon themes)
*optimized the app drawer
+smart auto layouts are also loaded into custom layout editor (touch/move bubbles to disable auto-arrange, will load earlier custom layout if you uncheck the checkbox)
*analog clock bubble disappeared in cloud edit mode
~paginated GRID+CIRCLE archive layouts: pages are created strictly based on bubble sizes (GRID: no merging will occur, CIRCLE: only merging pairs → 9+8, 7+6, 5+4, 3+2, 1+hidden)
*no seconds hand active analog clock didn’t get updated when switching back from ambient
+optional clock ticking (only while analog seconds hand is shown)
*improved performance and battery use
+Hidden feature: long press seconds hand color to import custom seconds hand graphics
*Crashed if category filtered app bubble cloud was restored as a contact bubble cloud (and vice versa)
+non-dimming clock: show tick marks above the fold on moto 360
+battery disclaimer when enabling seconds hand
*themed digital clock bubble dial background image appeared behind theme bubble
*clock bubble can now be moved between clouds in app-drawer mode (when editing on watch)
*new video: clock bubble settings (added play button in Clock dialog)
~improved look of default clock hands (more elegant skinnier in bigger size bubbles / full screen)
+half and quarter minute markers on the non-dimming fulls screen clock
*fixed flicker of the clock dial when switching between watch face and non-dimming full screen clodk
*title bar of clock/date bubble dialog will say which one it is (good point +Joseph Rubin)
*crashed if clock graphics was changed while showing non-dimming clock
*significantly improved battery life and performance when 12hours (am/pm) world time bubble was shown in app drawer mode
+prompt to remove custom graphics when trying to change color of clock hands
+prevent enabling seconds in app drawer mode (they would freeze when the screen dims)
*clock hands changed temporarily when deleting custom clock components
*SERIOUS: could not apply analog clock themes which did not include a seconds hand
~change instructions label on non-dimming clock
*update layout icons when layout SPLIT↔CLOCK switched in clock dialog or in “basic mode” watchface settings card
~update watch-face settings card video = v6.70 0:00 PgWxnMw8pX0
~update app-drawer settings card 1) wf mode video = v6.70 1:44 PgWxnMw8pX0 2) ad mode video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2R8Ftf6bLI
*removed circle color from date configuration screen (date circle always matches active background color)
+easier to discover access to clock bubble settings in basic mode: click on “Clock Bubble” (settings symbol added)
*image size warning message was displayed every time an icon (from an icon pack) was applied as clock bubble background (message will only display for non-HD icon packs)
+Ready for themes with seconds hands
+Added translations for new functions
*hour hand color is applied to the clock dial too unless either the dial or the hand has custom graphics: you were prevented from changing the hour hand color even if the clock dial was not custom
~automatically switch between CLOCK ↔ SPLIT layouts if clock type is changed Analog ↔ Digital (both on phone and watch)
~disable clock bubble in app drawer mode by clicking either Analog or Digital option twice (on the watch)
Non-dimmig full screen clock with smooth moving seconds hand:
~Touch the screen to replace the markers and restart the 3 minute countdown in the (touch used to exit)
+vibrate at the end of each minute, long vibrate at the end of the 3 minutes
+seconds hand in analog clock
+adjust color of both analog and digital seconds
~updated the non-dimming full screen clock to use 1-click analog clock themes (black background, ambient hands, active dial, yellow seconds hand)
~”Bubbles Show/Hide” activity in watch-face mode will now open non-dimming clock with smooth moving seconds hand (can be assigned to ZenWatch3 button)
+expert option to keep colors of ambient bubbles while having uniform colors in active watchface
+expert option to set uniform color of all ambient bubbles based on battery level, steps progress or weather
*custom icon toggle bubbles did not appear correctly on ambient watch-face when uniform colors were set
*”App tips and discussion” link did not work for everybody
*improved refresh frequency of live info on ambient watchface
*Corrected App Launcher settings card slight layout glitches
~Play Services 8.4
~new icon for “Bubbles Show/Hide” activity (on watch)
*”Bubbles Show/Hide” activity caused problems in watch-face mode. Pressing button will now start Voice Search in watchface mode
~”Bubbles Show/Hide” icon is hidden in bubble cloud app drawer (by default)
+5th sample theme pack
+Thanksgiving sale
+compatibility with standalone Tasker (non-Play-Store version)
+new activity: “Bubbles Show/Hide” to be assigned to hardware button on the watch to open/close app drawer
+ambient dimming on watches with light sensor + OLED display (e.g. ZenWatch3)
+long press icon on watch to toggle brightness / ambient dim (short press still toggles auto / manual brightness)
*a lot of streamlining and optimization in the code: APK shrunk by over 10%!!!
*updated Google Play Services and other support libraries (9.8)
*crash fix when switching easy / expert modes
*fix crash when corrupted bubble is edited (e.g. after restoring saved clouds)
*go to Play Store page if app for bubble is not installed (in saved/restored widget)
*fixed default clock bubble color on watch (white on white)
+Long press favorite backgrounds and select to apply the background image or the themed bubble separately
*Long pressing the 1-click font theme did not apply it
*long press theme backgrounds will not show selective apply dialog (thank you +Joseph Rubin for your always thorough testing!)
*no more crash when editing bubble for a removed application → use dot-dot-dot menu to install the app again
*font size adjustment for single line time when both manual magnification and AM/PM/seconds are used
+themes can now specify default single line time font size adjustment value (make digital time bigger)
+long press analog clock bubble themes to selectively apply clock components
+usability improvement: Watch-face settings card: hint and shortcut added to switch to watch-face mode
+added halloween theme pack teaser icon to 1-click themes
*optimized the way 1-click theme parameters are applied
*some widget options were not restored from saved bubble clouds
*fixed multi-line full screen digital clock alignment issues
*fixed crash in contacts when no contact groups can be accessed
*fixed bug causing single row digital clock font size to shrink to minimum
*workaround for a crash caused by a bug in Android handling ellipsize without singleLine in layouts on older (pre Lollipop) devices
+new option: hide min/max temperature from the weather bubble (default: min/max is shown)
+the very first time the users selects a theme with themed bubbles, he will be switched to filled bubbles and uniform colors for the themed bubbles to show up
*invisible delete button in Wear Contacts (thank you +Adiel Sharabi for the bug report!)
~hollow bubbles in archive will use the original icons (not icon packs). In favorites only if uniform color is set
*contact search in non-latin languages (thank you +Adiel Sharabi for the bug report!)
*fixed crash when switching screens after returning from wear contacts screen
*major update to the WEAR COMPONENT GUIDE linked from the app (“More info online”) FAQ of the most common questions and problems
+expert trick: Long press theme thumbnails to apply bg image/font/clock only (keep colors, themed bubbles, settings etc.)
*hide archive cloud bubble mode in easy mode (if it is same as favorites)
*hide ambient uniform color in easy mode (if it is set to the default white)
~prevent changing background color/image if “color by minute of the hour” is enabled
*user reported crash fix (if you switch away from the Android Wear screen before the watch connects)
+option to use uniform color in hollow bubbles (circle will also use the uniform color, and ambient circles = ambient uniform 50% opacity)
+option to use uniform color in filled bubbles (each theme new contains a theme-bubble-template, ambient circles are similar to uniform hollow bubbles)
*further optimized liveinfo bubble updates
*tasker bubbles could not be added the ambient screen
*date bubble layout
~active day color comes from user setting (click on date bubble in the Wear Cloud Editor) even if uniform color is set for bubbles
~hollow bubbles will also use the icon pack icons (smaller size inside the circle)
*fixed the Bangers font in Theme Pack #1 (“1” was too similar to “7”, and the degree symbol was cut in half)
*increase battery level refresh when on charger
*restore ability to set circle color
*change wording of “watch not connected” message
+option to adjust the font size used to display single line time / date
+show warning if watch is not connected
*crash fix in icon pack icon selection
*split smart layout time shift bug fixed
*1-click themes “Apply all settings” now works correctly
~added Theme Pack 4 teaser to theme selector
+suggestion added “Please try to toggle connection off/on in the Android Wear app.” and direct link to the Android Wear app
-ability to set separate circle color for clock bubble (it is now always the same color as the active clock background color)
+you can set the background color for the ambient (inactive) clock bubble.
Note: setting it to less than 100% opaque will result in an extra drawing cycle every minute, which will cause a slight increase in battery use
+read default theme parameters from pack (margin, spacing, colors: live info, hour, minute)
*emergency crash fix when new “Clock dial” smart auto layout
~changed name of new smart auto layout to “Clock dial layout”, updated its icon
+added new tutorial video for the new smart-auto-layout
*updated “clock dial” auto layout bubble positions
*if charger rotation controls show if they are not set to default
*hollow / no-bubble modes were not restored correctly from backup
*both archive and favorite bubbles will be switched to non-hollow after icon pack is applied (icon packs are only applied to full bubbles)
+1-click theme related settings are also backed up
+visual feedback if full screen clock is set (in watch face mode) → red-x over favorite icons
+message shown if you try to change the ambient uniform color, if full-screen ambient clock is set (in watch face settings card)
*favorite cloud settings on the watch had bugs
*archive cloud settings on the watch set the wrong margin / variance
*default margin → 80 for analog clocks
*phone battery bubble did not change color in hollow / “icon only” modes
*grid archive layouts didn’t show control to change number of bubbles in columns
*clock bubble background color sometimes did not stick
*Analog clock smart auto layout overdraw problems when active and inactive watchfaces both were set to filled or both to hollow bubbles
+tip shown if user has too many favorite bubbles for full screen clock themes (works, but does not look good)
~changed the appearance of the Android Wear app link (Android Wear settings card) when switching between app-drawer and watch-face modes
*fixed issue enabling full screen clock for analog clock themes
*fixed battery animation color if uniform colors are enabled
+uniform colors apply to system bubbles too (wifi, ringmode, full-screen clock etc)
*analog clock smart auto layout works correctly on flat tire watches
*bubbles react to clicks on the (inactive) screen (when clock bubble is “dark”)
*double tap to invoke voice search did not work with new analog-clock smart-auto-layout
*default uniform ambient color was transparent
*removed margin when Full-screen-clock mode is enabled (any use for it???)
+separate uniform color for ambient mode (expert settings)
+Analog-clock smart auto layout (arranges bubbles “inside” and “behind” clock dial, bubbles stay clickable)
+Set uniform text color when “icon only” (no bubble) format is set for the favorite cloud
+If ambient dimming is manually lowered after sunset, it will be automatically lowered after the same amount of time after sunset in the following days
~Moved non-launcher type settings to main “Android wear” setting card (Ring on 100%, charger rotation, Moto 360 brightness fix on low battery)
~Moved “More info online” → blue link at the bottom of “Android Wear” setting card
~Changed the 1-click preview thumbnail placeholders (added “Classic”/Theme pack #1)
+Long press ⊕/⊖ (while editing bubble on watch) to quickly move between favorites ↔ archive (hint added: on watch / in phone app)
+Separate margin / variance settings for favorite and archive smart auto layout
+Hide / change variance control for layouts where variance setting is irrelevant
~New “Analog-clock smart layout” is set automatically when Analog 1-click theme is selected (Classic, Alien, Beep, Cow)
+Margin is automatically adjusted when 1-click theme is selected
+Samsung multi-window support: (you can now open the settings on half of the screen and watch the tutorial video while changing the settings!
*Crash fix while editing bubbles
+Prepare main app for Theme Pack #3 extension update
*basic / expert switch did not react to swiping (only clicking)
~jumped to a round version number (60) because of the amount of new functionality!
+moved even more settings into the on-watch Settings screens (margin, labels, bubble size variance, spacing / font size)
Notes: My aim is to reach 100% autonomy by the time standalone Android Wear apps become a reality .
The Bubble Cloud Settings app on the phone is still the recommended way to configure your Clouds, but you are now able to make smaller adjustments without your phone.
+if last theme item (default font) is selected and “Apply all theme settings” is set, app will clear the image background for both clouds
+new toggle in the cloud settings in the watch: switch between image/color background
*some background / clock settings were not correctly shared between watch and phone (were not updated on the phone if they were set on watch)
*full screen ambient clock resolution fixed (thank you +Peter Cramp!)
*ghost bubbles did not appear after hiding an app on the watch
*watch bubble edit screen app icon was too big (made it screen size dependent)
+added new video for watch face complications / editing bubbles on the watch
~tap transhcan to hide a complication, long tap to delete it
+long press lock bubble to edit (even in watchface mode, if show hidden apps is enabled – otherwise it still toggles auto-lock)
*occasional digital clock line wrapping fixed (single row)
~if watch option “Show hidden apps” is enabled → long click clock bubble to set its size, active background color
+set smart auto layouts and cloud background colors on the watch
*improved battery efficiency for world clock bubbles
+complication bubbles are fully functional (only in Android Wear 2.0 Preview + Watchface mode!)
+AW 2.0 / watchface: preliminary complication bubbles (create complication bubbles on the watch, edit / remove) WORK IN PROGRESS: Bubbles are still empty!
+Hidden apps are automatically shown dimmed for a few minutes after hiding an app on watch (to allow easy reversal)
*Spanish: color picker (on phone) did not show button “Acceptar” at extremely large fonts sizes (button “PREDETERMINADO” <=”default”> took too much space)
*improved brightness bar usability: vertical swiping activated ambient mode even when using the archive cloud / brightness bar
~”Long press to move” renamed to → “long press to edit”
~Long press to edit is not disabled for custom layouts
~improvements to the bubble edit screen on watch (visual feedback for buttons, spacing, text size, etc)
+new option in Settings (on watch) → Show hidden apps (for 5 minutes) → hidden apps appear in archive (dimmed) → long press to edit and unhide them
+Long press to edit bubbles on the watch (size / hide / cloud / color)
*Corrupt files when exporting multiple homescreen widgets to Google Drive (other cloud services are ok)
Your current backups may be corrupted. Make sure to export again all your widgets!
+Temporary warning to export widgets again (only if more than 1 widget + have exported before)
+Remove temporary files (2 hours) after backup
*autopopulate caused infinite number of contact bubbles on the watch
+hint at the name of the watch being used (Android Wear settings card / “Settings on watch” button)
+options added to settings on watch: full-screen clock, merge favorites
~option changed in settings on watch: clock only ambient → full screen clock ambient
*if veil transparency changed on watch, it is now updated on the phone
+watch connection feedback (click for troubleshooting tips)
+Sticky open + No Drawer → app drawer is kept off until you disable sticky (long press on tiny time)
+new option in Wear Cloud Editor: PAUSE = “Disable Launcher while this app is open (app drawer returns when screen dims)”
*workaround for warning “Screen Overlay Detected” – open Watch Settings using Bubble Clouds!
(toggle PAUSE for Settings app to control whether Bubble Clouds is hidden or exited while Settings is open )
+added new Play Store categories to widget auto-population
*workaround for Marshmallow multi-selection alert bug (widget Play Store category/Contact group selection inconsistencies)
*fixed issue with app forgetting default icon pack selection (shared preference entry naming conflict)
~new video for widget bubble animation (shortcut for quick cloud measurement!)
*alert dialogs with long button names in Marshmallow
*improved in-app billing security
~query OS for presence of light sensor in smartwatch to determine brightness bar behaviour
+Fossil Q Founder → watch with Light sensor → Auto Brightness option
+App drawer mode only: ability to enable / disable all live info from the phone app (Wear Cloud Editor)
*Ambient brightness control unnecessary warning popup
*Further improved multi line clock bubble layout
~Renamed option from “No favorites (merge with archive)” → “One merged cloud (+ dim wface)”
+Added hint about “veil” mode when enabling this “One merged” option
*single 0 in multi line clock bubble minutes using certain fonts (Poirot One)
+easy ambient dimming: app drawer mode + merge favorites + favorite transparency set between 1-224
+new themes video
*no accidental brightness touch prevention when setting ambient brightness
*disable digital clock bubble outline color in full screen ambient mode
*prevent digital clock text (minutes) from wrapping to a new line (a single 0 is shown if the font is too wide to show 00, other numbers are narrower)
*shift seconds/AM/PM up on flat tire screens
*full screen clock was always enabled for cartoon clocks
*language selector was inaccessible if font size was set too high
+prompt to enable High DPI abreviations if large font size is detected
*prevent setting clock hand colors if custom clock hand is set
+added seconds to the preview bubble in the clock dialog
*ambient date bubble was white on white at the default setting
*corrected seekbar layout glitch in Marshmallow/Nougat (various screens in app)
~major reduction in APK size (8%)
+included Android Wear related screens in the High DPI abbreviated text mode
*background mode selector was not updated correctly when setting an image background in 1-click themes
*settings app kept bringing up the widget settings even for watch users
*Emergency crash fix: app crashed when switching between analog / digital clock, and after adjusting the smart auto layout
+Chinese translation!
~Updated the watchface / ambient mode selector icons
*watchface / ambient mode selector icons can be clicked to switch (not only the tiny radio buttons)
~Wear Cloud Editor: new way to select which bubbles are shown in ambient mode (black “selective ambient” toggle on the right)
+Amorph layout now also allows multiple selected bubbles to show in ambient mode
~Only show the “Selective ambient” option in expert settings mode
~Moved “Full screen clock” option to Watch-face card
+Full screen clock is available for digital clock bubble too
~Hide ambient watchface selector when full screen clock is enabled
*remove clock bubble background image when navigating away from clock bubble selection
*clock bubble sometimes was not sorted to the center of the cloud
*LG G5 widget parameters
+New about menu item: access to what’s new dialog
*Rotated ambient full clock did not show
*ambient watch face touches were not handled correctly
*Fixed link to Theme Pack #3
*Theme pack font naming conflict (Sunshiney) resolved
+new language option “Hi DPI (eng)”: labels are shortened to enhance usability with large font settings
+option to show seconds OR am/pm in the digital clock
+new option: full screen clock (1-click themes card) → favorites moved to top of archive except for the clock bubble (similar to “No favorites” option)
+new watchface option: full clock ambient (active mode shows all bubbles)
+full screen clock on Moto360 (chopped bottom)
~added leading 0 option to digital clock bubble
+folded “App Launcher” settings card now has a quick access button to smart layouts
Bug fixes:
*1-click theme selections visible for square watches
*when applying themes it will now preserve a custom layout if being used
*single favorite bubble should always go to the center
*bug corrected in circular arrangement for fewer than 4 bubbles
~circular arrangement: no center bubble if fewer than 6 bubbles (center was smaller than rest)
*clock background color was applied even when “Apply all theme settings” was not enabled
*favorites background got jagged on lower res screens (<400px2)
*clock background color and circle both made transparent for analog clocks if “Apply all theme settings” is selected (was visible on square watches)
*fixed an issue where images were not sized correctly until one opened the Wear Cloud Editor
*fixed brightness bar layout glitch introduced in v6.31
*fixed issues with the layout of the multi line digital clock bubble when different fonts are used
+new intro page for themes (shown for existing users who never used themes yet)
*improved digital clock visibility
*brightness bar becomes draggable
+accidental brightness change prevention: drag only
+1-click themes video
+font shadow: improve digital text visibility over background texture (only when not in bubble)
*2nd weather bubble central text issues: was themed with font (but font packs don’t include letter characters) (reported by Joseph Rubin)
*date bubble configuration screen incorrectly had the colon option (reported by Joseph Rubin)
*contact bubble clouds did not respect individual “grow + move to center” settings, they always followed the global setting
*digital time needed pushed down by 6px (if font is used) 2px (if no font is set)
+quick-install packs from the theme list: not-installed packs are represented by one bubble: play store page if clicked
*themed background selections did not get highlighted in list
~Improved first time experience with the app on watch:
+digital clock color changed to white text on default theme background color → the first time a theme is applied
~increased default margin
~increased default bubble gap
~fewer bubbles in favorites cloud by default
~archive cloud background is tiled/mirrored instead of stretch
*tomorrow’s weather bubble will not update until it receives a valid response from openweathermap.org
*fixed crash introduced in v6.22beta when trying to open Wear Contacts on phone (thank you for reporting the crash – “Nexus 6 user”
*workaround for an openweathermap bug where low/high temperatures fail to download if set to Fahrenheit
+maintain daily low/high temperatures even if user switches between C/F
*spaces were not handled correctly if weather set to other city
+city/country name updated to official spelling on successful lookup, check 2nd weather bubble dialog
~weather bubble will display “?” if weather provider cannot be reached
+you can now click the weather bubble and Celsius or Fahrenheit for instant refresh from server (no need to re-assign bubbles)
+use font in sunset/sunrise bubble too
*fixed hour alignment in world time bubbles
*world time bubbles will follow main clock bubble time separator (colon) setting (no minutes and no colon in 12hrs mode)
+option to not only grow the bubbles, but also move them to the center of the cloud
+option: hide colon in digital time
*1-click background color setting did not stick
*font was not used in animated bubble
+tweaked today’s high / low temperature to show past measurements of the day
*Wear Cloud editor crash fix (user reported: thank you!)
*bug fix: v6.19 broke the ability to apply archive cloud background image
*standard font was accidentally changed to non-bold
+25 default wear icon assignmets included in the app
*Layout designer split view handled correctly (large clock bubble: not selectable)
+button to restore your own graphics
+1-click themes
~sunset/sunrise time from “civil” to “official” (in bubble and the time of screen brightness update too!)
*increased contrast in sunset/sunrise bubble color
+”fonts & backgrounds” packages!
+12 hours option for world time bubbles
~new Premium upgrade symbol: crown (star could be confused with favorites)
+mark layouts which are only available for pro users
*further improved compatibility with Samsung devices with stock launcher
+finally: now showing widget placeholders while app is updating: if system fails to refresh widgets click to redraw all bubble clouds!
~show email instructions a little longer
*removed unnecessary widget placeholders (when swapping bubbles, on autopopulate, measurement etc)
*crash on welcome screen if non-compatible (easy) launcher is found
*weather: forecast temperatures were all wrong (obtained 2 hours worth of update instead of 2 days)
6.14 (wear)
+option to remove favorites cloud (merge into archive)
*crash fix when importing wear backup
*animation related crash fix on watch
*wear cloud editor crash fix
*wear app-drawer start-up glitch if drawer is on the right
+free version → choice of two smart auto layouts (new default: vari columnar)
~slightly increased icon label font size
6.13 (widget)
*Grid 5×4 and 5×5 now works in Samsung TouchWiz launcher
*improved widget redraw speeds
+added new video: widget swap tool
*language update: preliminary translation of new strings to all 9 languages
+Swap bubbles in widgets and folders
*Improved widget redraw (hopefully less blank widgets)
*square watchface crash fixed
*time ghosting fixed when ambient watch-face is the same as active
+show smart-auto-layout names when selected
~fill “grid” smart auto layout pages from the top (instead of from the side)
+new smart-auto-layout: “split”
*crash fix: when setting background color
+Option to always show widget icon labels
+Option to show widget caption
*Updated portuguese translation
*improved icon list (when adding app bubbles)
+icon picker list now also includes alternate icons from icon packs
+New option: ring phone when watch is fully charged
+Italian translation update
+Set color/transparency of labels
+Tasker bubble labels
*crash when cancelling clock bubble image setting
*Wear: option for icon labels in archive cloud (only in layouts with uniform bubble size)
6.00 (release)
*language update (translated new strings to all 10 languages using Google Translate, hoping for native translations eventually at http://trans-bcw.dataglobe.eu)
+contact folder button is grayed out in free version (to make it clear what’s available in the free version)
+ask later (in feedback request screen) will always double the time between queries (3 days → 6 days → 12 days etc)
~rephrased the first paragraph of the “Widgets how-to” card: “Please watch demo videos” → “Help videos show you how” (people kept thinking this was just a demo)
~fab is automatically opened and text labels are shown if fewer than 2 clouds are listed in the “Widgets + folders” screen
5.75 (beta)
+updated the Premium table with Backup & Restore
*crash fix when resizing widgets
*crash fix in wear cloud editor
+wear contact cloud in Android Wear backup is now optional
+what’s new → new video “Backup widgets” / “Backup wear settings”
+youtube link in the backup windows
~”Widgets + Folders” screen is the default for widget users (instead of the Widget preferences)
5.74 (beta)
-removed “Bubble Cloud Folder” card → function moved to new “widget + folder manager” screen
-removed “Delete orphaned widgets” button → function moved to new “widget + folder manager” screen
*widgets+folders delete screen warned even when no widgets were selected
*fixed Wear Launcher backup restore (will not need to bring up Wear Contacts screen to restore contacts)
*fixed layout glitches in new dialog boxes
5.73 (beta)
+new screen: widget + folder manager (backup! / delete / access home-screen clouds from a central location)
+backup individual clouds (widgets + folder) and app settings to storage apps
+restore widgets + folders and app settings from zip archives (shared to bubble cloud)
+toast when editing widget to remind users they can click on bubbles to edit or delete them (I got lots of questions on how to delete bubbles)
~prompt for icon label when adding folder shortcuts to home screen (some launchers don’t let you change these later)
*fixed a crash when opening folders converted from orphaned widgets
+clicking an empty bookmark widget will open default web browser
*corrected the layout of relevant screens on API 16 (Jellybean) devices
~moved awkward wear-layout-designer button to action bar
~wear layout design clipboard functions are combined into one menu item
+new menu item in the Wear Cloud Editor: Backup & Restore
*fixed wear contacts: clear-all and resend all to make sure contacts are not duplicated
5.72 (prodcution)
+you can create folders from the “add widgets / shortcuts” darawer of your launcher
*fixed crash if empty folder was double or long pressed
~increased folder window size
*improved window size uniformity between landscape / portrait
~long pressing the background of the folder now takes you to cloud configuration directly
*consistent folder naming independent of how the folder was created (main app, widget deletion, shortcut drawer)
*only folders created in the main app appeared in the folder list
*global animation checkbox was never shown
5.71 (release candidate)
*fixed issue when exiting cloud configuration screen
*fixed issue with bubble folder screen rotation
*fixed folder window size not updating after deleting all bubbles
*fixed issue with folders not updating on dwarf bubble deletion
*fixed issue with icon pack icons not showing in cloud configuration screen when ordered alphabetically
*fixed timing issue causing the app list not to appear in the cloud config screen
*fixed layout problems caused by new icons on the watch
5.70 (beta)
~updated icons: launcher, apps, bookmarks, contacts
~no “beta” prompt if animation is enabled for folders
*much improved loading of app list when adding bubbles to cloud if large icon pack is being used
+periodic reminder
*layout glitches
*folder delete fixed
+move individual bubbles to folders
+new intro page: folders
+you can click outside of the restore dialog to cancel
~”Popup Clouds” → “Bubble Folders”
*free version only allows 1 app bubble folder
~nicer landscape popup window shape/size
+popup clouds are reshaped on screen orientation change (rotating launcher)
~cloud configuration screen appears quicker
*improved orphan control
~when prompted to restore removed clouds, the topmost option is “Start with blank…” (or “Settings”) instead of the awkward “Add bubbles” button at the bottom
*improved the look of pop up dialogs (no background dimming)
+option to move bubbles from deleted widget to an existing folder
+option to convert a widget to a folder → delete the widget, you will be prompted if you want to create a folder
+added new strings in various languages (raw translation)
+if the launcher supports it, bubble folder shortcuts are removed when you delete or move a folder in the app
*forgot to add the new video
+pop-up clouds
+prompt user to change setting on Marshmallow / Huawei / MIUI devices if fails to draw over other apps
*double click will be automatically enabled when you hide the pencil. You can then disable double click with a warning (+ both options marked with red)
*updated French translations of the new options and warnings
*crash fix: when title in floating “Launcher tweaks” clicked
*crash fix: when Premium Key app is out of date
+you can now lock home screen widgets! Hide pencil AND disable double click to edit cloud. You will have to undo these settings to be able to edit again
~potentially “dangerous” settings are highlighted with red
~you can now make the app drawer handle size=0
(which means you cannot drag or double click, you will have to open the app drawer by starting the Bubble Cloud app on the watch by other means)
+long press bubbles in icon-pickers to display app names
+color memory slots in the color picker (help re-use previously set colors)
+widgets: show bubble labels while edit
~”Click here to select watchface” button will now blink in the Android Wear card
*”Wear App Launcher” card: layout corrected
*World time bubbles now handle DST better, but it is still not perfect: complete fix deferred to the next version
+direct access to Wear Cloud Editor from Nova Launcher (and other activity aware launchers)
~revised the clock/date bubble dialog → you can now set the color and graphics for both analog and digital clock bubbles
+single line option for time and date
+added checkered background for favorite cloud background to indicate transparency level
*attempted to fix Wear App Launcher card layout to show the color/image background selectors on every device
*fix various other layout glitches
*timestamp verification for messages sent between phone and watch to prevent delayed action if connection was broken for a period of time
*improved the stability of weather query (increased the connections from 2 to 4)
*fixed crashes on icon selection introduced in v5.57beta
+import icon for clock bubble dial!!!
*fixed clock bubble dialog layout issues
*improved memory management
~Launcher rotation moved to “Basic” settings
*drawer could not be closed in certain configurations
~improved color box message
*setting a background image and still having a 100% transparent background caused confusion → if you set image background the color is changed to 75% transparent
(you can still set it back to 100% if that’s what you need)
*previous modifications broke the part of the app responsible for fetching image backgrounds → fixed
+initiate call on watch (if possible)
~increased the maximum bubble size from 5 to 9 (allows more control in splitting archive into pages)
+youtube icon added near the background color control (transparent app drawer help video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv3783-o_Ss)
*it was difficult to close the transparent app drawer if the bubble was too close to the left edge
*transparent app drawer did not open when starting cloud editor on the phone
+set brightness bar background color to match archive background color
*app drawer + 100% transparent background + animation + open bubble from favorites → could not open app drawer any more
*twilight bubble had no circle if ambient mode was set to hollow
*bubble animation problem corrected when “Prefer to show active cloud” is disabled
*hollow battery, twilight and step count bubbles lost their circles
*bug fixes introduced by 5.51
+hints shown when app drawer transparency is modified
*transparent app drawer got closed when information was updated from phone
+only toggle active mode if you tap the clock bubble (option suggested by Joey Navarro) changed the wording of the option “Prefer to show active cloud”
+added confirmation prompt when disabling the above option
*empty date / battery bubbles in watchface mode
+favorite cloud background can be transparent (in app drawer mode)
+click “A” over the brightness control in app-drawer mode to adjust “A”ugmented watch-face transparency (only watches with no light sensor)
+reduce layer size if favorite cloud is 100% transparent → allow detection of touches outside the bubbles
+set archive bubble style (Hollow/no bubble) separately from the favorite bubble style (in Expert mode)
~app-drawer will not close automatically if clock bubble or transparent
+Detects XIAOMI / MIUI phones and directs users to enable Pop-up windows in MIUI security center
+Ask later will defer the feedback window for twice as many days (3,6,12,24,48,72,144,288)
~Autobrightness is turned off on Moto 360 below 16% battery (option enabled by default)
*paginated layouts were cancelled after switching to contact cloud
*call handling on Marshmallow (needs permission “read phone state”
*hebrew translation missed “Settings: Basic” (was blank)
*Updated Polish translation
*”Widgets How to” card should not be empty even in Expert mode
*Easy mode switch looked bad on older devices
~changed the title of the “What’s new” window in Spanish, German and Russian
*Wear cloud editor tasker related crash fixes (thank you for the crash report!)
+”basic” settings mode: hide expert options for beginners
+big Polish update (thank you M.Z. Rogon)
+big Italian update
*weather update failed if no 2nd weather bubble but it’s set to city instead of tomorrows local weather
*square screen will be detected even if the settings is never opened on the watch (first time wear cloud editor is opened)
*increased battery update frequency when charger is connected or disconnected
~changed wording on the stand-up alert buy button “buy/install” → “see in play store” (hopefully less scary
~wording “Multi-page archives” instead of “Multiple archives”
+hide stand-up alert’s “dismiss toast” after 3 days
+restore image backgrounds after watch reset (I was restoring everything else already)
+option to prevent swipes from switching active/inactive watchface (default: ON)
+will not let you exit cloud while you are in the cloud editor
~optimized APK size: has not been this small since version 5.13
~4 columns of icons in smart-auto-layout picker
*weather bubble dialog made scrollable in landscape to fit contents + reordered buttons
*brightness restore at sunrise did not always happen
+margin setting: distance from the edge of the watch screen
~new “corners” layout fits better on round watch screen
*paginated archive on the right side
*archive rotated when on charger and switched sides
+option to always use full weather bubbles (even when other bubbles are hollow) (default: OFF)
~change the hollow background color of the date bubble (instead of the circle, which is now set to the same color as the full background)
*glitches in the wear intro slider
+added open captioning to the product video
~merged archive layouts GRID2-3-4 and DIAGONAL2-3 into variance controlled GRIDx, DIAGONALx
+new favorite/paginated layout CORNER (for square screens!)
~prevent app to be installed in SD card. Widgets don’t work from SD card, and Android Wear services are not ideal either. The app is better to be kept in main memory
*crash when selecting paginated layout with fewer bubbles than 1 page
*glitches in the edit bubble dialog
+phone bubble needs to be tapped twice (within 5 seconds) to ring phone: this to prevent accidental alarms
*glitches on the Android Wear / App Launcher card + added legends for the favorites/archive symbols
*fixed some of Russian text to fit in Wear Cloud Editor intro screens
+Wear Tasker tasks new option: “close drawer on start”
+smart auto layout short video
*fixed bug which messed up widget clouds if you adjusted the wear cloud smart layouts
+sort archive alphabetically
+multiple archive clouds: control pagination by adjusting bubble sizes
+size variance setting affects minimum bubble size in paginated archive clouds
+Loyalty Price
+intro slider
+Major Russian update (thank you Евгений Мемедейкин)
+new smart-auto layout: “Circle Galaxy” (aka Apple Watch launcher)
+3 screen-wide watchface layouts (circle, grid, galaxy) become availabe as archive layouts too: see next
+if screen-wide layouts are selected the archive cloud becomes paginated
~added youtube icons in the widget previews on the widgets “How to” card (attempt to reduce misunderstanding when users try to drag these to their homescreens)
*world-time live-info bubbles
*twilight live info bubble
*crash if contacts clicked on Android Wear card
*wear contact cloud configuration crash if Tasker not installed
~increased maximum handle size for app drawer (Moto 360/2015 users will want to increase, because their watch does not detect close to the edge)
*”Add all” button (+++) on contact screen will show error message if you want to add too many contacts at once
*Fixed layout problems on Wear Cloud Editor list (introduced in v5.13)
~New product video: welcome screen, “how to use” cards: widgets, android wear, wear contact cloud
+options to disable double tap/long press clock bubble (default: ENABLED)
~Wear contact settings are moved from card to (more logical) navigation item
+Access navigation drawer also in “select wear contacts” screen
~changed settings symbol to app icon in widget edit control bar (takes you to the main app)
+Hidden feature: long press (+) button in widget control bar to measure widget + turn on animation
*language related crash fixed
*watch settings related crash at main phone app launch fixed
~improved widget edit controls with control bar:
+launcher central settings
+new control: “rotate / rearrange cloud”
+adjust bubble spacing (even bookmark clouds)
~checkmark/(+) always accessible
+turn on bookmark cloud animation
+portuguese translation
+force garbage collection at cloud redraw
~removeallviewsinlayout instead of removeallviews in redraw
*don’t rearrange cloud when service restarts
+force free memory when switching from wf to ad
~change “Cloud” to “Bubble” when selecting hollow bubbles (App Launcher card)
~change “Auto arrange” to “Smart Auto Layouts” (App Launcher card)
+detect LG G4c and use LG parameter set
+Huawei DropZone management message clickable → open PhoneManager
*more stable with broken icon packs
5.06 Stand-up alert 1.14
*charger rotation was not restored after watch reset
*premium status check issue if app was not started at least once after Play Store update
+hollow bubbles turned off if custom icons are used in the cloud editor
+updated translations
*minor modifications in wording
*fixed Smart-Auto-Layout / Custom layout selection (it will only take you to Layout Designer if you never created a custom layout before)
~display message in the tasker bubble edit dialog, if “external access” is not enabled in Tasker (instead of Toast in earlier versions)
*fixed app crash if “external access” is not enabled in Tasker when “Save” or “Open Tasker” was pressed
+display message on welcome screen if smartwatch is selected, but Android Wear app is not installed (Gear S2???)
+display additional help info in Widgets How-to window if newest Samsung phones are used with the stock TouchWiz to keep grid size at 4×4
*fixed display of Tasker bubbles in the Bubble Cloud Editor list if icon from pack is used for bubble image
~new “Purchase status:” row in Premium Versions table, shows checkmark for purchased upgrades, buttons for upgrades which are still available
*Tasker bubble image was sometimes not updated in the list
*Auto layout selection dialog was acting strange, attempt to fix it
*some of the favorite cloud smart-auto-layouts needed to be corrected
+new license system:
home screen widgets = $2
android wear launcher = $3
combined license (widgets + wear) = $4
current premium users own the combined license!
~Archive cloud smart-auto-layouts (other than the usual amorphous arrangement) become a Premium feature
~Premium version screen changed
~Before you upgrade / Android Wear related section includes mentions of non-compatibile Galaxy Gears
~Changed the primary use selector screen
+Added a note to the rating request screen to press back to cancel the dialog
+Added a note to the Apply icon pack dialog if hollow bubbles are being used (icon packs don’t affect them)
+Added translations to various new parts of the app
+smart auto-layouts + bubble spacing adjustment for the watch clouds
+3 ways to access it: A) App Launcher card B) Cloud Editor menu C) in layout designer, when “Auto arrange” is enabled
~moved the setting “size variance” from App Cloud card to the new dialog
+Hidden feature: long press custom layout icon in smart-auto-layouts dialog to reset cloud editor
other changes:
+black/white text color alternatives for themed live-info bubbles
*fixed issue causing clock and lock bubbles to disappear
+hide bubble if the trashcan icon is long pressed
+change icon background color to non-transparent if original icon is restored (and it transparency was set to full transparent)
+stand-up alert: select active days of the week
+use graphical background for digital clock bubble too (set/clear the dial image on the 1st page)
+option to theme live info bubbles
*improved icon pack matching in homescreen widgets
*fixed issue with default icon theming in some packs (ie. Colorful bubbles)
+option to set transparency level of clock bubble colors
+prompt to change watchface using Android Wear
+Use icon packs in Wear App Cloud!!!
+Apply icon pack masks to contact bubble images
+set transparency for bubble colors
+filter for multiple words in icon pack selection list (edit bubble)
*Reduced app size by optimizing some images and string resources
+added Christmas greetings video
*Fix: error on watch + handheld if background image selection was aborted
*Fix: Moto360 background image in Cloud Editor (flat tire handled correctly)
+Instructions for switching between watch-face and app drawer
+Instructions to set handle size in settings on watch
*changed name of configuration app in all languages to start with “Bubble Cloud”
+added controls activate / deactivate app drawer mode (Android Wear settings card)
+show favorites cloud background image in the cloud editor too
*free memory when widget bubble editor dialog is closed
*fixed updating background images on watch
+background image for Wear clouds
~won’t dim below 50% on Low-bit-ambient watches
-removed button for Wear Cloud Editor: use navigation entry
*updated German
+German update: 100%
*crash fix for non-included languages
*crash fix on the android-wear screen
4.79 (beta)
+German update: 80→100%
4.78 (beta)
+Italian update 60→80%
4.77 (beta)
+Italian update 45→60%
4.76 (production)
*charger screen can be turned off
~no-rotation symbol in charing screen icon
+hint added to charging screen selection
+disable inactivity monitor if plugin is not installed
4.75 (alpha)
*does not auto-show drawer if screen cannot be rotated (Moto360)
4.74 (production)
*unhide contact/bookmark widgets if upgraded to pro
+show/hide app-drawer when watch charging connected/disconnnected
4.73 (production)
*further improved step detection
*fixed upgrade to premium when prompted on watch
4.72 (beta)
+added reminder to tap spinning animation to hide it
*improved communication between Bubble Cloud and Stand-up Alert 1.12
~app will only prompt to upgrade to premium once every 1-2 days
*fixed steps not registering (on huawei watch?) if “tilt to wake”=OFF
4.71 (beta)
+hide “freeze favorites” in the watch settings if custom layout is used
*another attempt to remove flicker from app opening animation on watch
+store and retrieve screen brightness settings for day and night separately (based on real sunset/sunrise!)
4.70 (beta)
*removed the flicker at the start of the app opening animation
+added option to dim watch-face ambient screen at lower screen brightness settings
4.69 (beta)
+new more fluid, “spinning” app opening animation on watch (new: touch to cancel)
*upside down and no-rotation charging screens were exchanged
+quicker cloud updates
*small language adjustments
*finishing touches before release
+select charge screen rotation angle
+Ambient brightness control on OLED watches
*Welcome dialog should not send email (OK/Cancel buttons)
*Inactive watchface background color → circle color
+Russian translation for Android Wear component too
+Samsung Gear 1 (Android) widget mode compatibility
+added option to change clock/date bubble background colors for ambient screen
*crash on restore defaults (Widget preferences)
+screen rotates when charge connected to watch (except moto 360)
*Fixed crash sometimes during screen rotation
~Plugin demo added
+Copyright licenses
*App bubbles click didn’t play video
+Overlap image (“how to” card) links to Launcher compatibility Google+ post
*Wear Cloud Editor startup problems fixed (affected users whose watch did not have the newest Play Services)
~Settings app remembers which page you have used last
*Stand up notification appears as top card on watch
+nicer splash screen for the plug-in (when installed separately)
*stopped wear launcher from starting if it is OFF
~attempt to increase the visibility of the stand-up notification card
+mark stand-up alert in chart with color blue
+tap chart columns on phone to see their information explained
+stand up alert (blue color) will carry over after app restart / update
~dismissing the “Stand up” notification card is equivalent to standing up: app will alert again in the set number of minutes if not enough steps are detected
*wear tasker default icon was not saved
+updated the widget “How to” card to mention pencil and (+) icons
+added pointer to support icon (“?” in upper right) in the welcome dialog (only appears once)
*cloud editor default color → prompted for multiple bubbles even if no multi selection was done
*eliminated the hiccups when starting the Cloud Editor using the old button (button will be removed in the future → training users to use the drawer menu item)
*some Google+ links were through goo.gl abbreviation (unnecessary browser windows were opened before taking user to Google+)
*icon pack list looked ugly in edit bubble
*couldn’t touch bubbles after delete (had to press HOME or BACK to un-freeze screen)
*beta version keept asking if the widget looked ok (didn’t realize remember you clicked check mark already)
*step goal dialog crashed
~improved the number picker lock / unlock behaviour for step count / stand-up notification frequency settings
+Wear Stand-up Alert now also works independent of Bubble Cloud. Benefits of plugin operation:
→common step-count monitoring: no added battery use →user interface on the phone (Stand-up alert card) →Step count bubble changes color
*crash + bug fixes
+demo vibration in the vibration setting bar
+number picker protection: tap step limit picker before adjusting – it used to be too easy to accidentally change it when scrolling
+tap chart columns of watch to see their information magnified
+office hours can be adjusted on watch when Bubble Cloud is not installed
~eliminated the analog type time pickers
+added a launcher icon for Stand-up Alert: shown only when Bubble Cloud not installed
*improved inactivity tracking
+”wait” message displayed and Wear Cloud Editor link hidden until wear watch is detected and communication with wear component gets established
+new video / post linked from various help screens where launcher compatibility is addressed
*much much much reduced memory footprint for the new navigation drawer settings app (70-80% reduction!)
*bug fixed for some devices where making the click sound was causing problems
*various crashes fixed related to new navigation drawer layout
*replaced postdelayed standup-tracking with alarmmanager: watch will now wake to remind you to stand
*crash fix: widgets preferences / animation checkbox
*activity chart on the phone didn’t show the most up-to-date info
+hide the contact / bookmark widgets until at least one app widget is placed (better experience for 1st time users)
+show help when widgets are tapped in the “Widgets How-to” card
*the “Looks-ok?” window didn’t appear after placing first widget
+Stand up reminder moved to plug-in
+Stand up reminder settings on watch
*numbers turn red in activity chart: hours considered “done”, you don’t need to meet a “moving step count” → this caused to alert every 15 minutes
+Added reminder (and link) to alternative Upgrade method (Premium key app)
+Navigation Drawer!!!! → separated widget vs wear settings
-removed (right side dot-dot-dot) menu → commands moved to bottom of new Navigation drawer
+Much quicker app start-up
+Improved landscape view: permanent navigation bar
+Hints & tips for many of the settings: new “snackbar” display instead of the old “Toasts” with speed control
+fixed stand up monitoring after watch reset
+display note about Huawei phones
*most recent 15 minutes of step count was ommited from the bar-chart in Stand-up reminder config window
+watch charging is marked on the stand-up reminder steps chart with red (no stand up monitoring during charging)
+walk history chart on the stand-up reminder config screen
~moved the stand-up reminder from the wear-app-launcher card to the general android-wear card (it will get its own card eventually)
+shortcuts/reminders on the wear cards to: stand-up config, cloud editor, clock bubble config, wear-contact setup
+higher precision step monitoring after stand-up reminder: reminder is revoked (+vibration) as soon as the required number of steps are taken
+clear the notification, or tap the blue step counter bubble to cancel high precision stand up detection (notification is removed eventually if enough movement detected)
+notification action: “Open” takes user to Bubble Cloud Settings, where stand-up reminders can be disabled
+direct link to clock bubble settings on the Watch Face card
+stand up reminder
*fixed crash when changing app language
-removed wear custom cloud updater: hopefully less mess-up
~Widget Edit App bubbles: “uninstall” command in menu removes app immediately, no need to long press the trash can
*fixed clock bubble image scaling
*made auto lock long click toggle more intuitive
*fixed irritating long showing toast when touching the screen while locked
+Spanish language update
-removed limitation on clock hand shape (UI will break but you can load wider hands with warning)
~only bubbles on Layer 5 will show up in the “Clock only” ambient screen (so you can have bubbles overlap the clock but still not show up in “clock only”)
*minute color was not updated in the active watch-face (only on the ambient screen)
+clock, date bubble colors are shown in the Layout Designer preview
+if “No Bubbles” mode is selected, it is reflected in the layout designer preview
*if clock bubble is not the first, some bubbles don’t get displayed in ambient screen if the ambient mode is set to look different
*blank widget issue
+Change bubble layer order by changing the bubble sizes in custom watch-face layouts: the bigger the size value the closer the bubble is to the top
~”Clock only” ambient mode displays clock bubble + any bubbles which are “on top of it” (others are marked with pink colors in the cloud editor list)
+Layout Designer layers help dialog
*Main settings app occasional ui bugs (after update)
+pushed bubbles also blocked by the edge of the circluar screen in Layout Designer “Push Mode”
-remind users to use “Force Redraw All widgets” each time after updating the app
+change size of multiple selected bubbles in the Layout Designer
+offer swap tool after paste
*fixed trimmed/hidden dialog buttons – the OK button in color change dialogs is visible now in Spanish and Dutch too
Failed attempt to cure installation error -505:
Failed attempt to cure installation error -505:
-Build application with build-tools version 22 (as was done before v4.31)
4.41b (4.42)
Failed Attempt to cure installation error -505:
-Temporarily removed the permission “net.dinglisch.android.tasker.PERMISSION_RUN_TASKS”
*fixed the “Force Redraw All widgets” reminder, which never showed up
Unsuccessful attempts to cure installation error -505:
-by targetting Android version 20 (instead of 22)
-by changing the provider authority from dyna.logix.bubbles → dyna.logix.bookmarkbubble.bubbles
+notice to recommend non-overdraw mode for wear watchface users
+toasts for the Wear Cloud and Ambient radio choices (hints for the black icons)
+remind users to use “Force Redraw All widgets” each time after updating the app
WEAR clock bubble editor:
+new analog clock bubble color configuration (3 choices: analog using colors, analog using image parts, digital using colors)
*fixed a crash when trying to load custom clock bubble image components
+improved custom image assignment (image scaling introduced)
+delete individual clock bubble parts → colors will be used
~changed default watch bubble size variance from 5 to 4
+bubble size in archive cloud grows with variance (so the tiny ones are easier to tap)
+link new features video to What’s new box
+updated the steps icon to match the appearance of other color-changing bubbles
(~ battery bubbles, but inverted the green-to-red gradient since this advances backwards: starts red and finishes green)
*cleaner lock behaviour in app-drawer mode (no auto hide when locked, cannot close drawer while locked, no long-tap message)
~lock clock by default
+prompt to add orphaned bubbles to newly created clouds
+”Restore saved bubbles from deleted widgets” button in cloud configuration screens (if there are orphaned clouds)
*made strings in orphaned cloud lists localizable
+WEAR Cloud Editor: always show color picker if more than 1 bubble is selected
+WEAR Cloud Editor: Tasker bubbles were not added to the layout designer unless you changed their status or size
+Added youtube tutorials to the Tasker dialog + Cloud config card + empty tasker row in Cloud Editor
+WIDGET: remind user they have to double tap on the cloud if pencil was just hidden
+start main app after purchase (not the dialog)
+gray ambient-translucent option in settings when ambient peek cards are disabled
~bump/push mode keep bubbles inside circle (per user request)
*brightness control off in settings → refresh view
+enable lock bubble in app-drawer mode too (no auto-lock / long-press yellow)
~significantly reduced watch-face battery use (in non-overdraw mode)
*fixed backgroud redrawing problems in non-overdraw mode (when blank screen and only clock was displayed sometimes)
*flash light bubble image in Layout Designer
*fixed ambient background color by minute of the hour (only the active screen was updating) Note: enabling this feature slightly increases battery use
-overdraw watchface = disabled by default
+much improved battery in non-overdraw mode
+change multiple bubbles on the watch face to the same color by multi selecting them and changing one of them
*daily steps goal configuration glitch
+option if the ambient peek cards should be shaded or transparent
+added note about step count starting at “0” on the day when you installed Bubble Clouds
+configuration windows appear the first time you assign each live-info:
set daily steps goal, choose celsius/fahrenheit, select 2nd weather content, set date bubble color
+digital watchface background color is officially used for analock clock bubble background (it used to sometimes work this way because of a bug
now the hour and minute hand colors will change depending on your choice of light or dark background color (better control is planned later)
+step counter live-info bubble with configurable daily-steps goal (assign using the Bubble Cloud Editor on phone)
~optimized clock bubble redraw to minimize number of drawables fetched
+optional brightness control in the smart-watch app
*improved clock bubble dial display on high resolution watches
*improved spacing of the archive cloud (no extra space on the sides of it)
*hide peek card shadow in ambient mode when peek card disappears
~Material styling, colors and highlights effects all around
+new option: disable double tap to configure (only possible if the pencil is not hidden)
+improved visibility of peek cards in ambient mode
+overdraw watchface = enabled by default
~increased image resolution for image import
~won’t add app icon to non-category-filtered auto-populated cloud if it can be added to an auto-populated cloud with more specific category
(e.g. you have a cloud showing ALL categories and a cloud showing only GAMES. If you install a new game, now it’s only added to GAMES and not to both clouds as before)
+grid lines in the layout designer
*Wear: uninstalled app on manually arranged layout → all bubbles disappear
*Widget measurement: why does it take longer to edit just one
~move 2 menu items to cloud configuration bubble
+Tasker warning displayed if not activated
+animation improvements
~you need to measure full screen widgets too before enabling animation
*fixed problems with measure mode: start main app / reboot device to restore clouds if measure mode gets stuck
*fix crash at start of main app
+detect Premium key app install / uninstall
~updated Spanish, German, Dutch translations
*recent versions of the app did not lose the Premium status if somebody purchased then refunded the Premium Key app… Wonder how many used it this way?
+New “Advanced” settings card in Cloud Configuration: moved some of the settings there
+”Restore defaults” button in “Advanced settings” card and on “Widget preferences”
+New parameter: “Item count limit” (maximum number of bubbles in a cloud) (previously fixed maximum was 47)
~Changed the way “delete dwarfs” works: now it will only delete the necessary number of dwarfs when the cloud size limit is reached
+improved most seekbars to show selected value while dragged
+added pencil icon to “hide pencil option” to make it easier to find (both in cloud config and main settings screen)
~improved variance control: now it controls how many different sizes of bubbles you will have in a cloud (5-10)
~delete dwarfs is enabled by default
+first time on the Cloud Configuration screen → scrolls to show Advanced card
+youtube video tutorial for Advanced Configuration card on how to set up bubble opening animation
*improved wear pro status propagation
~less difference between smallest and largest bubbles in widgets
*widget crash in Nova Launcher “could not load widget” (please refresh widgets with many bubbles)
*lock did not work correctly on the smartwatch
*icon fetching problems for some apps
~improved the cloud forming algorithm to reduce bubble size variance if dwarfs are not deleted
*icon pack was used for clouds where no icon pack was set
+long pressing the version number in the on-watch-settings screen will not only clear the settings, but the contacts database too
*no more delay in cloud operations if you exit the Cloud Configuration screen with a large icon pack being loaded. Now the loading is cancelled if the BACK key or the checkmark is pressed
~emails will go to the bcwhelp@gmail.com email address from now on
+pressing “reset sizes” or “refresh images” will exit the cloud configuration dialog box
*improved the widget measurement speed when initiated from the Cloud configuration screen
+Option to hide peek cards in ambient mode
*Fixed large letters on Jellybean phones
+use highest res icons
+hide pencil on a per cloud basis
+set bubble spacing for each cloud separately
+WEAR: warning added “Drawer on RIGHT is NOT recommended (may interfere with system)”
~WIDGET: Improved icon resolution in widgets (dramatic improvement on low res devices!) → “Refresh images” for each of your widgets!
~tweaked the animation time to allow for even longer app load times
+shorter animation if enabled in app-drawer mode
+WIDGET: New option: click sound for widget taps (set sound volume in the Widget preferences screen, drag left to disable sound)
+Workaround for Moto 360 Android Wear bug, when screen goes blank in the dark if autobrightness is enabled in battery saving mode (<15%)
+new: voice search bubble → tap it to go to voice search directly
+the watchface interactions are more streamlined thanks to the official interactive watch-face API:
+tap the bubbles to open apps even when the clock bubble is black
+tap the black clock bubble again or swipe left to right to turn the clock bubble white again (this is when you can access the archive)
+double tap the clock bubble for instant voice search
~swipe up / down or left-to-right on the favorites cloud to turn bubble black: swipe again for the regular watch face functions
(hopefully this makes it a little more intuitive to access the regular watch face features)
~app-drawer is turned on by default on watch
~changed the intro screen to show phone for widgets: people thought they were choosing between square and round watch
+strip text from shared links to bookmark homescreen widget (CM browser compatibility)
*bubble sizes were lost when merging into an empty cloud
*crash after multi selection in Layout Designer
+contact cloud trial enabled on watch (upgrade reminders are shown occasionally after the first 24 hours of use)
~updated feedback page appears after 3 days of use (instead of 10)
*crash when switching back to “No icon pack”
*eliminated freeze up when icon pack was selected (background processing – hourglass icon while processing)
*fixed icon masking scale for some icon packs
+icon packs!
~app list grid performance boost (background processing)
+circle crop all oversized bubble images
+transparency pattern in bubble edit dialog
+improved widget specific transparency and border width control
~you can scroll the watchface by the watch bubble too: it doesn’t turn black, unless you deliberately tap on it
~digital clock bubble background color is used as outline color on inactive (black) clock
+”before you purchase” notes displayed for selected primary use only (and not displayed at all if they connected to watch successfully)
+remind user to wait 5-10 minutes for android wear component to get installed
-layout designer beta notification
+Spanish update
+Hungarian update
*refresh wifi / ringmode state when battery level is refreshed
~”black/white” clock bubble hint stops showing after 3 days
*hollow date bubble made transparent again (instead of background colored)
~What’s new will appear again and again unless OK is pressed
+Video link in the what’s new box
+Long press Cloud Editor button to reset Wear Cloud Editor to defaults
*FC while working in Layout Designer
+detect data corruption and prompt to reset Cloud Editor
*FC in share www link to Bubble Cloud
+date bubble customization
~new phone battery icons: different whether find-my-phone is enabled or not
*fixed an FC when wrong layout string is pasted into the layout designer
*app will not create temporary files on the SD card when cropping images
*clock bubble settings sometimes did not stick
*FC when trying to move/resize a bubble when the swap tool was active
*FC when selecting one of the stock symbols for bubble image
*avoided seemingly random scrolling in Cloud Editor
+added option to disable find-my-phone feature of the phone battery bubble (turn on pink phone icon to make it ring)
*Layout designer automatic cloud layout refresh improved (no need to toggle)
*warning if you try to add Tasker bubbles without first enabling 3rd party integration
*improved the overdraw mode to use less battery in the wear component
~wifi hotspot toggle state is updated in app label
*custom clock face image is re-sent to watch after reset (need to click on clock bubble in the editor, and press save)
+option to disable vibration in Layout designer
*fix app crash when always hollow or no bubbles are selected and you have one of the battery bubbles in the favorites
+tap multi-select tool in Layout designer to select all/none
*improved “push” algorithm in Layout Designer
*tool tips menu item checked state didn’t change (though it was toggling the behaviour internally)
+MAJOR NEW FEATURE: custom favorites cloud layouts with graphical editor in the cloud editor (drawing compass icon on top)
*enable scrolling in custom clock bubble dialog in landscape mode
+updated Hungarian translation
~reduced space between digital clock hours and minutes (more similar to how they were before the update)
*prevented some user-reported app crashes. Thank you for the crash reports!
*fixed bubble cloud generation on wearable, avoided race situation causing stutter and blank screen
+what’s new pop up first time after update
+”app tips and discussion” menu item and sidebar item → google+ page
-removed live-info toggle from on-watch settings screen if app is used in watch-face mode
+circle crop custom image when set for bubble
+border width control in bubble edit dialog → circular icons can now fill the whole bubble!
+new option: “Edit after add” in widget configuration menu
*fixed: custom bubble images work in bookmark and contact clouds too
~size limit for clock bubble on watch increased to +19
+clock bubble customization dialog: change analog graphic elements and digital colors and font sizes (with restore)
+overdraw option: slightly higher battery hit, but overcomes misalligned active / ambient watch-face clouds
~contact is not auto-populated from call log if it already appears in another non-orphaned cloud
*cured blank clouds on watch
*attempt to cure blank widgets after reboot
+Complete Dutch translation (thank you: +Martin Duits)
*Attempted to fix the blank screen bug on the watch: swipe sideways for the Archive cloud, and long tap any bubble to fix the issue
+Wear contact card in Bubble Cloud Settings – buttons changed: “Select contacts” → “Wear contacts” brings up dialog (same as pressing the yellow bubble)
+Reminder added to “Disable Wear Mini Launcher” if it is installed on phone for optimal smartwatch performance (in Bubble Cloud Settings / App Launcher card)
+Detailed instructions shown how to reboot phone AND wear at the same time if Cloud Editor doesn’t connect 3 times
~a few cosmetic changes in the Spanish translation
~shorten welcome text on watch (it’s not young any more)
+”App drawer:” label on top of settings screen on watch
~instructional message on watch appears the first time the bubble is tapped (black=regular watch face functions)
~workaround for the Android Wear bug which prevented certain communication between phone and watch in some cases
*Complete revision of the Spanish translation of the app Heroic work by +Benjamin Torres
~Marked cards in Settings either (=widgets) or (=watch)
+Wear related cards now also appear in the left-drawer for quick access
+Attempt to make it compatible with Iconbit Callisto 300 (aka Omate TrueSmart)
+App bubbles in the widget may be transparent
+More youtube tutorials linked
+Language update: French, Polish, Spanish
+WEAR: option: background color changes with minute of the hour
~WEAR: no lock bubble by default
*WEAR: repaired archive bubble cloud width on the watch (it was sized to hold the hidden bubbles too)
*WIDGET: when moving bubbles from one cloud to the other, it’s size will be set to the mid-range of the target cloud
*WIDGET: https: links showed up as contacts
+WIDGET: link to the “add bubble” screen from the “edit bubble” dialog (+)
+WIDGET: menu in the “edit app bubble” dialog → uninstall, app info, play store page
*WIDGET: fixed a graphic glitch when editing bubbles
+WEAR: Tasker bubbles in Wear Launcher
+WIDGET: you can edit the cloud! Change bubble image, color, size, and even edit the web address. Move the bubble to other clouds, or delete it.
*WEAR: freeze archive didn’t work
*WIDGET: old merge into CF fixed (there was a typo)
~WEAR: Cloud Editor: TAP cloud symbol=fav→archive→hide→fav LONG-TAP=fav→hide→archive→fav
~WEAR: “Animation not optimal” message is shown for shorter and shorter time, and disappears after 5 reminders
~WEAR: numbers on full screen clock dial
~WEAR: tray resets to favorites after app launch from the archive side
*WEAR: fixed an ugly lock-up situation (pun!) if you left the watch-face lock engaged before switching to a different watch face (only 20sec button press helped…)
*WEAR: fine tuned the watch-face lock behaviour
*WIDGET: fixed an FC when you pressed youtube button in the floating Launcher Tweak window
2.60 (next beta – soon)
*weather update stability improved
~turn watch screen on, and keep it on continuously while you are in the Cloud Editor on the phone
*settings icon resolution increased
~Wear App Launcher card in settings got a face lift: easier to understand appearance / ambient mode options
+burn in prevention is now explicitly toggleable (careful: off by default! – not needed on Moto360 & SonySW3 = more than 50% of all watches)
~wear clouds are automatically frozen if size of the bubbles are adjusted in the cloud editor
+always hollow option for watch
+option for opaque (solid) peek cards (just as with the card size, you need to re-select the watch face for the option the take effect)
~changed lock behaviour: long press to toggle auto mode (color: yellow). Removed options for scroll lock and manual / auto mode (they were unnecessarily complicated)
+Oliver Lüscher updated the German translation
*improved hollow / no bubbles appearance
*fixed some issues with ambient screen (it’s not a trivial problem: I will keep improving it)
*split “Wear App Launcher” into two cards (“Watchface launcher” now separate) → rearranged some of the options
+new video to show how to use the Cloud Editor
2.59 (currentbeta)
+lock bubble (temporarily disable screen touches in watch face mode)
*weather stability improvements
*Fixed crash when trying to change color before icons are loaded
+2 more tips added to the Cloud Editor help legend
*performance enhancements in the wear bubble cloud
<SIZE=”5″>Most recent production version:
*weather fetching made more robust (weather fetched immediately after internet connection is restored)
*phone battery level and weather updates synced for battery efficiency
*eliminated unnecessary weather checks (tomorrow’s weather is not downloaded if bubble is not enabled and vice versa)
*alarm opened the timer if timer was used previously on the watch. fixed
*Live info selection fixed
*resolved the issue when multiple wear cloud updates interfered with each other (partial clouds)
*Hollow updates (bug was: only clock showing)
*Full screen clock display glitch introduced in v2.57
*Full screen clock seconds hand glitch when it first appeared
*Changed the color of the welcome screen (my favorite color is green, but the previous color was UGLY
2.57 (was beta)
+weather bubbles (click to see how they work)
*communication between phone and watch has been greatly streamlined
*on-watch settings buttons were broken (archive, swap, reset) → they couldn’t complete the bulk actions
~animation is set independently for watchface mode (default=on) and app-drawer mode (default=off)
(the app is being down-rated by non-english speakers because they don’t understand that animation would require watch face makers to include the one-line code I explained here)
*some bubbles were turned on/off when switching between watch-face and app drawer modes
+added watchface option: adjust increased vibration intensity when new cards appear
+added option for wifi bubble to include hotspot in the toggle or not
~improved welcome screen (intro video links added)
+added Polish translation
~updated French translation
~partially updated German translation
+option to disable long press to move bubbles between archive and favorites
+option for larger peek-cards (need to re-select watch face for change to take effect)
+last saved cloud arrangement is restored if watch was reset, or app installed again
*better synchronization of all settings between watch and phone
2.51 (beta)
~cloud editor legend got yellow background to separate from the UI + mention of the filter toggles
~changed the default for filter toggles: now it shows all apps
~changed the initial ForceScreenOff timeout to 12 sec (then 20 → 33 → 55 → 92) countdown starts at 7 not 9
+Hungarian translation for all new (Please update your language at http://trans-bcw.dataglobe.eu/)
2.50 Big update
+Wear Bubble Cloud Editor on your phone: change bubble sizes, colors or which cloud they belong to. You can even hide apps.
→You can set colors for apps with several of the icons (such as Wear messenger)
+New “Force screen off” mode → save your watch from accidental battery drain by forcing “smart-ass” apps, who use “keep screen on” indefinitely (can be used together with sticky open)
~Assign live-info bubbles to any app (right now only the battery and date bubbles are available, but weather, world clock and many more are in the plans)
*Made the license propagation to watch more robust, hopefully no more missed upgrade statuses (sorry about those)
+Size variance control on for the watch, reduce the big difference between small and large bubbles – easier to tap the smaller ones
+New: options to freeze bubble sizes in the archive and favorites separately
~Widget behaviour: set launcher compatibility mode on a per-widget basis
+Widget compatibility with apps and launcher which don’t report size at all → compatibility with floating widget apps!
*various other improvements and fixes
2.22 (current beta)
~Increased contact buble resolution in the widget
~Wear Launcher: Only the upper half of the screen is sensitive to the swipe-in or double tap gestures to engage the app-drawer. Details: here
*Wifi toggle improved (state change reflected immediately)
*Minor changes in the French translation
2.18 (beta)
+Complete French translation (100%!!!) big thanks to +Alain Danteny
~IMPORTANT: there is a slight change in the way the key app works. If you upgraded using the key app, please make sure to update it too: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dyna.logix.bookmarkbubbles.key&hl=en (Your in-app-purchase upgrade continue to work without any further actions)
2.17 (beta)
*fixed “peeking in app tray” (blue on right) bug introduced in 2.16
2.16 (beta)
+vibrate when new app installed / removed
+faster animation (grows larger)
*background colors work in app drawer mode too
*hide peek card during zoom-in animation
2.15 (beta)
+Icons only option for Wear Launcher (no bubbles ~ kind of “stock Android look”)
~further improvement of the bubble forming algorithm for round screens
*cloud forming algorithm lost some bubbles with certain widget shapes: fixed
~version 2.10 improved on bubble cropping, but introduced a lot of unused space into clouds. v2.13 attempts to fix this
*Improved the Spanish translation (using Google Translate + some common sense → native speakers are desperately invited to help correct)
+Italian (45%)
~larger icons in bubbles
*find-my-phone bubble doesn’t stay yellow
*No more crippled archive cloud when adding many bubbles
~Much improved used of space in the archive cloud on round watch displays + less cropping of bubbles
+More frequently used bubbles in the Archive are placed on the side closer to the favorites
*Crash fixes
+Hour glass bubble → one tap access to full screen clock
+Start time / minute markers on full screen clock
*Updated languages: German, Hebrew, Spanish
2.08 (beta)
+Non-dimming full screen clock with seconds hand
→see Bubble Cloud Launcher feature summary graphics
+Hebrew language added (50%)
+Spanish translation extended
*phone battery was very slow to update when phone was unplugged from charger
2.07 (beta)
+app launch animation will work with compatible watch faces (if a watch face is not compatible, the starting animation will always last 4sec, no matter how quickly the app opens in the background) →see details below
*watch face cloud was not immediately updated when apps were installed/uninstalled
*the sticky option change was not registered → you couldn’t turn off sticky open
~only freeze favorites on watch (main freeze option on phone freezes archive cloud too on the watch)
*Find-my-phone/phone-battery bubble couldn’t be turned on
*Update reminder screen was covered by watch face
*Contact email/sms text disappeared before you could send it
*Youtube links in settings cards are updated to point to the new video!
*Various small/bigger fixes (incl. a user reported crash)
2.05 (beta)
+WEAR: Different background colors for archive/favorites
+Flash light bubble (with extendable auto off function)
+Wifi bubble will cycle thru ON→OFF→HotSpot→ON
+Find-my-phone bubble now shows phone’s battery
2.04 (beta)
+Watch face launcher settings on phone (one way only, settings on watch override phone)
+Set background color for your watch face clouds (hollow bubble cloud will always be black)
~I fine-tuned long press (complaints of accidental archivations)
~Yellow Bubble-Cloud bubble (app settings) and Contact bubble will shrink and grow as any other app bubbles
+all bubbles are animated except for the toggle-bubbles
+option to freeze bubble sizes in watch settings
2.03 (beta)
*fixed the misaligned clock bubble in ambient mode
+reduced touch sensitivity in watchface mode to prevent accidental app launches on Sony SW3 and other watches with extra sensitive displays
(option enabled by default in settings, you might want to disable it on Moto360)
+if hollow bubbles are enabled, the bubbles are rearranged periodically to minimize burn in
+minimal ambient mode → clock bubble only → extreme battery savings on OLED displays
~lighter color minute hand in the hollow clock bubble
~optimized battery-level updating (may be off by 1-2% sometimes, but reduces the impact on battery to almost 0)
~made the peek card partially transparent, so the bubbles show through beneath it
2.02 (beta)
+App launch animation!!! (can be turned off in on-watch settings)
*Archive cloud fix, in case of large number of archived bubbles
*Fix? Digital clock bubble hours
+”Tap clock bubble” message when Watch Face Launcher is activated
*Contact bubble more visible in hollow mode
~More optimization to reduce unneeded redraws → battery↓
+freeze clock when launcher is in background (other apps are running) → battery↓
2.01 (beta)
*Ambient mode crash fixed (when watchface was selected with the ambient mode enabled on)
~Optimized wear layouts
~”Darker ambient” → “Hollow ambient”
+Hollow ambient can be toggled from handheld settings card too
+Android Wear component version shown at bottom of on-watch-settings
*German translation updated – on watch too! (Big thank you to Oliver Lüscher, check out his web designs at iTROY.CH Design & Computer)
+Setting cards change order depending on how you get to them (wear app / widget configuration / from launcher)
+New: Spanish translation (30% complete) added Credit: Oscar
2.00 (beta)
+Watch face launcher!!! → more info and video
*mixed content app/contact bubble click did not refresh bookmark widget (bubbles appeared not to grow)
+Alternative way to unlock Premium features with separate (paid) Bubble Cloud Premium Key app (in-app-purchase is still the prefered upgrade method, app forwards users to key app’s Play Store page if IAP fails)
+Welcome screen for new users: choose between Widget vs. Wear prioritized settings ui (choice only affects which settings appear on top) → more info about this change
~Cleaner settings screen with multiple Android Wear settings-cards
~Tweaked the App Cloud on the watch: bubbles grow slower now, only change size after 2-3 uses. Let me know if you think this is better, or I should make it an option (besides “freeze” bubbles)
1.49 (beta)
+Mixed bubble clouds widgets!!! (HOW: you can now pick a receiving cloud after you remove a widget → and it can be of any kind!)
+WEAR: New toggle bubble on the watch: WIFI (needs some extra app-permissions)
~WEAR+Widget: Lots of tweaks on the bubble forming algorithm, which produces nicer shaped clouds with less floating point operations (quicker, battery friendlier)
+Improved ways to dismiss Find-My-Phone signals: touch the screen anywhere or simply pick up the phone!
*Attempt to fix Ring-mode bug on Lollipop (Please ★ this issue tracker: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=78652)
~App search filter checks against package name too (good for searches of apps by one company)
+translation page link
*LG G3 stock launcher fix
*bubble cut-off improvements on round watches
*performance and battery use improvements: unnecessary phone-watch communication optimized
+new toggle-bubbles in Wear Bubble Cloud: set ring-mode, find-my-phone, and in the next version: wifi
*corrections in German translation (credits: Oliver Luescher)
1.46 (current beta)
+turn off app tray when call comes in
+Filter list of apps (in Add App Bubbles dialog) and
+Option to sort apps by date (newest apps on top)
+German translation!!! Please join our beta-channel to test / help improve the German translation: http://trans-bcw.dataglobe.eu/ (Speak French? Spanish? Italian? All languages are welcome!)
*German corrections by +Oliver Lüscher
+Language selection inside the app (independent from handheld default language → keep English if you want)
+disable WEAR launcher when phone rings (per user request!)
+auto-hide WEAR bubble cloud after 10sec (per user request!) Note: Only if you disable the LiveInfo Clock bubble ~ when you have a Clock bubble, I assume you want to use BCL as a quazi watch face…
~”open bubble cloud” on watch shows the app tray instead of settings
*misaligned contact bubble circles fixed on LG G Watch R
+usability: turn off app tray when accepting sms/email text on watch
1.43 (public release)
*version 1.39 broke app cloud auto-population, now it’s fixed (sorry for the inconvenience)
1.42 (beta)
+option to hide pencil in widgets!!! (Settings / General card / “Hide pencil” → access cloud configuration by double tapping the background of the cloud)
*WEAR launcher app-tray made much more resilient: should survive low memory situations
1.41 (beta)
+WEAR clock bubble and sticky clock follows 12/24hr system setting
1.40 (beta)
*fixed a reported crash
+contact clouds are auto-populated immediately following phone calls (both on handheld and watch)
1.39 (public release)
→confirmed to be fully compatible with Android Wear OS version 5.0.1 on the Moto360 (waiting for confirmation for other wear devices)
+added command “re-measure widget” in the Cloud Configuration dialogs (where you set the background color etc)
+toast hints for cloud configuration: add / delete bubbles / configure cloud
~check mark instead of save icon in cloud
+Contact bubble cloud widget: one-tap text contact (→new bubble action=SMS)
*Fix for a rare crash in the Cloud Configuration screen, when the “Add all” (+++) button was pressed too early (by user submitted crash report – thank you!)
+ Contact Bubbles: set default action for each contact: long tap on action to set it as default (see description)
~24 hours trial without any upgrade reminders on wear launcher
~updated the button colors in the Wear Settings screen (where you adjust which side the tray is at) to make them more visible over the lighter Lollipop color theme
*app tray is hidden when you switch to Settings screen, even if it was already on screen
*exit contact bubble cloud when call is made: easier access to the Hang up card
Note: I haven’t yet had the chance to test it with Android Wear OS version 5.0.1, as I haven’t yet received the update. I’ve been holding out with the update, but now I decided to handle the 5.0.1 related issues in a separate point version
+New dynamic groups for contact bubbles: recent incoming/outgoing/missed calls → powerful new contact clouds in widget and on watch See how it works
+auto-populate Wear contact bubbles
*measure mode is not overridden by automatic scaling (better launcher compatibility for Themer etc)
*WEAR: service sticky (less likely to disappear in strained / low memory situations → i.e. Facer users)
*WEAR: thinner border
*if launcher compatibility is un-checked in the measure floating window: all widgets are updated
*main app wouldn’t seem to open in certain situations
*FC eliminated in dialer screen on watch
*compiled with new API
* Android Wear startup crash fix – big thanks to Jarrett Pastor for the bug report! → it crashed at start for those having the app “Yo” installed
+ the date bubble (when enabled) will replace your Wear Calendar (or other calendar) app → press the date bubble to start Wear Calendar
sorry for the frequent updates, I wanted to get this to users asap
1.36 (more smaller bugfixes)
*single bubbles appeared very small on watch
*when changing watch background color the default changed too
1.35 (no major new features, service release)
*Increased app bubble resolution: they looked very pixelated on lower end devices, now the app bubbles will look sharper across the board. Please redraw clouds this way:
*WEAR: the archive bubble cloud was supposed to expand sideways, but I just found the bug preventing this to happen. No matter how many bubbles you put in the archive, they will now stay big enough to tap them. If more than 15 bubbles are moved in the archive it will start to extend sideways (you can scroll it horizontally)
*fixed the clouds so bubbles are not cut off in the corners of the round screen watches. Okay, technically circles don’t have any corners, but I hope you get it.
~I changed the default arrangement of bubbles the first time the app is started on the watch: only a maximum of 15 bubbles will appear in the favorites cloud, the rest will appear in the archive by default.
You can easily move them between the clouds by long tapping.
+App will query user experience once after 12 days of use for premium users
+Hungarian translation (this is my mother tongue, and as such a good pilot localization project, using the experiences learned I am eventually planning to ask the community to help translate the app to any and all languages)
+Sticky open apps on Android Wear (description here)
~reduced clutter in “Add bubble” activities (both apps and contacts) by splitting them into two screens: A) properties B) actual icon grid (with floating action button animation!)
+new option: freeze bubbles = when checked, bubbles stop growing on use
+added local bubble action: configure each contact cloud separately = you can have one cloud for email contacts → tap to compose, another for call contacts → tap to dial or call directly
+”delete dwarfs” and the new “freeze sizes” appear in the general settings to configure the default settings
~further rearranged cards in Settings for convenience
+tap app icon in Settings to open action drawer
*image refresh used to overwrite custom bubble colors → fixed: will prompt if you want new colors only immediately after the background color is modified
~move Premium card to the bottom of the stack after upgrading to premium
~1 pixel wider default border width for contact bubbles (looks nicer on watch)
~show yellow contact bubble icon in watch even though contact cloud is empty → help first time users
~users are encouraged to tap on the yellow contact bubble in the handheld settings too
*drawer was not hidden when yellow contact bubble tapped if dial screen was open: fixed
+Choose the default tap action for the Contact Bubble Cloud widget (dial, call, email or show contact info)
+WEAR: Digital clock bubble on watch
+WEAR: Contact Bubble Cloud: call, text or send Gmail to pre-selected 15 contacts directly
+WEAR: live-info bubbles configuration from the settings on the handheld
*Smoother operation and reduced battery use on the watch
+Tap wear screenshots to go to the corresponding screens
~Better use of space by bubble clouds
+WEAR: battery level + date bubbles
*No icons were shown immediately after downloading play store categories
+offer launcher compatibility mode after first widget placed
+navigation drawer in landscape too
*better JellyBean compatibility (measure corner bubbles were not transparent)
*crash fixes and improvements (based on your crash reports)
~Widget size cache: less measuring in Launcher Compatibility mode
*Crash fixes
+Easy launcher compatibility mode → see http://youtu.be/cVg1tcO1-Y0?t=4m40s
+WEAR: real time clock bubble → see time when bubbles show in ambient mode
*More devices supported
+Navigation drawer in settings
+Video tutorials
~Better bubble color matching
*Lollipop crash fixed
*much streamlined, optimized
+occasional upgrade reminder, still at introductory $1.49!
~Easier Launcher tweak break-out window (see results of your tweaks)
*WEAR <preview, will be premium when done!> faster, smoother
+help video in the making
+Open Wear Settings from phone
+Archive dwarfs on watch (first button in Watch settings → smallest bubbles moved to archive side)
~Improved launcher tweaks
~WEAR: improved edge swipe (or double tap!) detection + visual feedback
+Launcher compatibility settings (bottom card)
~better bubble auto colors
*auto populate on app update fixed
+WEAR: swipe in from left or right to start app (preliminary “drawer mode”)
+Wear preview, not very functional yet, please see video!
+New Contact bubbles +Hand pick or add them by contact groups
+New contacts added automatically (Auto populate)
~Lollipop theme
+Pick bubble colors
+Set background color
*Speed/memory optimizations and bug fixes